CG Didymus
Veteran Member
That was great. Thanks. As I've said... I like the basic teachings of the Baha'i Faith. We need unity and peace between all people. But going beyond the basics... What is the Baha'i Faith all about? Is their prophet speaking the infallible Word of God? I can't say that. And if he's not speaking the infallible, inerrant Word of God, what is he saying and for what purpose? I didn't used to mistrust religions and their leaders, but now I do.So, this idea of the Bahai that there were successive founders of religions who were manifestations of God is a religious idea that does not reflect the historical reality. It is a Vedic type of fantasy, a mythical idea.
But Bahais are to be praised for stressing the unity between all spiritual paths.
Invisible, unknowable Gods? The only way to know God in this day is through Baha'u'llah? They use prophecies from all the different Scriptures, then some of them say you can't go by the prophecies. They say all the "revealed" religions are true, then some of them say that the Scriptures we do have were written by men, so they aren't necessarily accurate. So the only "true" thing left is them. And they only "proof" is because their prophet said so. But, as with the case of their "progressive revelation" thing, I don't see it. I agree with you. There were no successive founders. Founders that were these "special" creations they call "manifestations".
I don't think a Baha'i has answered yet about my question about in some forms of Buddhism that any can become enlightened. But if Buddha was a manifestation, then ordinary people could not attain what he attained. Do you have any thoughts or comments on this? Thanks.