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That isn't the point at all? scholarship has demonstrated that one of Mark's sources for material was Paul's letters. This isn't a hard concept to grasp.Thank you for all the trouble that you have taken with this question.
Before I review your verses, can you now see that nowhere did Paul have any clues about Jesus to offer.... can you see that?
I don't think that Paul was that much interested in the real campaign that Jesus continued after the Baptist's arrest, and so I can see that the gospel, probably mostly the account of Cephas... is in no way contaminated with any of Paul's ideas, because he didn't have any to beging with.
Anyway...... onwards:-
Right..... you can scrub 1:1, and even up to 1:3 incl, because we know already that phrases like 'the son of God' didn'tappear in earliest copies that we have... I think the first 4 verses are additions.
You think? The scholarship I've seen doesn't agree. In 15:39 they all record the centurion as saying, “Certainly this was God’s Son.”
Does Mark 1:1 Call Jesus 'God’s Son’? A Brief Text-Critical Note |
No, it actually continues to look like he sourced Paul?You see? If you start at 1:4 the whole tempo of the intro changes. You are looking at Pauline influence in clerical fiddlings, after the fact.
Yeah....... just remove ' the gospel of the kingdom of God' and carry on from there for a perfect fit and smooth flow...... all tghis kingdom of God stuff is Pauline, but not in sync with anything Cephas spoke of, imo.
It's still evidence that Mark was sourcing Paul. This objection is unintelligable?
What a stretch! Jesus calling Cephas and Andrew from the nets, versus the above? Nah!
Again, unintelligable? Carrier is pointing out that at the same point both Mark and Paul mention manual labor. More evidence Mark is using Paul as a guide? And they do both mention manual
There is nothing wooly about Cephas being married there, nothing at all. His Mum in Law was ill, for goodness sake. And decades later Cephas is still married....... So what?
Really? Is this that hard? Both mention marriage indirectly.
Let me check......yup, they both do.
Wow, it's almost like Mark was using Paul's writings as a guide for what to write next?
That is not correct. The most senior tax official for the lake could well have been Roman, but all the Toll collection and taxation officials were mosdt likely lower order Levites. Herod Antipas wanted his own to handle his province. Where is this stuff being dug up?
Wow, Mark is really using Paul in a serious way. The basic message is the same. Nitpicking about how it's not exactly literal is incredibly apologeticy. Although I see no reference to tax collectors of this time being "most likely Levites"? It's so obvious that Mark was like "hmmm, what's next....ah, a passage about hanging out with someone of lower status". You are really quibbling over nothing and haven't debunked any single example.
Of course Jesus was angry...... you should see what was going on within the Temple, its Priesthood and more. Fury would describe him well...... The term was ;probably a common idion back then..... hardness of heart. Not Paul's alone.
Oh my God? You are actually putting forth an argument that Mark isn't sourcing Paul because "of course Jesus should be angry"???
Do you even understand what you are arguing about? Mark is making up a fictional story. To guide him he is using Paul's letters to create imaginary events. The more I go over these the more it's so obvious. You can't debunk it at all either. Saying "of course he would be angry" isn't even an argument against that. Are you in the wrong debate?
Deeper truths my foot! Jesus's message needed to be clear as day and even then he wasn't gaining enough support. He may well have waxed in to strange stories if known spies rolled up, but all the parable and spin was within the early church....... Again, I reckon that early clerics played with this gospel. If you read through a few versions you can get a feeling for the 'run' of the account and the 'kingdom of God' bits and 'Son of God' even mentions of 'Christ' just begin to look dodgy.
Deep in the heart of the gospel, none of which Paul ever bothered to learn about (it seems) all is sound deposition.
It's just like a Statement that you could write after being tail-ended by a drunk driver has been doctored later on.
You "reckon" clerics changed this gospel? Uh huh. Meanwhile yeah, it looks like Mark used Paul as a source.
Mark doesn't imagine anything! THat is exactly what Jesus did, he sent pairs throughout Galilee in an attempt to build support, but sadly these guys just could attract crowds quite like Jesus could. Soon after this Jesus threw his whole hand in to an attempt to win crowds over at Jerusalem.
Cool, when you have some proof let me know. Until then, Jesus is a fictional character inside Marks story, so yes, Mark imagined. You say it like you were actually there. What you did is read Mark and imagine it was a real story. That doesn't make it real.
No he doesn't! Jesus clearly tells the pairs to travel light, take no money and to survive as best they can, if they get help, great.... of not, stuff 'em and move on. Paul's 'living in the gospels' is hkis own message to missionaries. Who tried to solder all this together? It's a sham.... honestly.
Must I go on? Must I?.
No he doesn't say stuff em and move on?
"And he said unto them, In what place soever ye enter into an house, there abide till ye depart from that place. "
So you are wrong and Carrier was correct, Jesus does say people will help them.
Yes Paul's "living in the gospels" is his message. Mark's passage is basically the same - go out and preach and the gospel will support you through the help of people.
Mark is clearly using Paul. You are actually making it clearer.
Whoa! Stop you there. And there it is, the gaping hole between the two accounts.
Jesus loved his drink!! There is no reference to drink in Cephas's account. Can you see how Paul has chucked 'drunkeness' in there? Look, Cephas's true original account was his own. We know that Mark's gospel got messed with, but certainly Paul did not influence the true Gospel.
You think it's evidence that because Mark didn't use "drunkenness" it shows he didn't source Paul? As if when one uses a source you cannot create your own version? Which he obviously did by adding all sorts of other myths. Point is they both go into a rant about sins. It's so obviously taken from Paul. It's a common fallacy to think something wasn't copied unless it uses literally every word. Somehow this fallacy only happens with religious apologetics. If I made a movie about a Luke Skyhopper and he had an android 3pco you wouldn't say "oh that isn't like Star Wars because there is no R2D2 character". You have not debunked any of these even a little.
It is a true account, a deposition about what happened, probnably as seen through two witnesses' eyes, I reckon.
I must go to get my Covid Jab now........ must finish here.
So far you've got nothing.......... honestly.
Probably, you reckon? Proof? None. Evidence? Yes, the evidence is Jesus would have taught in Aramaic in an area that had a 3% literacy rate. 40 years later Mark was written in a different language. 38 years is a lifetime then. Mark not only clearly sourced Paul but he sources several OT narratives line by line as well as other fiction. He uses expert level mythic literary devices like ring structure that never happen in real life and give almost 100% probability that he is writing fiction.
So there is no need for "probably". We already have more than enough evidence to conclude Mark is creating myth. You were not able to counter any of these examples nor offer any evidence except for "probably" and "I reckon".