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Best Spending to Seek Love of God - How Ahmadis Progress? - Tehrik e Jadid - Divine Method


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you....Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (a.t.) recited the following verse:

The Translation:
[ch3:v93] 'Never shall you attain to righteousness unless you spend out of that which you love; and whatever you spend, Allah surely knows it well.'

Each Momin (believer) desires that he should attain nearness to Allah the Exalted by doing virtues. In the above verse Allah the Exalted draws attention of believers if they want to do goodness to get His pleasure, they should remember the virtue needs sacrifice. Offer sacrifice of the thing which you are getting benefit of, which is providing you comfort and ease, which is the apparent mean (according to you) for good future of your progeny. All these sacrifices are not ordinary.

Wealth has always been dear to human. Allah the Exalted has mentioned that human like and feel proud about gold, silver, livestock, property, agriculture fields and gardens. But in todays materialistic world, new technology has not only brought people of various countries closer but this technology and economic system has highly increased the desires…….. Regardless if one has extra wealth, fiery desires, love and struggle for money has reached to heights so that one may reach to all things of ease and luxury which are available anywhere in any country. Especially this trend is great in advanced countries. If, God-forbidden, conditions in these countries become deficient, the condition of people living here is beyond imagination. It was a side note.

But love of wealth and desire for newer and newer things on the name of necessity-of-life has reached to limits. And people living in poor, less advanced or progressing countries know these eases due to media and vastness of businesses. In these countries, desires and priorities of citizens of average level, at least, have become to get these things……Anyways materlism is on its summit.

In these conditions, for a common worldly person, it is felt strange to hear words like: To have goodness, spend those things which you love, sacrifice your desires and eases. An earthly person will say these are obsolete words of old times. Or he may say, it is fine to give some help to poor, give something to charity, but it is strange and laughing thing to say spend what you love most, crush your desires, and sacrifice for desires of others, or sacrifice for Deen.

World does not know that there are people in this era who understand and try to practice this teaching of ‘al-bir’ of Holy Quran i.e. they try to do such goodness which is extreme sacrifice for others. They are always eager to try to do goodness which give benefit to others; they establish standard by doing goodness to spread Deen through sacrifice of their wealth, life and time. They try to do goodness which increase them in obedience, and they do not see what is beloved to them for this obedience, their most beloved is obedience of commandment of Allah the Exalted. They try to do goodness which increase in Taqwa. A large part of world does not know who are these people.

These are the people who have gained the understanding to get true goodness by getting connected to The Imam of era, The Ardent Devotee of The of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)….To get goodness they have gained guidance from those who received Faiz from Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). There standards of sacrifice were amazing. A Hadith says when the verse came ‘lan tanalul birra hatta tunfequ mimma tohiboon…’ Hazrat Abu Talha Ansari [a rich man from Ansaars of Madina who had gardens of palm-dates – the best garden of these was named Beroha it was favourite of Hazrat Talha and it was near Masjid e Nabvi Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) would go there often] came in the presence of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and humbly said that his most beloved property is the garden of Beroha, I offer it for the path of Allah the Exalted. These were the people who were bright stars and they determined the ways of goodness.

In regard to examples of these examples of Sahaba, the Imam of this age has drew our attention repeatedly. He (on whom be peace) elucidated the teaching and commandments of Holy Quran in his several sayings, he gave us understanding to get goodness, told us about the standards of sacrifices, instructed us to emulate the models which were established by Sahabah of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). He said: For those who accept Promised Messiah, it is essential to own these models.

He said:

By spending useless and worthless things, no one can claim to do goodness. The door to goodness is narrow. Thus impress on mind that no one can enter it by spending worthless things because it is clear commandment ‘lan tanalul birra hatta tunfequ mimma tohiboon…’. Unless you spend the dearest of dear and the most beloved of beloved things, till then the station of being beloved and dear cannot be obtained. If you do not want to bear difficulty and do not want to adopt true goodness, how you can be successful and get desire fulfilled. Did revered Sahabah reach to that stage which they obtained for nothing. To get worldly titles, how much expenses and hardships are needed to endure. Then after long time, an ordinary title is obtained, by which hearty peace and serenity cannot be secured. Think! the title of ‘razi allaho anho’ which is comfort and contentment of heart and Sign of pleasure of Benevolent Master, was obtained by mere simplicity? The matter is that the pleasure of God the Exalted, which is the cause of true happiness, cannot be obtained unless temporary difficulties are not borne. God cannot be deceived. Blessed are those people who do not care about trouble in seeking Elahi-pleasure because Momin gets eternal happiness and permanent comfort after that temporary difficulty.


