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Are you in favor of higher gun control(non-public poll)

Are you in favor of stricter gun laws?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 47.4%
  • No

    Votes: 19 50.0%
  • I don't know enough to say one way or another

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do not care, however I looked at the thread anyways

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • None of these fit my opinion. I have a gray opinion and will explain it more in my post

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Not in favor. It will just lead to more bureaucracy and expense while perpetrators will access them elsewhere or use another venue. Gun control only controls the law abiding.

Criminals don't care about laws.


Hostis humani generis
Not in favour. In Britain, I think it should be significantly laxer than it is.

As one can gather from above, I live in Britain, where gun control is strict: you can't even own a taser, or pepper spray. They're classed as firearms and you can go to prison for them.

And yet, I could get a gun within an hour without it costing too much (£80 ~ £180). One of the caretaker's mate is in prison for killing his (the mate's) cousin with a firearm, accidentally. They were in a gang and he was loading it, forgot to turn off the safety. Instant death.

Someone in the rival gang also opened fire with a machine pistol onto his mate (before he went to prison).

And it all started over a stolen car.

So... gangs have them and use them, but not the innocent who'd use them to protect themselves, and we're not allowed tasers or pepper spray. Stupidity. Utter stupidity.


On Xtended Vacation
Not in favour. In Britain, I think it should be significantly laxer than it is.

As one can gather from above, I live in Britain, where gun control is strict: you can't even own a taser, or pepper spray. They're classed as firearms and you can go to prison for them.

And yet, I could get a gun within an hour without it costing too much (£80 ~ £180). One of the caretaker's mate is in prison for killing his (the mate's) cousin with a firearm, accidentally. They were in a gang and he was loading it, forgot to turn off the safety. Instant death.

Someone in the rival gang also opened fire with a machine pistol onto his mate (before he went to prison).

And it all started over a stolen car.

So... gangs have them and use them, but not the innocent who'd use them to protect themselves, and we're not allowed tasers or pepper spray. Stupidity. Utter stupidity.

Yeah I've heard about the knife fights. people will find a way to kill each other. Do they allow any compound or crossbows? If so you could go that. If you get good enough you could take someone down easily.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.

Yeah I've heard about the knife fights. people will find a way to kill each other. Do they allow any compound or crossbows? If so you could go that. If you get good enough you could take someone down easily.

My state already banned crossbows. Compound bows are still legal. Shows the slippery slope of legislating anything and everything under the sun.


Hostis humani generis
Yeah I've heard about the knife fights. people will find a way to kill each other. Do they allow any compound or crossbows? If so you could go that. If you get good enough you could take someone down easily.
Compound? I dunno what you mean.

And crossbow. Sounds like a plan. :D

Pocket knife
Folding blade knife – any length
Fixed blade knife – any length blade
Multi function tool that includes a knife
BB Gun – painted bright orange or blue for non UKARA members
BB Gun – authentic gun colour & style - for registered UKARA members only
Paintball Gun – any type, style, colour
Paintball Hand Gun – any type, style, colour
Air Rifle – below 12 ft lb [muzzle velocity]
Air pistol – below 6 ft lb [muzzle velocity]​

But we can't take them outside without a good reason. :p


On Xtended Vacation
My state already banned crossbows. Compound bows are still legal. Shows the slippery slope of legislating anything and everything under the sun.

Kinda ironic since compounds are more dangerous. But at the same time compounds are more complicated. So I guess they think crossbows are easier to use. Since crossbrows are less complicated people will use them. But you never know with politics. Could be a politician saw Daryl Dixon from the walking dead kicking *** with one.


Well-Known Member
Are you in favor of stricter Gun control?

NO. Just the opposite.

yoda89 said:
Why or why not?

I think everyone worldwide should have a gun. Guns plural, even.

Reason: I live in Ireland.

Ireland has the most restrictive gun laws in the entire world.

