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Are you an empath?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
#1 -
You answered 10 items out of 10 Yes.
Your score is 100%. You are a natural born empath.

#2 - You scored as a Certified Empath
You are a natural born Empath! You are haunted by the calling of "the others" and walk in silence between the busy and the distracted. You qualify for certification by the School of Empath Psychology. From the Book of Storms Series newsletter on Yahoo! Groups.

Oddly, I got the distinct feeling that many of the questions were not relevant to empathy as I experience it. For me, empathy is more like being a radio receiver and you simply pick up signals and quite often, when you least expect it.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
I think the quiz on about.com was a little more apt as far as the overall qualities of empathy. Neither test was comprehensive by any means, but it would be nice to find a quiz about it that was serious rather than a fun one.

I think I can agree with you Paul about being a radio receiver, but I do exercise a considerable amount of control over when I pick up "signals". Can't possibly control "what" I pick up as that all depends on the people/situation/environment etc.

In your experience as an empath, have you found that you are able to almost see through someone else's eyes in a physical way. It's been a while since I've done it, but If I see someone even at a distance I am able to actually see what they are physically seeing at that moment. The first time it happened I guess I was about 11 or 12 and it scared me and it was cool at the same time. Is that a part of empathy, or would that be a form of astral projection?


Well-Known Member
You answered 7 items out of 10 Yes.
Your score is 70%. You are very much in touch with your emotional body.

I need to be a better listener. :(


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I think the quiz on about.com was a little more apt as far as the overall qualities of empathy. Neither test was comprehensive by any means, but it would be nice to find a quiz about it that was serious rather than a fun one.
I am with you there 100%, Fullyveiled Muslimah.

I think I can agree with you Paul about being a radio receiver, but I do exercise a considerable amount of control over when I pick up "signals". Can't possibly control "what" I pick up as that all depends on the people/situation/environment etc.
I have written about this extensively in my autobiography as at one time I sort of felt like a spiritual "peeping Tom". Experience teaches one to "veil" themselves when in crowds. I am not sure how else to put it. Even with the "veil" up however, very strong people or people with strong current emotional difficulty/exhultation still "come through". It is all in the intensity of the emotions projected and is not necessarity negative.

In your experience as an empath, have you found that you are able to almost see through someone else's eyes in a physical way.
Yes. I have also "seen" a tunnel effect where the surroundings are all blurred and the object of focus is super clear. I am "weird" anyways and thought the experience(s) were simply "way cool" rather than uncomfortable. I will admit that I do not like looking at images of Charles Manson and people of his ilk because of the "monsterous" maelstom of negative emotions that are readily detectable. I always shy away from people who have "dead eyes" (no shine or perhaps drugged. I am sure you know what I mean. Such people give me the "willies".)

It's been a while since I've done it, but If I see someone even at a distance I am able to actually see what they are physically seeing at that moment.
I was not aware of it until my late teens and perhaps that is why I wasn't "put off" or "frightened" by it. For a short period, I assumed everyone experienced this sort of thing.

The first time it happened I guess I was about 11 or 12 and it scared me and it was cool at the same time. Is that a part of empathy, or would that be a form of astral projection?
In my opinion it is somewhat difficult to explain without my getting into what Jane Roberts' defined as "aspect psychology". What I have found, and this may resonate within your own experience, is that a portion of the self, like a probe, with minimal consciousness, "goes out" to the object in question. You, "the host" still see from your own vantage point, but you also "see" and perceive "emotional content" from that remote "probe".

If you are doing this sort of thing my dear, then you are someone I would LOVE to meet some day, lol. Tell me, FullyVeiled, do you "bond" with new people VERY quickly, or is it a case of being emotionally cautious and simply indentifying people you do not "like" right away (for whatever reason, or even no apparent reason). With negative encounters I get a very strange feeling in my solar plexes which crawls up my spine sending warnings to my brain. More often than not, say in a work situation, I find out some casual tidbit about the person, more often males, that explains the peculiar feeling. How about you?
You answered 6 items out of 10 Yes.
Your score is 60%. You are a loving, compassionate individual.

For ze first one

Second one results are...
Are You an Empath?You scored as a Not an EmpathYou are not an Empath but possess other gifts to offer the world. You have many strengths to explore and develop. You will contribute much to this world in your own way and will discover other talents. You can learn to be Empathic if you desire. from The Book of Storms Series newsletter on Yahoo!Groups.Not an Empath 56% An Intuitive 50% Certified Empath 44% Potential Empath 25% Unbonded Empath 19%
Well those quizzes were jolly fuN!


Done here.
According to about.com, I'm "highly sensitive."

