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Banned from a website


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I'm amazed at how low people will go to keep us from spreading the Gospel. I came across a Christian website, www.christianchatforum.com, and joined up since it looked like a nice place to talk religion. Boy was I wrong.

I got in 3 posts before I was blocked from posting any longer, and I found that I'd been banned earlier this week. Why was I blocked then banned? Because I'm LDS.

None of my posts were attacking anybody's beliefs. The first was a clarification of a list of "Mormon Doctrine" that someone had posted, the second was a list of the signs of the last days that someone asked for, and the third was a simple question asking why everyone was being rather mean to me.

Sorry if I'm ranting, I'm just upset that people who accuse us of censorship whenever we try to keep the anti-Mormons off of Church property (latest example is the Plaza in SLC) censor people like me for wanting to discuss religion.

Part of me want to raise a call for us to go to their site and show that we can't be kept quiet, but at the same time I don't want to cause a major ruckus that get's people's feelings hurt.


Well-Known Member
Those people are not looking for clarification. They are looking for justification of their beliefs and do it at the expense of our beliefs. They can justify their beliefs all the way to hell for all I care. :p


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Your posts made them uncomfortable. They weren't able to defend their position intellectually, so they removed the disturbing ideas electronically.

Did you try PMing a moderator for an explanation?

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
You rattled their cage: they retaliated.

Were you wrong? No.

Were they wrong? Hypocrisy is ALWAYS wrong. It's hurtful to see psuedo-Christians that destroy the Gospel of Peace with their biases.


Well-Known Member
silvermoon383 said:
Sometimes I'm amazed at how low people will go to keep us from spreading the Gospel. I came across a Christian website, www.christianchatforum.com, and joined up since it looked like a nice place to talk religion. Boy was I wrong.
I've had that same thing happen to me, silvermoon. I've pretty much learned to distrust "Christian" forums. They are almost always very right-wing in their perspectives. I'd much rather discuss Christian doctrine on a forum like RF where there is a wider range of Christian beliefs.


Religion is Law
Jesus was accused of teaching false doctrine by the Pharisees and the Sadducees, and eventually they had the Roman government convinced--or rather Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judea--that Jesus ought to be crucified. Iconoclasm can be a dangerous thing in certain groups of people. Even today in Israel, preaching Christian gospel from door to door is not welcome. Among the Muslims, Christian missionaries are not exactly welcome. Take for instance the very recent news of Abdul Rahman, the Christian convert. He was a Christian for 16 years, converting from Islam, and just now they have tried him in an Afghanistan court and released him due to insufficient evidence. See CNN and others. This happened within the past few days. People will only want to hear what they want. Paul the Apostle recognized this when he said:

"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

"And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." (2 Timothy 4:2-4; KJV).

Paul was instructing Timothy on how the people would begin to turn away from the gospel and turn to other pursuits. Today you may find the same reaction when people tire of the gospel message and turn to other forms of religion or pleasures.


Ammon is awesome
It makes me appreciate the members of the RF a lot more. If my tread happens to be still open on the other thread it's "What do you want to know about LDS beliefs?" My name was Ammon.


Well-Known Member
I've registered at the site, but it must take time to activate the account because it won't let me post.

The misrepresentations on the site are horrid and if I ever meet blueheron32 I'm going to punch him in the face.


Well-Known Member
I've registered at the site, but it must take time to activate the account because it won't let me post.

The misrepresentations on the site are horrid and if I ever meet blueheron32 I'm going to punch him in the face.

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
*prepares to fruball CCF's collective buttocks... With a vengeance!* :D

Some of the things said there about LDS were shameful. Well, nuts to them. Let 'em stew in their own narrow minded juices.


Forum Relic
Premium Member
silvermoon383 said:
Sometimes I'm amazed at how low people will go to keep us from spreading the Gospel. I came across a Christian website, www.christianchatforum.com, and joined up since it looked like a nice place to talk religion. Boy was I wrong.

I got in 3 posts before I was blocked from posting any longer, and I found that I'd been banned earlier this week. Why was I blocked then banned? Because I'm LDS.

None of my posts were attacking anybody's beliefs. The first was a clarification of a list of "Mormon Doctrine" that someone had posted, the second was a list of the signs of the last days that someone asked for, and the third was a simple question asking why everyone was being rather mean to me.

Sorry if I'm ranting, I'm just upset that people who accuse us of censorship whenever we try to keep the anti-Mormons off of Church property (latest example is the Plaza in SLC) censor people like me for wanting to discuss religion.

Part of me want to raise a call for us to go to their site and show that we can't be kept quiet, but at the same time I don't want to cause a major ruckus that get's people's feelings hurt.
Heh. Yeah, unfortunatley there's a lot of closed minds and intolerance out there. You don't have to worry about that here. Things are moderated pretty well and everyone's opinion counts. You're in good hands


Well-Known Member
Well, it happened again. I was able to get back onto CCF, and was in what was a pleasent chat which included the moderator blueheron32. When the fact that I was LDS came to light, he became rather condesending, then asked my a nasty question about Heavenly Father. When I politely answered him and corrected the mistake in his question (he thought Kolob was a planet, not a star) I was banned by him less than a minute later.

I have to ask, how can a guy who professes himself to be Christian act in such a manner? Especially when he makes a site that is supposed to be for the open discussion of Christian ideas.


Angel slayer
silvermoon383 said:
Well, it happened again. I was able to get back onto CCF, and was in what was a pleasent chat which included the moderator blueheron32. When the fact that I was LDS came to light, he became rather condesending, then asked my a nasty question about Heavenly Father. When I politely answered him and corrected the mistake in his question (he thought Kolob was a planet, not a star) I was banned by him less than a minute later.

I have to ask, how can a guy who professes himself to be Christian act in such a manner? Especially when he makes a site that is supposed to be for the open discussion of Christian ideas.

Arrogance, pure and simple.

You can try to change the ignorant, but it seems to be a growing epidemic.


Glass half Panda'd
silvermoon383 said:
I have to ask, how can a guy who professes himself to be Christian act in such a manner? Especially when he makes a site that is supposed to be for the open discussion of Christian ideas.
I'm really sorry to hear that. :(

If it's any consolation, i know what you mean. The sad thing is, it doesnt just happen on forums, it happens in real life. (ie. my school) People can be so narrowminded and selfish...*sigh* i just dont get it....


Rajun Cajun
silvermoon383 said:
Well, it happened again. I was able to get back onto CCF, and was in what was a pleasent chat which included the moderator blueheron32. When the fact that I was LDS came to light, he became rather condesending, then asked my a nasty question about Heavenly Father. When I politely answered him and corrected the mistake in his question (he thought Kolob was a planet, not a star) I was banned by him less than a minute later.

I have to ask, how can a guy who professes himself to be Christian act in such a manner? Especially when he makes a site that is supposed to be for the open discussion of Christian ideas.

Well, he could probably be insecure in his faith. Although, I shouldn't rush to judgement like that, because I could be wrong. This is just something that was brought up in my church this weekend and you mentioning this brought it back up in my mind. A lot of times, if someone is insecure in there faith, they feel that they need to force there faith on the other person or punish the other person in some way. While some people on this forum might or might not agree with your's or other beliefs, you are free to discuss and debate your beliefs here :). Welcome to the forum.