we've increased from 275 to 400 ppm +125 per 1,000,000 = 1.25 per 10,000 .
I think it's a little more clear this way, CO2 emissions are often cited in tons to sound dramatic, but it is a miniscule amount on perspective- particularly when the vast majority of CO2 'emissions' come from natural respiration, not combustion
At these levels CO2 effects plant growth, not the GH effect to any significant degree
The GH effect is dominated by water vapor, not CO2 yes?
That's why the computer sims all depend 100% on simulating hypothetical feedback loops in atmospheric water vapor, NOT CO2- to achieve the Hollywood disaster results.
But most believers don't scratch the surface this far, when somebody likes the 'solutions', they have little interest in scrutinizing the 'problem'