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Be Mindful of Tomorrow\Taqwa in Domstic & Interntl\Root, Sins\Prevent Spiritual Disease\Ties, God


Peace be upon you.
Be Mindful of Tomorrow -Taqwa in Domestic and International Relation- Root of Sins -Prevention of Spiritual Diseases -Types of People who Forget God -Ties with God.
Peace be on all.
Holy Quran says:


[ch 59: v 19] O ye who believe, exercise Taqwa (righteousness) of Allah, and let every soul look to what it sends forth for the tomorrow and exercise Taqwa of Allah. Surely Allah always knows what you do.


[ch 59: v 20] And be not be like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget themselves. It is they that are rebellious.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) explains: The root of each evil and sin lies in the fact that these are considered insignificant and attention is not paid to avoid them. This lack of care leads human to big sins. Then human gradually forgets to do virtues; forget to get high standards of virtues which a believer should achieve; fear of Allah the Exalted diminishes in him; he goes away from Taqwa (righteousness); his faith about life after death do not remain perfect……… In short a person who claims to have faith, practically moves away from conditions of faith and do not remain believer in the eyes of Allah the Exalted.

The fuller understanding of Taqwa implies that a true believer should pay all dues of Allah, all dues of people, try to obey all commandments of Allah till last moments of life, try to do all virtues, to believe and to practice all the teachings and prophecies of Allah and the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)…… Ref: Friday sermon, 19 April 2013

In the above verses, Allah the Exalted has pointedly drawn attention of believers that they should not be concerned about amusements, eases and connections with friends and relatives in present worldly life but the main thing to be worried about should be their tomorrow. Their real focus, priority and worry should be to achieve high standard of faith in Allah the Exalted, to exercise His Taqwa and to believe in accountability in life after death. If so, then real moral progress will be achieved and these will not be superficial morals but they shall have purpose of getting pleasure of Allah the Exalted.

Our spiritual progress and claim of being believer will be true when we shall keep eyes on tomorrow. Our sure, selfless, truth based faith on Being of God will be real in the eyes of God the Exalted when we shall make effort to get pleasure of God the Exalted and act according to His commandments.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) says : O believers, keep fear of God, and everyone from you should continue to see what he has sent for the next world. And be afraid of the God Who is Khabeer and Aleem and is watching your deeds. It means He knows well and assesses well, that is why He will never accept your false deeds.

Thus each of us should ponder at and understand this commandment of Allah the Exalted with effort that we should keep watch our deeds by exercising Taqwa of Allah the Exalted (righteousness); keep eyes on matters which benefit our tomorrow. Allah the Exalted knows what is in depth of our hearts, He cannot be deceived by shallow things. He distinguishes between false and true, as Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said. He will not accept fake deeds. A believer should be anxious to take care of their tomorrow where deeds will be accounted; he should not consider this material world everything….. We should walk on Taqwa to get real successes.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah I (may Allah be pleased with him) said: Allah the Exalted has told a way to get success in this world and in the next world that human should be mindful for tomorrow, from today. By following the teaching of Quran ‘wal tanzur nafsun ma qaddamat le-ghad’ human gets success not only in the world but become successful in the next world too, by the grace of God the Exalted. We can never gather capital for Hereafter unless we start preparation for that lasting abode from today.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) pointed out: We read this verse on the occasion of Nikah. This is the last verse of those verses which are read in sermon of Nikah. Allah the Exalted drew our attention to various matters in verses which are read in Nikah sermon [marriage sermon] that take care of your blood relations and incoming responsibilities attached with this tie; exercise truth it will enable you to do good deeds and enable you to pay rights of relations; practice commandments of Allah the Exalted and His Messenger as your successful life is in it. Further stress is given that if you will keep eye on tomorrow, your eye will remain on commandments of Allah the Exalted and His Messenger.

There are numerous commandments of Allah the Exalted and His Messenger which play role in making family life beautiful. If human ponders, he will find that its benefit is for him. Worldly life will become good and the next life as well, as Hazrat Khalifah I (r.a.) said. It means that physical life will become like paradise and one will get bounties in Hereafter because of practice of directives of Allah the Exalted.

