One of the arguments I often hear is how climate change was predicting catastrophic end-of-the-world scenarios that haven't come to fruition. But from my own education, it appears that many of the predictions have been occurring: droughts, severe weather, sea-level rise, etc.
What have climate change predictions gotten correct or incorrect, and what may still yet occur?
Quantitative predictions of extreme weather events is relatively new. So I could not yet find previous quantitative predictions that that match currently observed intensities. However, predictions of 1980-2000 climate models about future projected temperature rise has borne out very well with current observations. This can be seen here.
Study Confirms Climate Models are Getting Future Warming Projections Right – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
As we can see the observed post 2000 surface temperature closely track the ensemble mean of all pre-2000 climate models. This shows that the basic predictions even of very early models are robust.
Further recent studies have shown that, if we neglect climate change based forcing of the weather, we underpredict currently ongoing extreme weather events by about 50%. This roughly means that if climate change were not there, the number of extreme weather events (no. of heatwave days and no. of extreme rainfall days) would have been halved over the last decade.
Climate change means more extreme weather than predicted