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Atheist Business with Christian Customers.


You're an atheist businessman with a thriving business. 80% of your clientele are Christians.

Do you tell them you don't believe in the biblical god or not?


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
Uh, what's the debate here? Who cares? Is there a specific reason why it would bother anyone?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
You're an atheist businessman with a thriving business. 80% of your clientele are Christians.

Do you tell them you don't believe in the biblical god or not?

It depends on what's more important - continuing to make money, or being honest about what you think.

My goal for running a business would be to make money, so I wouldn't see any value in taking the risk of driving away business in the pursuit of being truthful about my internal beliefs.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
Telling people that you are atheist is evil. You should show extreme religious zeal instead. The smart ones will know you are faking it, and who cares about the stupid ones because survival of the fittest.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Do you tell them you don't believe in the biblical god or not?
Why bring up politics or religion with people you don't know personally without a compelling reason. You never know after you shoot your mouth off that the other person may be on the other side of the issue. Politics and religion don't effect daily business affairs anyway.


Relentlessly Rational
You're an atheist businessman with a thriving business. 80% of your clientele are Christians.

Do you tell them you don't believe in the biblical god or not?

I can't imagine a situation where they'd find out. Why would it even be discussed? But I am honest, I have had clients find out that I'm an atheist and they really didn't care. And if they did, they're welcome to go elsewhere. The overwhelming majority of theists couldn't care less who runs the businesses they shop at.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You're an atheist businessman with a thriving business. 80% of your clientele are Christians.

Do you tell them you don't believe in the biblical god or not?

No. Greed is good- but should I tell them that? When you are at the top of the food chain do you really want to let them in on trade secrets like evolution and survival of the fittest? That sounds like it might encourage competition. They can pay more for my products out of a mis-guided sense of charity and generosity as christian "virtue".

They can keep their souls. I'm only interested in their money. :D



ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Well, that was totally wasted sarcasm. :(


Premium Member
I walked out of a tire shop once when I got bumped back a spot in the line-up when a buddy of the management came in. Christian Businessmen Association signs were all over the place, and it was clear they knew each other from church. Had a hard time getting the guy to return my keys. I kept repeating, 'They are my keys. Not yours.' He gave them up when I threatened to call the cops just to get MY keys back.

I narrate this story just to illustrate that for some people it really does matter to them, and its more about religious affiliation than we might want to think some days.

If I was in business, I'd try to keep religion right out of it totally. It should be about business alone.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
You're an atheist businessman with a thriving business. 80% of your clientele are Christians.

Do you tell them you don't believe in the biblical god or not?

I wouldn't hide it, but I also wouldn't just throw it out there whenever a customer came around.
If people have an issue with me being an atheist, that's their issue.

Even still, if your business has good products, most of the customers couldn't care less about what you believe.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
You're an atheist businessman with a thriving business. 80% of your clientele are Christians.

Do you tell them you don't believe in the biblical god or not?

Depends on the business. If you're just offering general product services, I wouldn't see how religion plays a part from the atheist point of view. I know many Christians who wouldn't buy items if they know the owners (not honors, sorry) where homosexual.

However, if you are selling christian items then yes, I can see an issue from the Christian's perspective even though items don't change all because the person selling them isn't Christian.

Sometimes I think things like this are ridiculous. People do it though.


Well-Known Member
You're an atheist businessman with a thriving business. 80% of your clientele are Christians.

Do you tell them you don't believe in the biblical god or not?
There is insufficient information for me to come up with an answer.

I would expect that, generally speaking, it wouldn't be a topic of conversation.


Veteran Member
You're an atheist businessman with a thriving business. 80% of your clientele are Christians.

Do you tell them you don't believe in the biblical god or not?

No as it is poor business sense to potential alienate one's customer base with unrelated topics.