Does that count as spiritual, religious, both, neither, or depends on other factors?
What I said? I normally say its cultural or customs rather than religious or spiritual practices. However, most people I know from the states who are native of other countries say the culture customs and religion or spirituality are interconnected. Religious to me is practicing one's spirituality. And spirituality is following or living a set of morals that make you feel you have a purpose in life and can live that purpose.
I have something of a personal stake in the answer. I went through Catholic Eucharisty because no one saw fit to ask whether I felt like it.
Catholic Eucharisty? Eucharist Adoration? Mass? Communion? Please rephrase.
It seems to me that it is misguided to call that either spiritual or religious. There are better, more direct words for such a state.
If you mean taking the Eucharist or Mass, I'd definitely say its both. I don't know of a better term to use though, if I'm understanding you correctly.