According to quizfarm:
You scored as a An Intuitive You are a natural intuitive with many talents. You have other abilities and characteristics and fit into the same family as Empaths. The more you learn the stronger your abilities will become!
Although I tend to think this kind of thing is a load of crap, I'm not disposed to argue with people who say I'm intuitive but not an empath. That sounds about right, actually.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
ymirgf said:
I will admit that I do not like looking at images of Charles Manson and people of his ilk because of the "monsterous" maelstom of negative emotions that are readily detectable. I always shy away from people who have "dead eyes" (no shine or perhaps drugged. I am sure you know what I mean. Such people give me the "willies".)

Oh goodness that makes me remember, and I've probably shared this before, when I was riding in the car with my hubby one day. We were chillin until we came to a stop light. I got a sudden strong rush of overwhelming evil, for it went well beyond negativity. At first I couldn't zero in on where it was coming from until I spotted the car that had to be about two car-lengths in front of us to our right. Oh, the car itself exuded a personality of its own, like it had witnessed many things. The two people and the dog who occupied the car were one in the same. They all shared the same aura, the same evil, a feeling of dread swept over me and I began to cry. At the same time I sensed that other people were picking up on that but couldn't understand the source. I felt a growing wave of tension, fear, and uneasiness flowing from the people in their cars. Two other cars had dogs in them and the animals were among the first to react along with me. One dog began snarling and barkin furiously and the other began to whimper and cower. It was indeed the longest red light in the history of traffic lights, and I was eager to escape that car. I began to cry softly to myself as I was drawn to see the perspective of the driver of the "car". From his POV I saw my environment as I saw my own, but with an added "fogginess" to it. The presence of another POV was palpable and I wanted out of my line of sight immediately.

Insha Allah I will never forget that experience. I hate looking upon those types of people. I know for a fact that what people call "evil" exists in the world without doubt, and that I have not even scratched the surface of it and neither do I want to go any deeper.

ymirgf said:
If you are doing this sort of thing my dear, then you are someone I would LOVE to meet some day, lol. Tell me, FullyVeiled, do you "bond" with new people VERY quickly, or is it a case of being emotionally cautious and simply indentifying people you do not "like" right away (for whatever reason, or even no apparent reason).

Well if I allowed myself to bond quickly I would. However I always employ my trusty E.D.S.S (emotional defense security systems). Basically it is a wall, guarded very vigilantly. I do encounter people who I would otherwise be drawn to immediately, but I keep that in check. From experience, it has not worked well for me to discard my instincts here.

I have found that I often dislike or better yet, are leary of people for no apparent reason. These are people who outwardly display all the characteristics that are likeable but for some reason or another I cannot like them. I am ususally casually friendly with them and nothing more. Other people like them, but I can't do it and more often then not I find out later a character trait that would explain it.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Oh goodness that makes me remember, and I've probably shared this before, when I was riding in the car with my hubby one day. We were chillin until we came to a stop light. I got a sudden strong rush of overwhelming evil, for it went well beyond negativity. At first I couldn't zero in on where it was coming from until I spotted the car that had to be about two car-lengths in front of us to our right. Oh, the car itself exuded a personality of its own, like it had witnessed many things. The two people and the dog who occupied the car were one in the same. They all shared the same aura, the same evil, a feeling of dread swept over me and I began to cry. At the same time I sensed that other people were picking up on that but couldn't understand the source. I felt a growing wave of tension, fear, and uneasiness flowing from the people in their cars. Two other cars had dogs in them and the animals were among the first to react along with me. One dog began snarling and barkin furiously and the other began to whimper and cower. It was indeed the longest red light in the history of traffic lights, and I was eager to escape that car. I began to cry softly to myself as I was drawn to see the perspective of the driver of the "car". From his POV I saw my environment as I saw my own, but with an added "fogginess" to it. The presence of another POV was palpable and I wanted out of my line of sight immediately.
Well, I can also confirm for you that not only are you an excellent "receiver", but you are also a very strong "sender". I have no problem visualizing this event and briefly saw it from your perspective. An interesting note: I do not perceive "evil" per se and though I DO KNOW what intensity you are talking about, I interpret the quality differently and couch it in psychological terms. Now: IF the person see's themselves AS "evil" and consciouly works towards that quality of being, I do sense what you are saying. There are indeed those alive who consciously explore the dark side of the psyche and I would be a bit foolish to deny it.

An interesting note is that I am in some terms quite "strong" and so I am not overwhelmed by such individuals. I know the last time this happened it was a glorious day and I worked in the downtown core. I was walking back from lunch and went through a crowd of people and as I walked I began to feel a sense of foreboding. You know how your legs feel in a dream if you are trying to run, lol. It was like that and then I saw him. He was nicely dressed but he seemed to have a "thunder cloud" about him. My stomach lurched and I felt I might be physically ill, but managed to regain my composure as my own E.D.S.S. field gave way to the more offensive side and part of me pushed back against it. I tried not to stare at the fellow, but I caught a look of surprise on his face. I got the impression that he had never felt that before. It's hard to describe it really as it is more of an automatic response. The only feeble way I can describe it is that I do not subscribe to the concept of evil and something inside me moved to "nullify" that storm cloud effect (this is perception and no way literal of course). All I know is that he felt something and I felt the recoil, like that of a scalded cat. THAT was neat. Hehe. I wasn't even late getting back from lunch.

