Ever since Man started to leave evidence of his existence other than his bones he has left artefacts that can be inteptetated as religious.
From ancient carvings to wall paintings.
There is no denying that humans are quite distinct from any other species when it comes to expressing spirituality. It is my belief that humans created religion in an attempt to make gods in their own image. To try to understand who they are and where they fit into the bigger picture. We are curious and eager to learn new things and we have a brain with a capacity that evolution alone cannot explain. So much of our human nature embraces things that have no survival advantage at all. And I find it highly unlikely that our perceptions could be so vastly superior to any other creature by accident. Like it or not, we are unique....in so many ways. Our spirituality is just one expression. Our capacity for creativity is another.
Many of these “gods” that are worshipped in the world couldn’t care less about us humans....they are sometimes immoral, violent and petty, and yet there are other gods that people worship and make images of that are somewhat benevolent and do care.
So “belief” is a powerful thing in us humans who uniquely possess a concept of past, present and future.....apparently, we alone have the faculty of imagination.....the ability to imagine an outcome to our planned actions. We do not employ instinct like the rest of the creatures we share this planet with. We are designed to learn...explore and accumulate knowledge. We then pass this knowledge onto others. There is so much more to us than eating, sleeping and reproduction.
Later as we became better at creating artefacts, monuments and buildings the evidence is overwhelming. Men were creating religions and gods.
We “assume” a lot of things when we accept the “evidence” that is presented by scientists. (archeologists, palaeontologists, geologists, biologists etc) They all have pre-conceived ideas about what “must have” happened in the dim dark past, before there was written communication. “Interpretation” governs what direction these findings will go. Imagination fills in the blanks.
“Belief” is a strange thing in us humans.....apparently we can “believe” things with no real evidence on the “say-so” of someone we trust. If we understand that evolution is a theory that has no real proof that it ever happened, but we “believe” that it “must have” because the scientists say so.....what actual evidence are we basing our “beliefs” on? It is a confronting thought that science can only “assume” what it cannot prove. It can “suggest” many things, but suggestions are not facts. Science “believes” that evolution is a fact....but is it?
The “mountains of evidence” for macro-evolution, amount to a “molehill” of assumptions when you examine the evidence carefully. We are easily convinced of something we want to believe.
Is evolution then just another “religion” that, rather can including a Creator God.....simply eliminates a need for him? Do not the noted men of science then take on a “god-like” status themselves in the minds of others? Do their writings not then become some kind of “scripture” for those eager to put God to death?
Is our human need to worship still in evidence even there?
So are modern religions more creations of Man. Or did gods wait 200,000 years to reveal itself to Man?
What if God is teaching us to develop perceptive skills in our thirst for knowledge, but is standing back to see who can perceive his genius in creation itself and give credit where credit is due?
Why do some of us stand in awe of “nature”, but cannot acknowledge the clear evidence for design in its amazing mechanisms? Is design ever a by-product of blind chance?
Design denotes purpose, and purpose requires intelligence and forethought. Nature screams “design”.
Perhaps God is waiting to see who will qualify to live on his Earth with appreciation for his handiwork.....and who will receive an eviction notice for ignoring what is hidden in plain sight from those who don’t want God in their lives? If people do not want him, then why should he want them? It’s a fair question IMO.