Ever since Man started to leave evidence of his existence other than his bones he has left artefacts that can be inteptetated as religious.
From ancient carvings to wall paintings.
Later as we became better at creating artefacts, monuments and buildings the evidence is overwhelming. Men were creating religions and gods.
So are modern religions more creations of Man. Or did gods wait 200,000 years to reveal itself to Man?
WE are all Spiritual beings in our true natures. Since many realize this, many search for a Higher Spiritual Being whose evidence surrounds us all by what exists. Religion is mankind's attempt to understand God.
Everybody wants to rule the world. I see this as mankind's greatest problem. So much of religion does not add up simply because people wandered from the path towards truth in favor of ruling and controlling the actions of others.
Did God wait 200,000 years to reveal itself to man? You simply do not understand. You like so many have no clue about God.
Let's take a few steps back and see an action of God. Knowledge is not given. One must struggle to acquire knowledge. Wisdom is acquired along the journey to Discover knowledge.
With this in mind, Is God going to reveal itself or anything else? Of course not! God does not hand out knowledge. God places knowledge all around. It waits for us to Discover it. This includes all knowledge, even knowledge about God. God hides nothing. All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face. Can you see?
How long did mankind watch birds fly before mankind figured out how? The knowledge has always existed around us. What else are we all blind to?
People often define God from what they value and who they see. Many see God as a might ruler, controlling with might, wrath,judging,condemning, and punishing.
How blind can people be? How long did mankind watch lightning in the sky before electricity opened our eyes? The narrow view prevents the Discovery of so very much.
People think this world is about God. This world has never been about God, believing, accepting, following, ruling or controlling.
God is Unconditional Love. This world exists solely for all of us, God's children. The time-based causal nature of the universe is Perfect for learning. That is the only reason it exists.
I wouldn't count on God giving all the answers, having favorites, or catering to believers, worshipers, and followers. God will place truth and knowledge all around. Wisdom is in the palm of our hands. It waits to be Discovered.
That's what I see. It's very clear!!