Do you believe we born with a tendency to commit evil?
I suppose this is more a Christian position but I imagine there could be other takes on this theme too.
If you believe this does this mean any person born without guidance will grow up to be evil?
I believe it's impossible for any of us to commit an act of evil. But I do believe that we can make choices which are ideal good or non-ideal good. As for what I define good as, it's something which we all desire to do, if we're able to. Take for example someone saying that they live their lives "righteously" but look down on others who don't match up to their lifestyle, saying that it's shameful or something. People like that are negating the value of what they believe is good because they do good because they think it's the best choice for them to make, because good is good for good, it's something which is positive for those who do good... so why would anyone not want to do what is good? Because if there exists an opposite of good (evil), it would make sense that it would be the opposite of the way good is, which would mean it would be an action that none of us would actually want to do if we were understanding the situation correctly because it would always negatively affect us.
So, all of those Christians who say good is wonderful in every way, yet somehow think that there exist people who don't want to experience what is truly good, they are saying that good is not good for good, that there is an inconsistency in their belief of what is good. (Yes, Christians believe in free will [usually], but if everyone has the potential to do what is good, then that means that we are all good, because good is good for good, if we were not good at all, then it would be impossible for us to ever do good)
So, what are we left with? Why is there an ideal form of good and a non-ideal form of good? Because there must exist evil, but not where good exists, meaning we can't actually experience evil since we can't do what is evil without contradicting the nature of what is good. This means that evil must exist as a force of nature that exists in reality, just like what is good must exist as a force of nature that exists in reality, in other words, something which causes good to exist as it does, and something which causes evil to exist as it does.
In other words, it must be this force of evil which causes these two forms of good to exist, one which is ideal, and the other which is non-ideal, which is why chaos exists in the world... At least this is how I see things from my worldview/religion.
(An example of non-ideal good would be something which involves a great deal of suffering, vs. to ideal good which involves minimal or possibly zero suffering.)
Edit: If you make the argument that some people are born evil and some are born good from the Christian perspective, but only God knows who is who, then what is the point in Jesus dying on the cross for our sins? It wouldn't make any sense either way.