The benefit will not only for self, the progeny too will do virtuous deeds. True believer’s tomorrow will become good and he will be doing effort to make good tomorrow of next generation as well because next generation will do virtuous deeds.

Those families which damage their household over minor matters, if they follow directives of Allah the Exalted, they shall not only become guarantor of peace of their homes but they shall be also be guiding their children to exercise Taqwa (righteousness) and making their lives successful. They shall get bounties of Allah the Exalted in this world and in the next world. Thus such families which are hurting their families over petty earthly issues should ponder. Next generation are not only your progeny they are assets of Jama'at and nation too. It is the duty of parents to show them the right path. It can only be done if parents themselves make effort to practice commandments of Allah the Exalted and His Messenger. May Allah the Exalted enable everyone to do so. [Aameen]…..It is one aspect, to which, Allah the Exalted has drawn attention of each believer so that they can make their and their children’s worldly life and life in Hereafter successful.

There are many occasions in our lives when we do not practice Taqwa, when we do not keep eye on life in Hereafter, when we think resources and needs of earthly life are everything, when we unconsciously give precedence to worldly supports over support by Allah the Exalted. Then due to our weaknesses, ineligibilities, laziness we destroy our tomorrow in this world and ignore the tomorrow in next world as well. We do not think the possible horrible consequences.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah I (r.a.) once drew attention about this, he said: A believer should consider about the consequence of what he is going to do. Human, when angry, desire to kill other, call him name. He should think what will be the result of it. If he keep this principle in view he will be enabled to walk on path of Taqwa.

At the time of committing evil, people have khannas / Satan in mind of not considering what would be the result. It is very rare that murderers or evil doers admit their deeds and surrender to face consequences. They give-in in the state of madness. People with common wisdom, when come out of this state of lunacy, try to save themselves. It is not about habitual criminals, they have different matter. Here, Allah the Exalted is not presenting the habitual ones or fully mad ones, He is telling about those who claim to have faith. The sign of believer is that he keep eye at tomorrow.

Hazrat Khalifah I (r.a.) explains how to keep eye on results: One should have faith upon ‘wallaho khabirun bemaa ta-malun’ i.e. the things you do Allah knows it. If human have faith that there is Khabir and Alim Sovereign Who watches all types of bad-work, cheat, deception, laziness and will give reward of it, he can get salvation. Develop such faith. There are many people, who are lazy in doing their duties, jobs, crafts, labour etc. By doing so, earning does not remain Halal. Those who do not do their worldly duties properly, they too destroy their tomorrow, their provision too does not remain Halal, it is provision of deceit.

Thus this verse which is drawing attention to keep eye on tomorrow has great vastness, and it stops the true believer from moving towards minute weakness and sin. We need to develop such faith in us that Allah the Exalted is watching our each deed. And we need to have faith that he does not like our any deceit to earn little benefit, or laziness in our job, or not completing a work in time according to agreement to put illicit pressure to gain benefit. And since God the Exalted does not like it, there will be giving-back, as Hazrat Khalifah I (r.a.) said. It will be a punishment.

Thus by commanding a believer to keep eye on their tomorrow, Allah the Exalted has drawn attention to exercise Taqwa in all matters ranging from little domestic matters to social, business, country related and international matters. And the one who do not follow Taqwa, he should keep in mind that he will come in the catch of God.

One should not think that worldly matters have no connection with religion. A believer is commanded to exercise Taqwa, and according to Taqwa, all worldly and religious works are required to be done according to directives of God the Exalted. Person sometimes thinks to try to avoid the trial of worldly loss, e.g. he thinks to get financial benefit regardless of chosen means. It should be remembered that any means, through which benefit is taken by deception, it takes away deen and eman (religion and faith). An apparently worldly matter becomes religious test / misfortune and gradually takes one away from deen and God.


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Peace be upon you.
A believer should always remember that trial of eman / faith is much greater than worldly trials; it causes destruction of worldly life and life in Hereafter too. Thus we should keep checking our hearts having this thought, and we should keep in view the end of every work because God the Exalted too keep eye on everything. When this thought become real thought, a believer become real believer or moves towards becoming real believer. To check this standard, there is no need to see the report-forms of any auxiliary organization of Jama'at, everyone can check himself whether he has attained the standard that before doing every deed, he thinks that God the Exalted is watching his work. He should think if he is doing a deed with good intention to get pleasure of Allah the Exalted, then there is promise by Him that He grants good rewards several times. If intention is bad, then human should think that he may fall in the catch of Him.

