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Australian Police


Guardian of Asgaard
Tonight i was pulled over for a cop for driving around an industrial area, rightly so i have no problem with that. He asked the usual questions sure it was dark he wanted to see my hands fair enough.
My quesion is do cops have the right to ask you if you "where is the weed" straight out without asking me for a drug test or asking me if i've done drugs?
I took it as very insulting and unprofessional to make an assumption since i have no problem whatsoever with conforming to taking drug and alcohol tests since i was as sober as a judge, and can proudly say i've never touched illicit drugs.
I usually see many cops at work and never have i encountered such a thing amongst the ranks.
I will answer your question with more questions:

1. do cops have the right to taser you 28 times an kill you
2. do cops have the right to slam, battern a repedily spray a 15yo kid who only second ago woke up from being unconsious
3. do cops have the right to be ***** to the general public
4. do cops have the right to break the law and recieve reduced or minimal to none sentencing

all these questions an more represent currently, the police force do anything they want, with total disregard to right of either side, with presence of mind that they can get away with it.
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Guardian of Asgaard
I will answer your question with more questions:

1. do cops have the right to taser you 28 times an kill you
2. do cops have the right to slam, battern a repedily spray a 15yo kid who only second ago woke up from being unconsious
3. do cops have the right to be c**ts to the general public
4. do cops have the right to break the law and recieve reduced or minimal to none sentencing

all these questions an more represent currently, the police force do anything they want, with total disregard to right of either side, with presence of mind that they can get away with it.

In regards to the Tazering, what were cops doing at the house in the first place? If the people were being civil and not attracting the police to the home nothing would have happened.

More 15 year olds need a battern. They think they're 10 foot tall and bullet proof. This countries youth are a joke.

People treat cops like crap, i'm for the "shoot first, ask questions later policy." In our country theres no respect for police. People do stupid things and then blame the police for being heavy handed. Well, don't attract their attention and they won't be heavy handed. Its simple.

I don't have a problem with police, i just had a problem with one officer who seemed to be overly confident in the assumption that i was a dropkick druggy. He could have been far more civil than he was.
I agree with you in what you say, and there will always be a small minority that give the majority a bad reputation. I personally have never been in trouble with the police and i don't plan to be. however im just curious why you didn't rrspond to the quote:

4. do cops have the right to break the law and recieve reduced or minimal to none sentencing

However, i do disagree with what you say about the situation involving the 15yo, having happened down the street where i was living an being there to whitness this after the problem was resolved by the police will forever tarnish my vievs towards police.


Guardian of Asgaard
I agree with you in what you say, and there will always be a small minority that give the majority a bad reputation. I personally have never been in trouble with the police and i don't plan to be. however im just curious why you didn't rrspond to the quote:

4. do cops have the right to break the law and recieve reduced or minimal to none sentencing

However, i do disagree with what you say about the situation involving the 15yo, having happened down the street where i was living an being there to whitness this after the problem was resolved by the police will forever tarnish my vievs towards police.

Cops aren't like us. In certain situations they're forced to make choices the rest of us could choose to walk away from.
I remember a few years ago, some drugged up maori kid where im from (Gisborne, NZ) was off his nut on PCP (pretty much destroying kids in Gisborne) and swinging a knife at police who were trying to subdue him. One police officer who was backed into a corner made the decision and shot the kid. Everyone had a whinge and a moan over it, saying the cop was out of line and a white supremist. His critics were too pathetic to acknowledge that the cop had no choice.

I think people are all to quick to criticise cops when they are too ignorant of what those poor buggers have to deal with on a daily basis. To criticise them in the line of duty is just wrong. Sure, they may be heavy handed, but if they're not, it could be them in a body bag because they chose to try and reason with the scum of society.


Tonight i was pulled over for a cop for driving around an industrial area, rightly so i have no problem with that. He asked the usual questions sure it was dark he wanted to see my hands fair enough.
My quesion is do cops have the right to ask you if you "where is the weed" straight out without asking me for a drug test or asking me if i've done drugs?
I took it as very insulting and unprofessional to make an assumption since i have no problem whatsoever with conforming to taking drug and alcohol tests since i was as sober as a judge, and can proudly say i've never touched illicit drugs.
I usually see many cops at work and never have i encountered such a thing amongst the ranks.

perhaps he was desperate for a spliff
an yet pcp is legal in new zealand right?? And if we applied an metaphorical rule of physics of Einesteins #1

every action requires an equal opposite reaction.... the more heavy handed the police get, the number of people out of control an outraged increases.

given most of this is fuled by media for that 'ONE' storey but in the end it comes down to the body corperate and what they have to say goes. no one person, government or police force can defy the majority for too long before civll unrest it apparent.

