I'm a youngster compared to the majority of you RFers.
Occasionally, I'll see a member that seems awfully aware that they nearing the end.
Religion/spirituality is often used to assuage the fear that comes with death.
So, I ask you older religious folk this: has your religion/spiritual practice freed you from the fear of death? Are you ready to go as a result of your religious beliefs?
You give religion too much credit.
Religions are just collections of tools that people can use to help them live their lives in accordance with their chosen theology. In the end, it would be their theology that determines how they respond to the idea of the end of their life, not religion.
Also, not all theists are religious theists. So it's not their religion that is helping them make peace with the inevitability of their death.
I have no real problem with the idea of my death. I am not afraid of it. I fear the suffering that may be involved in the process, and the loss of cognition, but the end itself is not a problem. I would like to live a lot longer than we humans do, because I like living and being a human (though certainly not 'forever'). But our lives need to have an end, to make room for new human beings. At least for now. Maybe some day when we can expand into the universe, we would no longer need die to make room for new humans to come into being. But for now, I am OK with my ending so that others can have a beginning.