OK. Now what? There is no *logical* contradiction involved in an infinite time into the past any more than there is for an infinite time into the future.That is what I have been saying, infinity only exist in the mind like a model. Try actually building what is infinite in your head.
Exactly. But the universe was never in such a state infinitely far back. It has always been in a state finitely far back. But each state finitely far back came from a state slight earlier.No, I look in the past at your number line only I see actual seconds, or events, causal loops, or states of things and conclude that if the universe used to be at a state infinitely far back it could ever reach the current one.
You don't prove universal negatives. I simply see no evidence for the possible existence of an actual infinite. This is why I did not ask you to prove that God does not exist.
OK, but you claimed there is a *logical* contradiction to an infinite time into the past. Have you given up that claim?
If so, that means we have to address the possibility of an infinite time into the past.
And, currently, there are two main options (duh): time that is only finite into the past and time that is infinite into the past.
The main arguments for a finite time derive from the BB model and general relativity. It is a fact that general relativity inevitably has singularities. For cosmology, those singularities limit the time coordinate to a finite value into the past.
The main counter-argument is that general relativity is known to be incomplete: it doesn't incorporate the known aspects of quantum mechanics. For a *long* time, we didn't know of any way to reconcile these two central ideas about the universe. Now we have several proposed quantum theories of gravity: string theory, quantum loop gravity, etc. But in *all* of these, the singularities of general relativity are 'smoothed out' and time does go infinitely far into the past.
So, at this point, we do not know if time is infinite into the past or not. And that is my point. It is *logically* and *observationally* possible for either to be the case.
Huh? The BB model is a four dimensional model for spacetime. The images you have are simplifications to get the idea across. Most people don't deal with four dimensions very well, let alone curvature of four dimensions.Go to Google images and type in big bang model, every image I have ever seen has been 3 dimensional. Rejecting God and accepting a two dimensional universe is like swallowing a camel but choking on a gnat.
No, you didn't. You just showed that infinity-infinity isn't a meaningful thing. That was your whole 'contradiction'. Yes, if you have an infinite number of things and take away three, you still have an infinite number of things. Yes, if you have an infinite number of things and you take away 10, you still have an infinite number of things. And yes, if you have an infinite number of things, it is possible to take away an infinite number of things and have an infinite number of things left over.I didn't use the concept of subtraction or addition to prove that infinity doesn't exist, I used them to show that infinity produces incoherent results when applied to actual things.
Where is the contradiction?
You claimed logical contradictions. There are none.I could grant you this. Since infinity isn't anything it might not be contradictory. The lack of a thing is not a contradiction, it just doesn't exist.
yes, I am responding to what you said. Yes, it has gone on for an infinite amount of time. Where is the contradiction?You are not currently posting what I am responding to. It isn't going, it has went.
I'm sorry for your significant other? I'm not sure what the relevance was for that comment.Holy cow, they announced it in 2003. I have shoes older than that.
I have little confidence in theories that are younger than my car. I have not heard of BGVT being retracted by anyone or the BBT for that matter.
They have been *modified* by the new insights. But I agree, these new insights have not been *proven*. But the point is that they are *possible*. You claimed they are not even logically possible.