Frankly folks are welcome to think we are both nutty as fruitcakes, but I don't know you from Eve and you don't know me from Adam and yet we understand well what the other has experienced(es). (Perhaps we both have the same, as of yet, unknown "illness", lol. (Just kidding.)

Insha Allah I will never forget that experience. I hate looking upon those types of people. I know for a fact that what people call "evil" exists in the world without doubt, and that I have not even scratched the surface of it and neither do I want to go any deeper.
Although I DO get the "heebie jeebies" from such people, I have come to think that we are around to nullify their effects. I agree with you however, as quite often when watching a News story I will comment, "I never want to understand how people can allow themselves to inflict so much harm on another person. I NEVER want to "get it" because I figger at that point, I'll be able to rationalize it to myself... and I just ain't "goin' there".

Well if I allowed myself to bond quickly I would. However I always employ my trusty E.D.S.S (emotional defense security systems). Basically it is a wall, guarded very vigilantly. I do encounter people who I would otherwise be drawn to immediately, but I keep that in check. From experience, it has not worked well for me to discard my instincts here.
How interesting. I knew it, lol. Life has taught me to be guarded with people. That is why I am on record as saying people must earn my trust and respect. When they have accomplished that there is very little they can do to have me withdraw my total loyalty and support. Get burned ten times and one tends to get a bit shy.

I have found that I often dislike or better yet, are leary of people for no apparent reason. These are people who outwardly display all the characteristics that are likeable but for some reason or another I cannot like them. I am ususally casually friendly with them and nothing more. Other people like them, but I can't do it and more often then not I find out later a character trait that would explain it.
Leary is a great way to put it, FVM. I know exactly what you mean. If it wasn't for this ability to "see through" people and their carefully crafted appearances, I would have a lot more friends. I cherish the ones I have, but simply have no need to "collect" new people. It is for this reason I also do not like being in hospitals and around "sick" people... as well... I intensely dislike visiting apartment buildings because there is just too much energy flying about with paper thin walls between neighbours. Office towers generally do not bother me. Go figger.

Nice to talk to someone who understands a part of my nature.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
ymirGf said:
Leary is a great way to put it, FVM. I know exactly what you mean. If it wasn't for this ability to "see through" people and their carefully crafted appearances, I would have a lot more friends. I cherish the ones I have, but simply have no need to "collect" new people. It is for this reason I also do not like being in hospitals and around "sick" people... as well... I intensely dislike visiting apartment buildings because there is just too much energy flying about with paper thin walls between neighbours. Office towers generally do not bother me. Go figger

Yeah I don't have as many friends as I am capable of making, but that is by my own design both consciously and subconsciously. I can see people too well to be blinded by "the face". That part of people they present to others. I am waay too in touch with the other part they would rather hide, or wait to spring on you when you least expect it. I do have just a couple people in my circle, and like you I feel no need to expand said circle. If you can make me an offer I can't refuse, then you can be down with me, if not I'll be polite but you can push on.

You know it only takes a few senteces and a few minutes to figure people out too. Just let them talk for a little while, observe them, and they'll tell you all you need to know about them. I find that actually quite amusing to do, especially when people think they're getting over on me. C'mon, you can't grease bacon.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
I think the quiz on about.com was a little more apt as far as the overall qualities of empathy.
I truly feel your pain! :D

I got %90 in being empathetic, and truly wonder at the efficacy of this quiz to determine empaths. I have a rep to protect and if it EVER got out that I was sensitive, well heads are gonna roll for that one! :D


I am a highly sensitive, certified empath.

No surprise there.

It is both a blessing and curse. A blessing, because it makes me a very compassionate person. A curse, because things hurt me too easily, and I hate that.

I also get so caught up in the emotional needs of others that I fail to see the validity of my own emotional needs.


Steel Magnolia
You answered 9 items out of 10 Yes.
Your score is 90%. You are a natural born empath.

You scored as a Unbonded EmpathA powerful Empath is trapped inside your body, and wants to get out! The trap is really in your mind. Too many beliefs are in the way of your spreading your wings.

Ok, so what's an empath anyway?


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
You answered 9 items out of 10 Yes.
Your score is 90%. You are a natural born empath.

The only question I answered "no" on was that I love social situations, and I prefer being around other people than being alone. It isn't that I hate being alone........rather, I love it. But give me a choice and I'll nearly always want to be around others.



Well-Known Member
Simply someone who is very empathetic. ;) It is very easy for empathetic people to put themselves in others' shoes, see things from their perspective, and feel their pain.

It's great to see you back on here, Hope. I like your posts. :) (Off topic, but y'know...)

peace and blessings,
