Enai de a lukal
Well-Known Member
Hm. Well, I don't think what kind of person (or object, or animal, or whatever) I happen to be sexually attracted to is all that significant a factor in the potpourri of characteristics that make me up. And I don't see why pedophiles would feel differently.
Basically, it doesn't really matter who you're attracted to. What matters is how you behave. I'm not "disturbed" by any of my own criminal impulses (there are a few politicians and dictators I'd like to poison), since I know I'm not going to act on any of them. It's just not that big a deal.
Well, I think its an absolutely fair point that, whatever the cause, sexual attraction towards children is disconcerting, even as a mere urge or impulse rather than an act, in that it is an urge to do something that is extremely harmful. Its not just a "oh, to each their own" sort of thing. It is on par with homicidal ideation, or fantasizing about rape, in that sense. On the other hand, I think its also important to point out that the urge itself is not really something one can control- so as such, it deserves treatment, rather than demonization and condemnation. Not only from a moral standpoint (how are we morally condeming someone for something they can't control?), but from a practical standpoint as well- if the mere attraction to children is so strongly stigmatized that pedophiles are too intimidated to seek treatment, then it would seem they're more likely to harm children. Better to encourage them to seek treatment, by making it clear that what is wrong is acting on the urge to have sexual relations with children- not the urge itself.