Have you seen one that doesn't promote some kind of pseudo science or pseudo history?
Or do most in inadvertently follow this mistake?
Meh, I definitely don't offer myself as an expert on that. Most religions make no sense at all to me.
However, I think it's possible for people to follow scientific methodology rigorously regardless of their personal belief.
I knew a very good scientist who read tarot. Buggered if I know how she reconciled that in her head, but the key was she separated the more superstitious of her beliefs from scientific method, and she worked to that in the same way an atheist hopefully would.
Look at it this way. I can have a crappy day at home and come to work angry. I can have a strong view on what a particular experiment will result in. I can have personal investment in results, for scholarly or funding reasons. Etc, etc.
I need to try and check my bias (regardless of source) at the door, and follow scientific method. It's very purpose is to try and remove bias.
I have no issues with scientist that do good work, despite their personal beliefs.
Ya, what you said.
Cheers, bud. That's all I meant, really.