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Are the Bible and Quran for Beginners?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Do you think the Bible and Quran are spiritual guides for spiritual beginners? Should folks with a more advanced spirituality move on to something else? Are those two scriptures kind of the spiritual equivalent of training wheels on a bicycle? Why or why not?


I think that, if billions of people can find something in those books that resonates with them and gives meaning to their lives, there isn't any further literature needed.

I myself was dissatisfied and moved on towards philosophy, but that's just me. The old adage applies: "Don't fix what ain't broke."


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Maybe, or it could be that all other religious texts are the beginning courses and the Bible and Qur'an are the advanced lessons.

It's all about perspective.

What do I think? That there is no ancient "beginner's" book on spirituality. The Bible, Qur'an, Dhammapada, Tao Te Ching, etc. all start off on the advanced course, as far as I'm concerned, with no beginner's course.

There is, however, much modern literature that served as my own introduction to the concept of spirituality that had nothing directly to do with any ancient religious texts.

Or, heck, some of them aren't even books...

ille iterum veniet... (fellow nerds should know the significance of these words. ;))


Active Member
Do you think the Bible and Quran are spiritual guides for spiritual beginners? Should folks with a more advanced spirituality move on to something else? Are those two scriptures kind of the spiritual equivalent of training wheels on a bicycle? Why or why not?
What is a "spiritual beginner" and what is "more advanced spirituality" ?
I think that people that look for "spiritual" things will find them in any book that says what they want to hear.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Do you think the Bible and Quran are spiritual guides for spiritual beginners?

The more i read and study the Bible, the more questions arise. Personally, I find the Bible with all it's different usage of writing styles and symbolic application to be quite challenging. i can think of no one,(other than Jesus), who fully grasped all of it's nuances after many years of dedicated study let alone the one who has read it the first time.

Should folks with a more advanced spirituality move on to something else?

I have no problem searching for truth in other ways. I use the Bible as a filter when reading other religious texts or philosophies.

Are those two scriptures kind of the spiritual equivalent of training wheels on a bicycle? Why or why not?
What two Scriptures are you referencing...I might have missed something. :confused:


Oldest Heretic
No I don't think beginners always read the right message in either Book
With out some form of interpretation and guidance of the complete ethos, both Books are confusing and easily misinterpreted.

As we have too often seen, selective interpretations of both books can be used as justification for murder, suppression and terrorism.

There is a danger in reading either with out supervision and instruction.

From a Christian point of view, a beginner would have a better idea of the Christian ethos and message, If they were were to restrict themselves to the teachings of Jesus


No. absolutely not. Quran is the last book from the God. First thing is to read the quran..and understand it..which is the easy part..and the 2nd thing is to apply it...and trust me not many people are able to do it..May TRUE GOD GUIDE US TO THE RIGHT PATH.


Well-Known Member
No I don't think beginners always read the right message in either Book
With out some form of interpretation and guidance of the complete ethos, both Books are confusing and easily misinterpreted.

As we have too often seen, selective interpretations of both books can be used as justification for murder, suppression and terrorism.

There is a danger in reading either with out supervision and instruction.

From a Christian point of view, a beginner would have a better idea of the Christian ethos and message, If they were were to restrict themselves to the teachings of Jesus

Most selective interpretations that find justificiation for muder, suppression and terrorism where done under guidence. I do not think that the Bible or Quran are written for any other reason than to relay guidence; rather if you are a beginner or a pro. I also believe they are not the only texts that can grant guidence; it all depends on the person and what they are truly looking for.


Most selective interpretations that find justificiation for muder, suppression and terrorism where done under guidence. I do not think that the Bible or Quran are written for any other reason than to relay guidence; rather if you are a beginner or a pro. I also believe they are not the only texts that can grant guidence; it all depends on the person and what they are truly looking for.
i agree with the part that quran was was written to relay on guidance...but if u read the quran.,,u will see that it is the only book u need to get guidance from....and even the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says....in his last address before his death...the religion is complete today....quran is the answer to every question...


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
i agree with the part that quran was was written to relay on guidance...but if u read the quran.,,u will see that it is the only book u need to get guidance from....and even the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says....in his last address before his death...the religion is complete today....quran is the answer to every question...

I've read the first five surahs of the Qur'an, and while I do find it beautiful, it's not convincing me at all to convert.


Let's go racing boys !
Do you think the Bible and Quran are spiritual guides for spiritual beginners? Should folks with a more advanced spirituality move on to something else? Are those two scriptures kind of the spiritual equivalent of training wheels on a bicycle? Why or why not?
Yes Phil, I believe that these both are spiritual guides for spiritual beginners depending on which way you believe.
The Bible itself instructs us to on and become advanced in our knowledge when it tells us to get off the milk and move to the meat. Just as a baby eventually moves on from just milk to being able to chew meat. Also our understanding and being able to digest what we consume plays a large part in our spiritual growth.
Eventually all spiritual people should be able to take their training wheels off, but unfortunately some people never seem to be able to do this because their spiritual growth appears to have reached a stand still.....
I don't think we ever reach a place where we will know all the mysteries that are before us................


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Quran look simple and for beginners for those with simple reasoning, and it's an ocean of wisdom and philosophy for those who can understand more and go deeper and deeper. :)


Active Member
The Quran look simple and for beginners for those with simple reasoning, and it's an ocean of wisdom and philosophy for those who can understand more and go deeper and deeper. :)

Very true. Also its rich with science.

We Muslims believe the Qur'an is the living miracle. What is interesting about Qur'an is that it is considered one of the smallest holy books word-wise but it covers most topics that concerns humanity even in our modern times.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Do you think the Bible and Quran are spiritual guides for spiritual beginners? Should folks with a more advanced spirituality move on to something else? Are those two scriptures kind of the spiritual equivalent of training wheels on a bicycle? Why or why not?
Part of the Bible are definately for beginners. Jesus loves you type things. I think some parts should be parcelled out very parsimoniously, like Revelation.

As far as the Bible being to basic for the more advanced, why are brilliant people still delving into it's mysteries?


Agnostic Pantheist
Do you think the Bible and Quran are spiritual guides for spiritual beginners? Should folks with a more advanced spirituality move on to something else? Are those two scriptures kind of the spiritual equivalent of training wheels on a bicycle? Why or why not?

I will address the Hebrew bible (OT).
There is a large movement of studying the bible as a human work and not as an absolute 'spiritual guide'. I am rather surprised by the OP, im surprised that an 'advanced spiritual' person will have nothing to enjoy in the bible. the bible has earned its place in human society through the centuries, it has inspired our best artists and musicians through the centuries, Salvador Dali, Michael Angelo, Leonard Cohen, I could be wrong, but I believe that these people were/are sensitive and intelligent, or 'spiritually advanced' if you will.
the bible has brilliant texts such as Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Psalms. it is in fact much more than a 'spiritual guide', it is a window into a cultural treasure wich has inspired not only highly tasteful individuals but whole nations and Empires.
as a secular man, I believe we only shoot ourselves in the foot, if we think we need to 'move on' from knowing the work that has inspired western (and eastern) civilizations for centuries. the true beauty of the bible is revealed when we do not look at it as 'the word of God', but as a brilliant, emotional, and educating work of human beings, who lived in what may have been a difficult reality, but also of the most fascinating periods in history. when outstanding empires competed over dominating the old world of the day (the ANE).