Lets think this for a moment from an unbiased view and conscious. One philosopher once said,"Consider the option that your enemy is right".
What we hear from the news is not new to us. The media throughout history shows that when it comes to foreign policy they will lie to the public advertently to satisfy governments wishes. They have done that in the past against the Nazis, Japanese, Viets, Koreans, Chinese and the list can go on. There was this little girl in elementary that sent a letter to John F. Kennedy which wrote that Santa is mad that the Soviets are testing Nuclear weapons. But my question is what if Santa himself was a Soviet.
In regard to the losses the U.S will gain from the war will be mountainous. No lesson learned from the previous wars that accumulated against the declining dollar and raising debt. The country is flailing to keep itself together and well on its way into a massive fragmentation uncapable of adhesively returning as a whole.
What we hear from the news is not new to us. The media throughout history shows that when it comes to foreign policy they will lie to the public advertently to satisfy governments wishes. They have done that in the past against the Nazis, Japanese, Viets, Koreans, Chinese and the list can go on. There was this little girl in elementary that sent a letter to John F. Kennedy which wrote that Santa is mad that the Soviets are testing Nuclear weapons. But my question is what if Santa himself was a Soviet.
In regard to the losses the U.S will gain from the war will be mountainous. No lesson learned from the previous wars that accumulated against the declining dollar and raising debt. The country is flailing to keep itself together and well on its way into a massive fragmentation uncapable of adhesively returning as a whole.