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Forgiving 70x7 is a hyperbol, unlikely to happen in real life. The message is, when a person sins against you and is truly repentant, the Christian thing to do is to forgive.
A forgiving attitude on our part is a basis for God forgiving us.
Obviously should a person sin against us followed by repentance 70x7 times there is something mentally wrong with that person, perhaps therapy is in order, nonetheless the need to forgive is still required.
The Bible does not recommend following elders in all they command, actually the opposite is true. Christians have only one master, Christ.
Turning the other cheek refers to the tradition of slapping someone with a glove to incite a fight.
Since a slave of the Lord does not need to fight, Jesus recommends to "turn the other cheek" in an illustrative manner to reject the taunt. (2 Tim 2:24)
I left the Mormon church after getting involved in an abuse case where a high priest had been abusing their children and other's children for their entire life - it was on the order of 70X7. Untrained Mormon "volunteers" had been counseling this person in "addiction support groups" but had never reported them, thought their support group and his confessing over and over again was enough, and never took care of the problem. After first failed temple marriage - everyone was led to believe his wife had problems, not him. They married him in temple again without telling new bride what happened in previous temple sealing... Everyone raised their hands sustaining him in leadership callings, believe callings are from God - sustaining leaders is following God. All those kids, watched everyone sustain him over and over again, having to sing little primary songs about following their leaders. "I know God called your dad" - I felt the spirit and am so thankful for your father - mom was Relief society president, she was abused by her dad growing up - let it continue with her husband. Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, they all abused kids.
On one hand they say things like - leaders are imperfect - but on the other hand they tell wives they cannot be saved without their husband, and temple covenants require women to submit and view their husbands as their God. I was really brainwashed with it all, can now understand other cult groups and how those people can be so sure that their various leaders are prophets etc. Elevation - different from normal feelings - what many call "the spirit" ← I've experienced that, watch the whole video - it is NOT from God. Humans are herd/social animals, it is some kind of chemical herd-bonding thing, but it is NOT from God. Grooming vs. "sooper kind" - those nice people, it is grooming.
Anyways, hard lessons learned for me, but I and my kids are in a much better place now. Despite the Church of Latter Day Saints Lawyers trying to protect itself - that high priest is now in jail for the rest of their lives.
For anyone else in this mess - and I have now met so many who have experienced the same things - do NOT ask the LDS church for help - they help themselves, NOT you. Use your local detectives and law enforcement, find therapists who are NOT connected in any way to the church - that is where you will find help.
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