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atheist's paradise


New Member
i was sat at my desk at work as you do lol... and i got thinking about heaven and started imagining what my ideal heaven would be like ..... and i think for me its the eternal life part the hope that ill see my loved one's again alot of the pain and suffering will be over etc etc .... you get my drift ... so it lead me onto atheists i mean there must be a part of you that wish's there was a heaven it is a little sad to think when we die we die that's it or is it ? ....

what's your take on it ?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
i was sat at my desk at work as you do lol... and i got thinking about heaven and started imagining what my ideal heaven would be like ..... and i think for me its the eternal life part the hope that ill see my loved one's again alot of the pain and suffering will be over etc etc .... you get my drift ... so it lead me onto atheists i mean there must be a part of you that wish's there was a heaven it is a little sad to think when we die we die that's it or is it ? ....

what's your take on it ?
I am a rare atheist who believes in an afterlife, if you wish to call it that. Physical death, from the physical perspective is indeed final, but I don't see life stopping there. Though there are states that could be described as "paradise realms" there is simply no "heaven" or "hell", per se. Fortunately, reality is not quite as limited as those trifles portray.

To totally fry your bacon, I simply do not see the god imagined by human animals as being an existential reality. God, in those terms, has little to do with reality - as it is.

What do I see "over the horizon", as it were? I wish I could tell you (and everyone) but unfortunately non-dual reality simply does not lend itself to verbal translations. It's a bit too large to fit into such primitive constructs. I can say it is well beyond the imagination of most and beyond the wildest dreams of many. It's all good. Oh and as you forget about god, forget about demons and evil blah blah blah as well. All I can really say is that the vast majority of human animals are in for a delightful surprise.


we're all stardust
I believe death is just you reuniting with the Universe, your physical body returns to earth and becomes part of the cycle of life, while your consciousness joins the much wider consciousness of the universe..

I believe that the bizarre behavior of subatomic particles at the quantum level is the result of some sort of consciousness -yeah I think somehow that the Universe is conscious- and your consciousness continues to exist after your death (after all there has to be something beyond just neurons and electric signals)...

Universe is Conscious [ Through the Wormhole ] - YouTube


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
It is sad that we do so little to realize the potential of existence.

It is not nearly so sad that our individual lives are limited in time. It is, in fact, necessary.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don't generally care for eternal anything, but if people were able to experience more things after death then that would be nice.


Agnostic Pantheist
i was sat at my desk at work as you do lol... and i got thinking about heaven and started imagining what my ideal heaven would be like ..... and i think for me its the eternal life part the hope that ill see my loved one's again alot of the pain and suffering will be over etc etc .... you get my drift ... so it lead me onto atheists i mean there must be a part of you that wish's there was a heaven it is a little sad to think when we die we die that's it or is it ? ....

what's your take on it ?
Well, I'd like to live in a heavenly mansion, with a huge yard which is ever groomed without the need to mow the grass, a wine cellar filled with the best bottles from Bordeaux and the finest single malts. I'd also like to be able to study languages by downloading files from the internet into my brain.
I find the fact that I don't have all these RIGHT NOW, in THIS LIFE a little sad too... but it won't change the fact that I was born holding the short end of the stick compared to someone who was born to a family on Fifth Avenue. But we all have to make due with what we got!


Outstanding Member
Because our societies can't survive without a fair degree of renewal, which is only possible if each and every generation dies eventually.

Do you disagree?

I understood your previous post to be a statement regarding an afterlife. Did i misunderstand you?


Veteran Member
If we spend more time enjoying the life we already have, we would then not think about an after life, those who look so forward to an after life are usually the ones who don't know how to live this life. Just as a leaf on a tree falls of and another takes its place, so it I with us. The tree is like pure Essence, it is who we truly are, we as the mind body organism are like the leaf on the tree, the leaf falls and dies, but the tree goes on and on producing more leafs, each new leaf has its own uniqness, but still it is one with the tree........you can call the tree Consciousness, God or whatever.