When each of us will make effort to fulfill his duties with this thought, the general standard of Taqwa of Jama'at will raise and it will become visible in Jama'at by itself. There will be no troubles and problems, either for department of training or for department of general matters or for Qada (Justice) and there will be no need to send reminders to others departments.

So we should keep checking our hearts all the times day and night. There is extreme need to save the self from the Satanic attacks….It is the role of Satan that we should forget God the Exalted, sense of His watch and consideration of tomorrow. Many do not think that God the Exalted is seeing their deeds and what could be the result of it. All it happens so, as Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said Satan circulates in a person’s body with his blood ……..Many diseases, infections etc, harm people because of these circulate in blood, they increase gradually and a time comes when they greatly affect the body. The person remains unaware in the beginning about the attack of disease. Even when a careful person feels some lack of vigour sees the doctor, the doctor sometimes cannot find the disease in its beginning which is already circulating inside with blood. These diseases, sometimes, come from germs in the air, from each other. These days there are many diseases present, people only know them when they are spread. The most dangerous diseases in these era are the spiritual diseases, vastly present in air, person does not know when Satan entered in his blood and increases the spiritual disease.

The physical disease shows increasing symptoms like pains in body and lethargy etc. Person feels he is sick he visits the doctor for medicine. But the spiritual disease is dangerous because when human go away from Allah the Exalted and come under attack of Satan, he does not feel sick, rather consider himself healthy but his friends, well wishers realize he is sick they give counsel to him. Those who reach the height of spiritual disease they think their dears and friends are wrong and they are fine. Thus Satan’s attack i.e. the spiritual disease is much more dangerous than physical disease because many times the person does not want to get cured, he do not pay attention to others’ call.

Thus a believer should begin to check himself as preventive cure, before the attack of disease. There is permanent spread of spiritual diseases in this current society. Permanent action, cure and preventive measure are needed as self saving guard. It is essential for a true believer, he should always strive for it. It should always be remembered that a believer is never empty of khashiat [i.e. The fear of God stemming from realization of grandeur of God and meekness of human is ‘Khashiat’ of God] and fear of God the Exalted and he should not be so. The traditions tells about Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) when he would wake up at night, he would pray with utmost humbleness and sincerity. Once Hazrat Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), when saw his such state, said, Allah the Exalted has already granted His full mughferat (forgiveness, cover, help) to you, why do you pray with so much khashiat, he (s.a.w.) replied his salvation would be with the grace of Allah the Exalted too ( I need to bow to Him always)……. As earlier mentioned, Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that Satan runs in the blood of human, at that time he (s.a.w.) also said that his Satan had become Muslims i.e. there was no chance of attack of any spiritual disease on him…….. Thus, if despite all that, Hazrat Messenger Karim (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) practiced so much khashiat, then who is there who can say that he does not need to keep eye on tomorrow in every matter and does not need to do deeds in search of blessings of God the Exalted. Thus it is needed to be on alert always, keep check on conditions of self by exercising Taqwa always, seek mercy of Allah the Exalted from Him always, keep the thought in heart that how one should save one’s eman / faith always. Allah the Exalted has drawn attention towards it in the above mentioned verses that Do not be like those who forgot Allah the Exalted because then Allah the Exalted will make them unmindful of themselves.

As the example was mentioned that people with spiritual sickness do not consider themselves sick and when their well wishers try to get cure for them, instead, they begin to think their well wishers are sick and mad. The spiritual disease fully makes them ignorant to see their state of self. The result is nothing but destruction.

Usually human forgets Allah the Exalted through three ways or we find there are three types of people who are away from Him:

Firstly those who deny the existence of being of God the Exalted and they say with insistence that God the Exalted is nothing, a great number of people who call themselves educated and are proud of their learning, they believe in this theory, they continue to poison the soft minds of youth through media, internet and other methods.

