Again, if we could look at a person and be guarenteed one hundred percent that they were guilty, I might agree to corperal punishment.
The State killing an innocent is no better than an individual doing it.
But I agree with your summation of the current jail system. The idea of pandering criminals is simply insane, IMHO, and the idea of "rehabilitation" a failed social experiment.
This is why I advocate a supermax style of prison across the board, along with a restructuring of certain asanine law codes (like legalizing pot/coke) and of the length of jail terms as well. Five years in a supermax is hard time compared to ten in our current system.
No gang activity, no drugs, no booze, minimal hazards to jailers, and simply cheaper in the long run when one considers the time lost to gangs/drugs/ etc, no purchasing weihgt/sports equipment, cable/satalitte TV for the inmates, and other excesses that coddle criminals.
This is the type of jail that murders would be warehoused in for life, left to stew in actual punishment.