He (a.s.) also advised:

In the world, human loves wealth very much. That is why it is written in the subject of interpretation of dreams that if someone sees (in dream) he removed liver and gave to someone, wealth is meant by it. For this reason, to obtain real Taqwa and Eman (Allah the Exalted ) said: ‘lan tanalul birra hatta tunfequ mimma tohiboon…’ You will surely not achieve real goodness unless you will not spend the most beloved thing because a big part of sympathy and treatment with Elahi creation demands need of spending wealth. And sympathy to mankind and Elahi-creation is such a matter which is the second part of Eman. Without it Eman does not become perfect and firm. Unless human do altruism, how can he impart benefit to other. Altruism is essential thing for giving benefit and sympathy to other and in this verse ‘lan tanalul birra hatta tunfequ mimma tohiboon…’ the teaching and guidance of very same altruism is given. Thus to spend wealth too in the path of Allah the Exalted is the gauge and benchmark of blessedness and habit of Taqwa of human. The standard and benchmark of devotion-for-Allah in the life of Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) was that when Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) mentioned a need, he came with all asset of house.

The Jama'at made by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) is not such that it heard these words and turned the face to other side. After hearing these words they established standards of sacrifices…..He (a.s.) has mentioned about it many times in his gatherings.

By looking at standard of sacrifice of Jama'at, he (a.s.) said at an occasion:

I see hundreds of people are present in our Jama'at who hardly have dress on their bodies, only cloth-sheet or Pajamah is available to them, they have no property, but due to their unlimited sincerity, devotion, love and loyalty, there is surprise and amazement is developed in one’s self.

He (a.s.) said:

Whatever progress and change is present in our Jama'at, it is not present in whole era in anyone else.

Those who got direct blessing from him (a.s.) obtained this station and received his compliment of pleasure.

But did this sincerity and faithfulness finished with time?

Surely not……Today too, there are people among men, women and children in the Jama'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) who are advanced in sincerity and faithfulness. They are not few and not at specific places, there are thousands of examples they are present in various countries of the world. They have the right understanding of : ‘lan tanalul birra hatta tunfequ mimma tohiboon…’ they are increasing in sacrifices. Among them, there are existing ones and the new ones who have joined Ahmadiyyat since little time, some came few months ago. Before joining Ahmadiyyat their priorities were worldly desires, but after joining they became ready to sacrifice their beloved wealth or whatever they possessed. It is revolution which Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) produced in this era. He changed the priorities of people. Today too, his words are true for such people that one is surprised to see their sacrifices.



Peace be upon you.
In this regard, Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) mentioned amazing narratives, from among numerous, from

Sierra Leone

Rajasthan India




Lahore Pakistan





Kerala India

Karnataka India

“An Uzbek new Ahmadi says that he has been living in Moscow for a very long time and has always had an idea what his income would be. However, since he did bai'at and started paying Chanda his income has increased so exponentially that he had not earned in the last thirteen years what he has earned this year. He has perfect belief that this is due to the blessings of spending in the way of God.”

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso




Chicago USA

Arab country

London UK

“Our missionary from Uganda writes that an Ahmadi was reminded of Tehrik e Jadid contribution. At the time he only had a rooster and he gave the price of the rooster for Tehrik e Jadid. He said he also had his children's school fee to pay but he wanted to pay for Tehrik e Jadid first.”

“National Tehrik e Jadid secretary from USA writes that an eleven year old had saved up to buy a video game. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih remarked that at this age boys are very interested in video games and cannot see beyond them. However, when the young boy was asked about Tehrik e Jadid he gave $100.00 that he had saved up for the game and thus fulfilled the pledge of giving precedence to faith over worldly matters.”


“May God continue to enhance this spirit and may everyone also enhance in righteousness.

Next, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih announced the start of new year for Tehrik e Jadid and gave a report on last year.

With the grace of God this is the start of 82ndyear of Tehrik e Jadid. According to reports received thus far the total contributions for last year stand at £ 9,217,800.00. This is an increase of £147,000.00 from the year before.

In spite of unfavourable circumstances Pakistan has maintained its spirit of sacrifice and is first among all countries.

Outside Pakistan following is the order of the first ten countries this year: Germany, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, India, Middle Eastern country, Indonesia, Middle Eastern country and Ghana. Switzerland is number 11 this year.”

And more sub-standings and analysis of various local chapters worldwide.

May Allah the Exalted grant unlimited blessing in the wealth and beings of all these participants and continue to increase them in sincerity and faithfulness. [Aameen]

Based on Friday Sermon (6 November 2015), UK , by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), alislam.org and mta.tv


Under Divine Influence, Tehrik-i-Jadid (The New Movement) was launched in 1934 by Second Ahmadiyya Khalifah [Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) ] soon after the huge threat by opponents to crush the Jama'at. The purpose of this Tehrik is to deliver the message of Ahmadiyya-Islam worldwide by various peaceful means like system of life-devotees, mission houses, mosques, education and health care …..The total contributions by Ahmadiyya men, women and children for fiscal year ended on 30 the October 2015 stand at £ 9,217,800.00. This is an increase of £147,000.00 from the year before by the grace of Allah the Exalted .


What Is Tehrik-e-Jadid? @ http://www.lajnausa.net/web/what-is-tj

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