I never said all rioters were brute beasts, I said those who want to defund the police, and thereby the law, are part of the beast... don't put words in my mouth. If I were to ask, the question I'd ask is why BLM but nobody else's does... if one race matters isn't that racism?... and questions of that sort. Those last-level-of-the-pyramid people likely don't really know the politics of the BLM founders... which would make me ask them why not. Most of the BLM protestors don't even seem to be black... so treating them the same as everyone else isn't a question most of them can answer. The supposed supporters are throwing molotov coctails and destroying apartments with BLtM living in them.
I'm not insinuating that the rioters need to be put in their place, I'm saying it straight up. The definition of riot isn't 'a good day was had by all'... it has violence in it's definition. And it should have, because that's what rioters do. And they're also thieves. And assaulters. And some are arsons and sneak-up assassins. You are known by the company you keep.
People who don't vote for Fire Pretty, will vote for Fire Bring Water. And Fire Run Away will either be delusional enough to think that the Burners won't light-up their neighborhoods, or hope that hiding their heads and most of their bodies in the sand will save their lives, if not their derrieres. History shows that the Revolutionaries won't stop... not at your gated community or your ghetto... but pan out into your suburbs (which Biden wants gone) and torch your barns, your cattle, and your wee bairn. The Red Army nailed men on barn doors, in the shape of a cross. "If they hated Me they will hate you." I can almost promise you that this is coming to America. Learn what happened to Russia and the Slavs, and to Germany. Take a page from that book with you, when you go to vote.