So, by using the materialistic paradigm, if god(s) are possible, then God’s existence is likely. No?
No. Materialism makes no such claim. Philosophical materialism is the idea that the fundamental nature of reality is material, and that all properties of reality including consciousness are based in and derived from matter/energy. A better term is physicalism, since it doesn't prioritize matter over other aspects of physical reality including force, space, and time.
Materialism makes no comment about gods except that if they exist, like everything else that exists, they are also matter or derived from it.
Methodological materialism and science have shown us how the universe could have assembled itself and continue to run itself on a daily basis without intelligent oversight. As time marches on, there appears to be less for a god to do even if one like the deist god exists.
So rather than materialism pointing toward a god, it points the other way.
Also, there is no value except perhaps to theists who view the mind og God as the fundamental level of reality in guessing between the available options, materialism, idealism, neutral monism, and dualism. None can be ruled in or out.
Given the materialistic notion that there is no intelligence at Big Bang stage what is the likelihood of a man creating this? Very very unlikely. Almost zero probability No?
Pretty much everything that happens is extremely unlikely if you take into account how many things had to precede it or how many factors had to be just so. What are the odds that your parents would find one another, and that the exact spermatozoan with the precise DNA sequence that it contains, different from the others due to gene shuffling in meiosis, outraced millions of competitors and found your mother while ovulating the only ovum that would have produced you? Did your ovum come from her right ovary? Lucky it wasn't the left one ovulating that month.
Everything is easily depicted as unlikely. What are the odds that you would have the Social Security Number that you have? Your phone number? Your home address. Each is infinitesimal, and having them appear all together in the same person is mind-bogglingly unlikely. Then throw in your car license plate, and the serial numbers on the bills in your billfold, their orientation and order in your wallet.
What are the odds of all of that being the case, and you just as you are exist today? It depends how you frame it.
I suppose that labels me here as ‘super closed minded’ but not to worry as I would prefer this ‘super closed mindedness’ any day to the ‘open mindedness’ of an atheists ‘doubt’. Lol.
You'd be better off open-minded. It offers the only hope of correcting an error if you have made one and good evidence suggests as much. Suppose you are turning over tens of thousands of dollars to a dishonest investment advisor that you have unwisely placed your faith in. If you close your mind to the possibility that you are being lied to and cheated, you will not be warned by the evidence, and will likely be drained as dry as you allow.
And not all atheists are open-minded. Some are faith-based thinkers. They might be climate deniers, for example. Or have faith in horoscopes or the pronouncements of fortune cookies.
I believe in basic (not survival of the fittest, which I condemn for its role in Nazi theory and eugenics) evolution.
Survival of the fittest is a fact of competition and a selective process, and is not confined to biological evolution. Restaurants compete with one another for scarce resources - patrons and their dollars. Those that meet the needs of enough people to earn their business and keep their doors open will likely do so. Those that cannot compete because a perceived flaw in location, menu, ambiance, sanitation, parking, price, service - whatever - will be forced to adapt or close. That's a bad thing for the restaurateur, but a good thing for the community.
I'm not convinced atheists are anything but ppl more angry at God than the rest.
Atheists are people that have learned to navigate life without a god belief, which seems to me to be the enviable position. You mentioned that your religious beliefs might have saved you from suicide, and that's good that you found some comfort there, but wouldn't you be better off not to have that problem? It's like eyeglasses - a great invention for those with impaired vision correctable with lenses, but better to have good vision without them.
If you were actually atheist you would necessarily have to care about God not at all
I am atheist and I don't care about gods. Nor vampires, nor leprechauns. None of them play any role in my life, possibly because none of them exist.