it is going to be a strange sentence but i'll say it anyway. in general generalization brings the wrong juggement. i think there are exceptions. the best example is fascism or could be racism. because regardless what belief, skin colour or nationality one might have, if he is fascist he is a done deal. in other words we won't find a racist who's a peacemaker or a facist who embraces diversity in life. i personaly don't expect to find this kind of qualities in that certain type of mind set. i consider "lack of love for humanity" as a dress that people could put on any belief system. a Muslim could wear dress of fascism just like an atheist could wear racism as a dress. it is like lences of a camera i suppose. you can put them on. religion, no religion, nationality, bloodline, skin colour ... etc these material would not make anyone criminal. everyone has given these materials but only some come out with loveless out come. does not matter what belief they choice, where they were born .. if we could change all of his data to another location to born, another belief to follow .. etc the out come and its nature would be the same. fascist would be fascist anywhere
IMO, of course