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Be the best version of yourself


Veteran Member
You have the power to govern your own actions, thoughts, words, and deeds. You have the power to recreate one person. Create a person you find most lovable and cherish him/her. Perhaps give that person all of the characteristics and traits you find most lovable , noble, virtuous, and admirable? Why not?
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I think one of the most important things you can do in life is to figure out what your talents are and then develop those talents into skills in ways that are socially and environmentally responsible.


Because we do have hindrances, which the scriptures define as sin, we all fall short of reaching the noble characteristics we may aspire to. This is the reason God has a way for us to become new and transformed and able to reach those admirable characteristics and traits of love, virtue, etc.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
In theory I agree. In practice we have tendencies and hindrances that we were born with that make the realization a challenge to be worked on.
Definitely. I think to a larger extent we are basically programmed to be or do certain things. Once we are programmed, it's hard to deprogram oneself.

A bit like you are what you eat.


Ex-Member of RF (I'm a Ghost)
Sure, just lemme find the magical switch that God gave us..... Oh crap, we got Sin instead.

Honestly, we can't simply be the best person in the world at the drop of a hat, it takes time, effort, motivation, and a damn strong will to stay that way regardless of the obstacles.
And many will not change just because other people say so.

I'm happy as I am. Sure, I'm not a fantastic guy, but I'm not an evil prick either. I recognize my flaws better than I recognize my pros, I help those when I am able (I'm not Jesus), and yeah I'll encourage other to be the best that they can be, but I don't expect them to turn over that leaf in the next few minutes.
And ultimately, being good just because people expect you to has far less meaning than choosing to be good on your own without anyone telling you to be good.

My top signature also helps with everything, and it is the truth when you think about it.