I was reading about Andvari. It said that his runes are fehu and laguz. I was thinking that to write a bind rune of
fehu and
laguz (money and flowing), you also wind up with the shape of
wunjo, joy. Maybe that means not the joy and thrill of having money in a greedy and avaricious sense, which is offensive to Andvari, but rather the joy of peace of mind in personal finances. Not sure about this interpretation, though I kind of like it.
Someone elsewhere pointed out that when writing bind runes you should be very careful to know exactly why you are writing them and for what purpose. That is, to create them just by combining runes you think look pretty, or seem to fit together, with no clear use is potentially insulting to the Gods.
it worked out really well that I stumbled on the bind rune of fehu and algiz we talked about. I was thinking about it... a lot. It really stuck in my head. I plan to use my little wood burner to create it on a small wooden round like those I burned my own set of runes into.
Last night something happened that will help improve my financial position greatly. I also said a small prayer to Freyr asking for his help, which I believe he provided. I have to make a small offering to him in thanks. Yesterday I was reading a bit about Andvari and how it's extremely important to him to pay off debts. Setting one's finances in order is offering enough to Andvari... he's not one for rituals.
In the end I think it's a good thing to learn and work with the runes.