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Biggest Fear


Well-Known Member
What is your biggest fear? What makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you think of it?


Well-Known Member
My biggest fears are heights, clowns, little people (not little people like we see, the imaginary ones) and my biggest fear: infinity. Be it good or bad, the thought of anything going on forever and ever drives me crazy.


Uber all member
huajiro said:
My biggest fears are heights, clowns, little people (not little people like we see, the imaginary ones) and my biggest fear: infinity. Be it good or bad, the thought of anything going on forever and ever drives me crazy.

Mechanical rides at fairs and theme parks where the structure creaks and moans.

Because I can avoid those things, my biggest fear is the destruction of freedom and rule by oppression of basic rights. I sometimes feel so helpless in the face of that.



Well-Known Member
pah said:

Mechanical rides at fairs and theme parks where the structure creaks and moans.

Because I can avoid those things, my biggest fear is the destruction of freedom and rule by oppression of basic rights. I sometimes feel so helpless in the face of that.

Add that to mine....because of the heights. I went with my wife to Six Flags 2 months ago, I felt like I was going to pass out on some of the rides (something about going 100mph and just turning right or left goes against my ideas of Physics)....fortunately she didn't try to get me on Superman.



Active Member
I'm afraid of anything that can both fly and sting, and I'm also an emetophobe--fear of vomiting. It's an embarrassing thing to admit, since it's no big deal to most people.

I'm also afraid of someone close to me dying.


Veteran Member
I have a fear of heights but I realize it for what it is and can funtiion pretty well most of the time when hiking (big thing to do in tx hill country) or climbling things. I use breathing exercises I learned in martial arts and try to slow myself down to get around it. I don't really have many fears.....though..I came close twice in the distant past of being in finacial dissray and I was scared than but managed to get past it both times. I think with those two small victories in my past I have more confidence today. I am afraid of roller coasters and won't go on them. I am xenophobic to a degree and when I was younger it was driving force in me being curious and driven for knowledge.


Well-Known Member
....I really don't think I'm afraid of anything....as far as roller coasters and stuff like that go, when I'm caught in such a situation I tend to take on a, "Well, if the car is going to break off and fall, it's going to break off and fall and there's nothing I can do about it. No sense in spending my last moments working up a sweat."

I have things that 'disrupt my contentment', such as being uncertain of my future and things like that...but I honestly wouldn't call that a fear.

my biggest fear is the destruction of freedom and rule by oppression of basic rights. I sometimes feel so helpless in the face of that.
La Resistance!

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Interesting answers, all!

What frightens me more than anything else? Fire. Unreasonable hatred. Spiders (I celebrate them and their attributes, but they send me running away, screaming). A good story that ends badly.


Well-Known Member
That's my kind of girl ceridwen..

I do not fear any or anything...

Well, perhaps being made to watch mvies like Titanic..(shudder)


Well-Known Member
I have this strange, irrational fear of closed doors that pops up every once in a while. Sometimes, when I'm alone at night and I have to open a door, it freaks me out a bit...of course, this usually only happens after I've been watching horror movies, so there may be a bit of a connection :p That's the biggest gut-twisting kinda fear I have in my life, I think.

And then there's the fear that people I'm close to will die and I won't be able to do anything, but that's not the same type of fear, really.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Standing, I've been trying for fifteen minutes to find the "Far Side" cartoon where two dogs are sitting in front of a closed closet door, with their elderly mistress sitting in an easy chair near them... One of the dogs says something like "Let's really freak her out! Just start staring and the door and growl." But I can't find it anywhere! At any rate, I still sometimes get scared by closed doors, too, so I try to think of that whenever I can!


Religious Zionist
I have a fear of heights, but only if i won't die if i were to fall. It's the concept of pain that bothers me, i love to fly and i always take the window seat when we do but i'm scared outta my mind on a ladder. See if i'm in a plane and the plane crashed boom i'm dead whatever, if i fall of a ladder i'll probably break something and that would suck!
I'm also afraid of letting other people down. ummmmmm and my mom lol.
I don't know about what I am afraid of but it is a good question. Being afraid of stuff really makes me mad so I usually spend time purposely doing stuff that makes me uncomfortable so I get used to. I think I am afraid of making people I care about angry with me.


Vile Stove-Toucher
Spiders, snakes, clowns, failure. I'm getting better with spiders...living on your own has a way of making you face up to that one. ;) Nobody else to get rid of them for you. Considering we have several of the deadliest snakes in the world, I figure my fear of them is healthy. Lady_lazarus delights in finding the scariest clown pictures that she can, and emailing them to me. It's terrifying, some of the things people have made with clown images on them...for children!! :eek: I've see 'ITT', I know what clowns are really like... And I guess the fear of failure started as my perfectionist hate of doing things wrong. While being a perfectionist can be annoying, unfortunately fear of failure has held me back quite a bit, and I'm trying to work on that.


Active Member
Apparently I am afraid of a few things. Spiders #1, I love to look at them spinning their webs, but I don't want one of those hairy legged buggers dangling above my head when I'm lying on the couch. Fear of drowning, no explanation necessary.
I also have a fear of going down stairs that don't have a backing on them . I always think someone is going to reach their hand through and grab my ankle as I'm going down. Now there is a comforting thought, goodnight children, mind the stairs. :)