Secondly those, who do not have real and true faith in God Who has all powers, before Whom they shall be presented one day, and shall be accountable of their deeds. Despite that, they accept there is God Who has made the world and there is system working under Him, yet they do not follow His teachings.

Thirdly, there are people who are so much sunk in worldly affairs that they have forgotten God the Exalted. Occasionally when they remember, they offer Salaat and do prayer too, but they are not regular. They have no consideration that Allah the Exalted has made five Prayers obligated for a believer.

In short, it is sure that those who forget God the Exalted they eventually reach at a state, where they get declined morally and spiritually, eventually mental peace is lost. They think they have quick eases and benefits in earthly works, that is why these works should be done first, rights of God the Exalted will be considered later. Allah the Exalted says that He, then, treat them in such a way, ‘fa-ansahum anfosahum’ that He made them forget themselves. Such people never get peace of mind.

Thus Allah the Exalted told believers, if you have real Taqwa (righteousness) in you and you are believer, you do have faith in the Being of God the Exalted and you have belief and surety about His Unity, then spend life according to conditions which are commanded by Him. These conditions tell that a believer should think about the result of his each deed and stand with this certainty that God the Exalted is watching his each action and work. When human has such thought, then the style of doing each work changes, and he feels that blessings of Allah the Exalted on him are increasing. Huzur (may Allah be his Helper) said: I remember when I went for the tour of Kenya, there was an experienced politician, perhaps a Christian, in reception, he met and said he had met Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah IV (may mercy of Allah be on him) who gave him a piece of advice which is very beneficial for him that he should think before doing anything that God the Exalted is watching him and He posses all record of all of his matters…… Huzur (a.t.) said, if they can get benefit, then how much it will be beneficial for a true believer who has been especially told by God the Exalted that he should always keep eye on the result of his work, and should always remember that God is watching my each work and action, and for this reason I have to do each of my work to get His pleasure.

If this thought is not there and will forget God the Exalted then you will be counted in ‘fasequn’. By using the word ‘fasiq’, Allah the Exalted made it clear for claimants of having faith that if they do not exercise Taqwa, they are not mindful of their tomorrow, they do not practice directives of Allah the Exalted, they shall be counted in ‘fasequn’. ‘Fasiq’ is the one who break the limits made by Him, who remain embroiled in sins, who go out of obedience, who go away from truth.

If we do not make checks of ourselves, we do not make effort to gauge our works according to standards told by Allah the Exalted, then it is a very dreadful position. Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah I (may Allah be pleased with him) explains this: Do not be like those people, for whom it is said ‘nasullaha fa-ansahum anfosahum olaeka homul fasequn’ Those who left this Source of purity, The Quddus God, and they want to be successful by their cleverness, mischiefs, not foreseeing end, various cheatings and fox-like techniques. Difficulties come to person, he has many needs, he is dependent of food and drink, he has friends and foes too but in these conditions the splendor of Muttaqi (Righteous) is that he takes care that he does not break relation with God [i.e. he always remember God the Exalted and give Him precedence over friends and beneficial things]. If one trusts a friend, and that friend leaves the world before helping him in a trouble or the friend himself trapped in difficulties and is not able to help; if one trusts a high official, it is possible that the official is transferred and benefit is not received; If one has full trust upon dears and relatives that they shall help him in sorrow and pain, if Allah the Exalted put them very far at the time of need that they may not be helpful. At every instant, connection with God the Exalted should not be left Who cannot break away from us in life and death. Thus God the Exalted says Do not be like those people who has broken ties with God the Exalted because as a result you will not be able to remain safe from grieves and will not get peace, and the strike of disgrace will come from everywhere, and it is possible that disgrace may come from friends. The people who break ties with God, who are they? They are fasiq and fajir, they lack true faith. Not only they are weak in faith, they do not have mercy for creation of Allah too. [i.e. they do not pay rights neither of God nor of people].

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) said: Thus each of us should make effort to do our each action according to commandments of God the Exalted and keep eyes on tomorrow, instead of temporary benefits. May Allah the Exalted enable us to do so. [Aameen]

Based on Friday sermon by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah Help him with His Mighty Help), March 6, 2015, UK, alislam.org and mta.tv