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Atheists: What would be evidence of God’s existence?

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Science verification. An alien spirit arise out of earth by. God dust ground conversion.

Sun reality earth conversion history. A cold sun not earths body burst. It blew out huge mass most of which cooled into stone asteroids.

Earth was given sink holes by the sun did not dust react at all.

Earths crystalline mass converted into the dust. Water sealed all products.

No alien.

Modern man's science. Alien caused by old man's pyramid science caused the alien to arise out of dusts. How life ended on earth a big stone UFO ark destruction.


Modern day alien caused by science dusts converting only small. Earth mass no longer supported origin attack.

Man forgets modern day alien theme was caused by origin man's pyramid sciences not God.

So God did not nuclear dust convert into alien spirit to change into Satan man image to change into Jesus man image in clouds to become human mans first bio life like Satanists believe.


Veteran Member
So what? Other animals have the capacity to do things that humans cannot do.
That is true. Animals have heightened senses so they can hear and smell things humans cannot.
You seem to have this idea that humans = best and are trying to find some way to justify your conclusion. I, on the other hand, recognise that Humans are just another species of animal and we aren't separate to the environment, we are part of it.
Humans are not just another species of animal. Humans are animals but they are more than animals because humans have a soul and other animals only have an animal spirit. That is my belief, you can take it or leave it:

“The human spirit which distinguishes man from the animal is the rational soul, and these two names—the human spirit and the rational soul—designate one thing. This spirit, which in the terminology of the philosophers is the rational soul, embraces all beings, and as far as human ability permits discovers the realities of things and becomes cognizant of their peculiarities and effects, and of the qualities and properties of beings.” Some Answered Questions, p. 208

Read more: 55: SOUL, SPIRIT AND MIND [/quote]
So what? You seem to be taking only the very highest performer and then claiming that all other species have failed.
I never said other animals have failed. Other animals are perfect in their own domain, but they are a different order of creation below humans. Humans were created in the image of God so we have the potential to reflect all the attributes of God whereas animals cannot reflect those attributes. Moreover only humans can know and worship God, other animals cannot understand what God is.
Don't do this again. You literally said they are unrelated. Don't try and go back on it now.
I will say whatever comes to mind. If I come up with a new thought on any subject I will post it. Every day is a new day and I might have new insights and different thoughts.
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rational experiences

Veteran Member
God was a human theist aware heaven concept in cooling bodies in space.

Spirit of God on face of water in space.

O a movement only in the heavens. Cooling gases with water sounds gas O by G spiral back to O. O in pressure changes into D back into O.

As G O D movement is GOOD. A conscious soul explanation heavenly protection. As said by just a human to other humans

God protects us by the conditions a teaching to humans about why science with machines should not transmit blasting sounds to experiment as the atmospheric status changes.

Man with his machine destroyer.

Why we see radiation balls as a disturbed atmospheric mass can no longer cool it's removal in voiding.

Not enough gas mass.
Not enough water mass.
Vacuum not functioning correctly.

Gods O protection failing falling out.

Reasoning. Crops a bio living renewed growth gets attacked.


Veteran Member
There is no rational way anyone can interpret "Proof does not indicate" to mean that proof indicates and then it does more.
No they wouldn't think that unless someone explained what they meant by that but I am not going to argue about it anymore because it is a waste of time.


Veteran Member
Why not? I used a method of verification which is perfectly valid for getting true results, at least by what you've said.

It's verified.
Why not? I used a method of verification which is perfectly valid for getting true results but I got different results.

rational experiences

Veteran Member

I am a Human.
You are a human.

A human says my life presence on earth inside it's heavens owns equal reasons. To live and be a human life equally.

Meaning you hence cannot theory against self.

Yet men did only because two hu man's existed. Said science as one hu man not on behalf of two humans. Direct lie.

Basic advice

If a human says I was made in gods image think about what you said. As just a human.

What did a human theist in creation science claim God was?

The earth. An entity deity in science that created owned it's fixed state planet body. Plus fixed state heavens.

What science did man practice,?

Did man practice maths science?


They practiced earth substance science.

To convert...Sion...Fu Sion into fis Sion by conver Sion.


Gods body.

So why how did God create you in the image of gods body it substances?

O earth is fixed as sciences God?

Oh says humans I don't think properly. I got brain conscious irradiated.

What type of state does recording by heavens own as the subject the state to record?

Historic sun and earths gas and mass nuclear reaction. Cooled. The state to record image. Of the planet. Heavens. Space. Stars gases.black space.humans. animals.nature. living or dead.records nuclear events.

Recording of image God only. A state never owned by any human.

Are you in that reaction?


How did you personally get your image into the reactive state?

I nuclear converted gods dust mass myself.

The state a huge reaction.

End of life on earth of human scientists by a big huge nuclear reaction.

Took water mass to cool it.

Image of man was first with Satan's angel end of life!!! Told.

So does a huge earth ground Moses attack. Moses a huge ground water mass again. Said Satan man's Image and now Jesus man's image. Did it twice.

How God created the image of man as God. Pretty basic advice.

You know to have a recorded image you have to physically exist first.

So Satan the man giant cloud image then owned extra cloud mass to own small man Jesus image.

Why men in science said Satan God man created Jesus man. In cloud mass a state also clouds.

A reasoning only.

Stating why it happened in science relativity.

I knew I wasn't God.
I knew I wasn't an angel.

I chose to challenge human science.


Well-Known Member
That is true. Animals have heightened senses so they can hear and smell things humans cannot.

So you agree with me but don't acknowledge that it defeats your claim. (And let's not get into the "I wasn't making any claims" stuff again, shall we?)

Humans are not just another species of animal. Humans are animals but they are more than animals because humans have a soul and other animals only have an animal spirit. That is my belief, you can take it or leave it:

“The human spirit which distinguishes man from the animal is the rational soul, and these two names—the human spirit and the rational soul—designate one thing. This spirit, which in the terminology of the philosophers is the rational soul, embraces all beings, and as far as human ability permits discovers the realities of things and becomes cognizant of their peculiarities and effects, and of the qualities and properties of beings.” Some Answered Questions, p. 208

Read more: 55: SOUL, SPIRIT AND MIND

That's your belief, and I believe you are wrong.

And are you just saying that because it's the official position of your faith, or is it a conclusion you reached without being told to believe it?

I never said other animals have failed. Other animals are perfect in their own domain, but they are a different order of creation below humans. Humans were created in the image of God so we have the potential to reflect all the attributes of God whereas animals cannot reflect those attributes. Moreover only humans can know and worship God, other animals cannot understand what God is.

How do you know? Have you asked them?

I will say whatever comes to mind. If I come up with a new thought on any subject I will post it. Every day is a new day and I might have new insights and different thoughts.

So you're going to flip-flop. No fixed opinion.

I've seen people do this before. They hold opinion A until it gets them into a position they can't reason themselves out of, and then they switch to opinion B. And then they go straight back to Opinion A.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but I saw nobody quoted in your post.
#2279 Tiberius, Today at 5:38 PM

I was quoting Rational Experiences. I suspect you must have him on ignore. I completely understand. ;)

Rational Experiences.jpg


Well-Known Member
No they wouldn't think that unless someone explained what they meant by that but I am not going to argue about it anymore because it is a waste of time.

If you have to explain what your words meant, you should have written it better to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Why not? I used a method of verification which is perfectly valid for getting true results but I got different results.

How very interesting! We BOTH used a method which you claim provides THE TRUTH, and we got DIFFERENT results!

Is it possible that what is true for you might not be true for me? Perhaps I am a billionaire, and it's just not true for anyone else! No one else can see my piles of gold except me! That way it can be true!

Or maybe the method you suggested doesn't lead to the truth at all and it's just a way of letting yourself be convinced that whatever you want to be true IS true. That sounds much more plausible to me.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
The human experience.

I had to name God O an entity and the deity

Versus scientific satanisms. Human referred.

Humans name the product of science theirselves.

Pretty basic advice.

Science today says I want the beginning God. I know he said it was the eternal form. Always existed always will exist. I want its channel. I want to resource it and burn it up.

Electricity he says.

So we have to assess science the liar.

He only wants electricity.

To get it in earth he gets it from pre burnt or irradiated bodies of product

Both having been water cooled or snap frozen.

So for a scientist to believe in their thesis they challenge what they state is higher awareness. Natural consciousness

Hoping we will tell them.

They want God to be the eternal that they convert into electricity.

Electricity they want to be the eternal as they want it non stop replaced forever.

To own the highest form and burn convert it.

Knowing we came from the eternal they study a chemical reaction that forms electrical pulses in our body. Knowing when we die it stops as chemical reactions stop.

They want our chemistry to be a nuclear spirit that comes back into our body at death to re live.

What their thesis is. Why we are arguing use of terms about God.

So if you know the line of the argument then maybe now you might argue on the correct side.

Is what the review is about.

No man is God teaching.
Jesus belonged to the god state only.

Humans were life sacrificed as we did not begin with a radiating evil spirit.

We were harmed only as the natural God state the nature of rock stone had been altered by human scientists.

Why we argued God the earth was a holy entity deity. O the planet that had created with spatial cooling the immaculate

The immaculate supports any heavenly reaction and if not present in its immaculate Form we will all die a teaching to humans living.

Immaculate he said a mother body with the voiding vacuum keeping burning gas above us sacrificing.

A scientific teaching safety.


Veteran Member
So you agree with me but don't acknowledge that it defeats your claim.
Defeats what claim?
That's your belief, and I believe you are wrong.

And are you just saying that because it's the official position of your faith, or is it a conclusion you reached without being told to believe it?
You can believe anything you want to, just like I can...
Nobody told me what to believe. I learned about the soul and its abilities from my religion and then I chose to believe it becaue it makes sense to me.
How do you know? Have you asked them?
No, I don't need to. It is just common sense.

There is no evidence that any non-human animals believe in God or gods, pray, worship, have any notion of metaphysics, create artifacts with ritual significance, or many other behaviours typical of human significance, or many other behaviours typical of human religion. ...

Religious behavior in animals - Wikipedia

I've seen people do this before.

They hold opinion A until it gets them into a position they can't reason themselves out of, and then they switch to opinion B. And then they go straight back to Opinion A.
I change my mind all the time, whenever I learn something new. The day that all my opinions are fixed is the day I think I know everything and cannot learn anything new.


Veteran Member
How very interesting! We BOTH used a method which you claim provides THE TRUTH, and we got DIFFERENT results!
Of course we got different results. We are different people with completely different childhood and adulthood backgrounds and different knowledge bases and different ways of thinking so we are going to view the evidence for the Baha'i Faith very differently. Do you really think that I read the Bible and then come to exactly the same conclusions as a Christian does? Not even every Christian comes to the same conclusions despite reading the same Bible. How do you explain that?
Is it possible that what is true for you might not be true for me? Perhaps I am a billionaire, and it's just not true for anyone else! No one else can see my piles of gold except me! That way it can be true!

Or maybe the method you suggested doesn't lead to the truth at all and it's just a way of letting yourself be convinced that whatever you want to be true IS true. That sounds much more plausible to me.
You are are wrong if you think I want my religion to be true. Do you really think it is easy being a Baha'i? I ran away from this responsibility for most of my life. Then when I got older I changed my mind and decided it was important to reconcile with God and try to do something with my religion.

I doubt you read what I read about the Baha'i Faith, so how could you come to the same conclusions I came to? But even if we both read from exactly the same sources we would not come to the same conclusions.

Not everyone will recognize the truth despite looking at the same evidence, and in the early days of every new religion only a few people recognize it as true. That is why Jesus said:

Matthew 7:13-14 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

And why Baha'u'llah said:

“The Book of God is wide open, and His Word is summoning mankind unto Him. No more than a mere handful, however, hath been found willing to cleave to His Cause, or to become the instruments for its promotion. These few have been endued with the Divine Elixir that can, alone, transmute into purest gold the dross of the world, and have been empowered to administer the infallible remedy for all the ills that afflict the children of men. No man can obtain everlasting life, unless he embraceth the truth of this inestimable, this wondrous, and sublime Revelation.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 183


Well-Known Member
Defeats what claim?

It's very concerning that you still haven't learned that clicking the arrow next to the name in the quote box takes you directly to the post in question. If you had used that you would be able to follow the conversation quite easily.

In any case, it defeats the claim you made in post 2261 that Humans are the best at "acquiring and applying knowledge and skills," as per the definition of intelligence you provided - a claim I demolished in post 2265. In any case, measuring intelligence is difficult because it is such a vague and nebulous concept. is it measured by problem solving ability? The ability to see things from the point of view of others?

And I am growing tired of your claims of not knowing what we are talking about. If you have memory problems, there are any number of ways to deal with it, including the links in each quote box to the post being quoted, which allow you to look back through the conversation. I use them plenty, so can you.

You can believe anything you want to, just like I can...
Nobody told me what to believe. I learned about the soul and its abilities from my religion and then I chose to believe it becaue it makes sense to me.

How amazing that you came up with these beliefs all on your own that just so happened to match the official position of the Baha'i faith!

No, I don't need to. It is just common sense.

So what? Doesn't mean it's right. To a lot of people, it's common sense that heavy objects fall faster than light ones. Intuition is a LOUSY way to get the truth.

There is no evidence that any non-human animals believe in God or gods, pray, worship, have any notion of metaphysics, create artifacts with ritual significance, or many other behaviours typical of human significance, or many other behaviours typical of human religion. ...

Religious behavior in animals - Wikipedia

How utterly arrogant is it to think that humans are better because they have religion?

I change my mind all the time, whenever I learn something new. The day that all my opinions are fixed is the day I think I know everything and cannot learn anything new.

Well, you seem to change it very often in this thread, from one position to a new one, then back to the old one, then back to the new one... It almost seems as if you hold one position, then claim to have changed it when faced with some difficulty of the first position, then immediately go back to it once you have escaped from the problem. Now, I'm not saying you ARE doing this, but it sure looks an awful lot like it.