It will only get worse before it gets better. And i dont even like where it is now.

having said that, the police force is a major requirement in society giving people that "think twice" outlook and for making people accountable for their actions. The "MAJORITY" are to be comended for what they do an the minority should get a taste of their own medicine. lol


Guardian of Asgaard
an yet pcp is legal in new zealand right?? And if we applied an metaphorical rule of physics of Einesteins #1

every action requires an equal opposite reaction.... the more heavy handed the police get, the number of people out of control an outraged increases.

given most of this is fuled by media for that 'ONE' storey but in the end it comes down to the body corperate and what they have to say goes. no one person, government or police force can defy the majority for too long before civll unrest it apparent.

It will only get worse before it gets better. And i dont even like where it is now.

having said that, the police force is a major requirement in society giving people that "think twice" outlook and for making people accountable for their actions. The "MAJORITY" are to be comended for what they do an the minority should get a taste of their own medicine. lol

So in the example i provided, what should the cop have done? Tried to reason with some idiot swinging a knife around?

Unrest grows because there are a lot of tools out there who don't like being told what to do. They think they're special enough not to have to obey the laws that everyone else does. Its like people who grow weed and get caught, they go on about how unfair it is to have to go to court. Well if you don't like it, don't ******* sell weed then. If you don't want to get bashed by a cop, do what you're told and don't draw their attention in the first place.

Its really not that hard, people are just completely stupid.
True enough, but what measures should be in place for those select police officers who step out of line. What should happen to them? Should they get a "out of jail" card? Should the police update their current measures to comply with the ever social unrest towards police?

Quote: " sometimes the innocently portrayed behave with guilt, as does the guilty behave with innocence. Does this mean they are both guilty or innocent?"


Guardian of Asgaard
True enough, but what measures should be in place for those select police officers who step out of line. What should happen to them? Should they get a "out of jail" card? Should the police update their current measures to comply with the ever social unrest towards police?

Quote: " sometimes the innocently portrayed behave with guilt, as does the guilty behave with innocence. Does this mean they are both guilty or innocent?"

I think for Australia and New Zealand, they should be tried by their own people. Like some kind of military tribunal for police. It would be unfair to try them in a normal court because media attention would condemn the officer for doing his job a little to brutally. In a police court, everyone involved would be aware of the circumstances involved.
I think for Australia and New Zealand, they should be tried by their own people. Like some kind of military tribunal for police. It would be unfair to try them in a normal court because media attention would condemn the officer for doing his job a little to brutally. In a police court, everyone involved would be aware of the circumstances involved.

weel that would make sense, probably why the millitary already do it. but how would that look in the eyes of the public if bulk police officers start being tried by the law they so despirately try to uphold?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
While most cops conduct themselves honestly and professionally, you'll always have a few corrupt ones who like to abuse their power.


Guardian of Asgaard
weel that would make sense, probably why the millitary already do it. but how would that look in the eyes of the public if bulk police officers start being tried by the law they so despirately try to uphold?

Once again, because they're not like us. They're essentially different people. They're forced to do things we're not.
If they were tried the same way we are, there would be more police officers inside for assault than actual police officers. Im sure that would go down well.

No matter what police do, there will always be a bunch of fools who think they're doing the worng thing. Just like all other parts of society, you can't please everyone, and there are always pathetic tools out there who are overly critical of everything when they, themselves, are useless and couldn't do a better, or more fair job.
Once again, because they're not like us. They're essentially different people. They're forced to do things we're not.
If they were tried the same way we are, there would be more police officers inside for assault than actual police officers. Im sure that would go down well.

No matter what police do, there will always be a bunch of fools who think they're doing the worng thing. Just like all other parts of society, you can't please everyone, and there are always pathetic tools out there who are overly critical of everything when they, themselves, are useless and couldn't do a better, or more fair job.

agreed that they are not like us. but, is it not the same law?

yes there will allway be a bunch of fools thinking they are doing the wrong thing, but there are those out there who believe they all have the capacity to do the right thing and make justified decisions what ever they may entail, in correspondence to the law.

what i'm getting at, is that there are too many unjustified decisions being made in today's society by officers, enough to attract the public. this is not good for either side and has the potential to blow out of proportion.

yes they are froced to things we are not, but that doesnt include for example: tasering a bloke 28 times to death, where 1 taser is more than sufficient to subdue the bloke. that is unjustified in my eyes what ever the situation may be.


Guardian of Asgaard
yes they are froced to things we are not, but that doesnt include for example: tasering a bloke 28 times to death, where 1 taser is more than sufficient to subdue the bloke. that is unjustified in my eyes what ever the situation may be.

Something doesn't seem right there. In order to make a decision, i'd like to see the tazer gun for myself. The readings those things give are inaccurate. Electricity does not conform to our laws ;)

He got 1 from the police, and 27 more for the inconvenience of causing a domestic. I'd have given him 10 more to make sure.