To own a gun here, one must: 1) apply to the State via the police, 2) undergo a review including an in-depth background and criminal-record check, 3) provide a reason for wanting a gun in the first place, 4) pay for the privilege of securing a license, which may-or-may not include bribes, and then 5) if your application is successful, only be allowed to own a sporting Rifle or a shotgun (no handguns, automatic weapons, etc).

To coin a phrase, it sucks.

I'm a man of honor, so I much prefer martial rather than ballistic weapons, but IF it is the case that the gun is weapon-of-choice for good-guys and bad-guys alike, I'd like to be able to own one for self-defense and the security of my loved ones with the fewest restrictions possible.

You guys in the U.S. don't know how lucky you are to have a constitutional right to bear arms (or maybe you do...).


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
I support mandatory background checks for the owning of any sort of gun, regardless of method of obtaining it. I am also for having some sort of gun safety licensing for all gun owners, much like we do for driver's licenses.

I am for the restriction and/or banning of guns that allow a person to spray a ton of bullets in very quick succession without the need to reload.

Concealed carry permits should also require a further level of licensing classes, like getting your CDL.


On Xtended Vacation
Compound? I dunno what you mean.

And crossbow. Sounds like a plan. :D

Pocket knife
Folding blade knife – any length
Fixed blade knife – any length blade
Multi function tool that includes a knife
BB Gun – painted bright orange or blue for non UKARA members
BB Gun – authentic gun colour & style - for registered UKARA members only
Paintball Gun – any type, style, colour
Paintball Hand Gun – any type, style, colour
Air Rifle – below 12 ft lb [muzzle velocity]
Air pistol – below 6 ft lb [muzzle velocity]​

But we can't take them outside without a good reason. :p

Of course this is one without bell and whistles. I personally don't know how you are even going to push around a catapult. Maybe strap one to the roof of your car and siege that coworker you dislike house.

Last edited:

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Kinda ironic since compounds are more dangerous. But at the same time compounds are more complicated. So I guess they think crossbows are easier to use. Since crossbrows are less complicated people will use them. But you never know with politics. Could be a politician saw Daryl Dixon from the walking dead kicking *** with one.

I agree with irony in light that bears can be successfully killed with most compounds. I suppose it has to do with concealment, but some bows can be folded, albiet it will require a set up time. Some crossbows have compound designs now with some military grade models that can penetrate some thickness of concrete.

Odin. Compounds incorporate a pully system that increases velocity and providing easier draw. Some even have hunting scope and laser mounts. Im guessing you might of seen them in some addys. You know us yanks with the funny terms time to time. ;0)

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
I hate guns(a beautiful thing), but does more harm than good. I would vote for NO guns at all..too many mentally unstable people running around, who grew up playing GTA..

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I hate guns(a beautiful thing), but does more harm than good. I would vote for NO guns at all..too many mentally unstable people running around, who grew up playing GTA..

But if the government takes away our right towards the second amendment, what will then stop them from taking away our other rights away?

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
But if the government takes away our right towards the second amendment, what will then stop them from taking away our other rights away?

True and you guys are in a bit of a pickle..

One of the reasons why I plan on staying in Australia after I finish college..there are close to no guns here, or very few..especially in canberra..I feel so safe..:cool:


Active Member
But if the government takes away our right towards the second amendment, what will then stop them from taking away our other rights away?
Most of your other rights are gone already. Might as well scrap the second amendment as well, at least that might save some lives.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Kinda pointed in light of gun violence whenever it erupts, who do people call?

A person carrying a gun.


Mother Heathen
Are you in favor of stricter Gun control?

Why or why not?

I believe that it's important that our constitutational rights are preserved. Though I am a Libertarian, I am okay with background checks and the registration of fire arms and firearm sales. Beyond prohibiting the sale of military-grade weaponry, I don't believe that we need exessive legislation over a constitutional right. Criminals will continue to do criminal acts, regardless. Our government should never have the ability to strip our constitutional rights.


On Xtended Vacation
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. " -Thomas Jefferson

Over grown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty.
George Washington

"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom."- John F. Kennedy

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it." Abraham Lincoln

"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed." Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers