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Bisexuality Confirmed!


Dr. Greenthumb
did jesus ever say homosexual marriages were a sin...show me and i'll shut up

Romans 1

. [25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

[26] For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. [27] And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
It was said by one who was given authority to guide by Jesus.

And it proves the belief that gay marriage was out of the question in Christian religion then, and now.
This coming from someone who thinks Paul was equal to Jesus in authority.....


Dr. Greenthumb
This coming from someone who thinks Paul was equal to Jesus in authority.....

No I never said he had as much authority as Jesus.

I said he was given authority by Jesus. To guide people. That is what the Apostles jobs were.

Have you ever read the NT?


It was said by one who was given authority to guide by Jesus.

And it proves the belief that gay marriage was out of the question in Christian religion then, and now.

I have been to many a Catholic Mass and last time I checked, women did not keep silent during the Mass, but chanted and sung along with the men. Just another instance of the religious citing the Bible as unbreakable scripture when it conforms to the cultural norms they have accepted, but chalking up other passages, which offend their sense of culture, to cultural relativism or narrow context when it suits them. (note: I am referring to the Catholic Church in general, and not specifically JacobEzra).

I Corinthians 14:34-35 (King James Version)
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
No I never said he had as much authority as Jesus.

I said he was given authority by Jesus. To guide people. That is what the Apostles jobs were.

Have you ever read the NT?
Then why did you quote him in Jesus' stead?

We both know the real answer: because Jesus never spoke a word against it. Sounds to me like Paul exceeded his self-proclaimed authority.


Dr. Greenthumb
Then why did you quote him in Jesus' stead?

We both know the real answer: because Jesus never spoke a word against it. Sounds to me like Paul exceeded his self-proclaimed authority.

Jesus didn't specifically speak out against alot of stuff. Do that make it all okay?


I have to side with JacobEzra on this one, for my first impartial observer ruling. Jesus never addressed homosexuality, because only liberal Christians would say that the words of Peter are his own opinion and not the Word of God/Jesus. That being said, my second ruling is that making an appeal to authority in place of a collaborated argument is extremely weak and anti-intellectual. The downside to liberal tolerance is that it pretends that people's beliefs, like JacobEzra's, are equal to those made in light of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.


I have to side with JacobEzra on this one, for my first impartial observer ruling. Jesus never addressed homosexuality, because only liberal Christians would say that the words of Peter are his own opinion and not the Word of God/Jesus. That being said, my second ruling is that making an appeal to authority in place of a collaborated argument is extremely weak and anti-intellectual. The downside to liberal tolerance is that it pretends that people's beliefs, like JacobEzra's, are equal to those made in light of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

I'm as liberal as it's possible to be and I don't pretend anything of the sort. Most liberals are pretty intolerant of bigotry, but it's often the preferred method to try to reach somebody on their own level. So, biblists are often quoted scripture because it's obvious they have no taste or talent for reasoning.


Veteran Member
I have to side with JacobEzra on this one, for my first impartial observer ruling. Jesus never addressed homosexuality, because only liberal Christians would say that the words of Peter are his own opinion and not the Word of God/Jesus. That being said, my second ruling is that making an appeal to authority in place of a collaborated argument is extremely weak and anti-intellectual. The downside to liberal tolerance is that it pretends that people's beliefs, like JacobEzra's, are equal to those made in light of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

my reasoning for pointing out why jesus never said anything about same sex marriage says that he didn't think much of it...luke 6 pretty much lays out jesus' guidelines for his followers in regards to being confronted with social issues, human interaction.
it's really not that big of a deal, only certain people choose to make it a big deal.
if same sex marriages infringes on the rights of others then i would be against it, however i don't see how it can be, and i fail to see why it is met with so much contempt. seems to me this has nothing to do with god and his will for his creation but it has to do with bigotry and discrimination and using the bible to justify this particular stance...
it would seem that certain religious people are more interested in practicing a divine sense of control with the responsibility of sharing gods will...all the while forgetting what jesus says in luke 6.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Jesus never addressed homosexuality, because only liberal Christians would say that the words of Peter are his own opinion and not the Word of God/Jesus.
1) That's a total non-sequitur.
2) It was Paul, not Peter.
3) If JE had been honest and said "well, Jesus never spoke on it, but here's what Paul had to say," I wouldn't have an issue. That's not what happened.


I'm as liberal as it's possible to be and I don't pretend anything of the sort. Most liberals are pretty intolerant of bigotry, but it's often the preferred method to try to reach somebody on their own level. So, biblists are often quoted scripture because it's obvious they have no taste or talent for reasoning.

I'd say that is true of left-social liberals, but not necessarily liberalism in general.

my reasoning for pointing out why jesus never said anything about same sex marriage says that he didn't think much of it...luke 6 pretty much lays out jesus' guidelines for his followers in regards to being confronted with social issues, human interaction.
it's really not that big of a deal, only certain people choose to make it a big deal.
if same sex marriages infringes on the rights of others then i would be against it, however i don't see how it can be, and i fail to see why it is met with so much contempt. seems to me this has nothing to do with god and his will for his creation but it has to do with bigotry and discrimination and using the bible to justify this particular stance...
it would seem that certain religious people are more interested in practicing a divine sense of control with the responsibility of sharing gods will...all the while forgetting what jesus says in luke 6.

1) That's a total non-sequitur.
2) It was Paul, not Peter.
3) If JE had been honest and said "well, Jesus never spoke on it, but here's what Paul had to say," I wouldn't have an issue. That's not what happened.

My point was that to the Christian mind all of the Bible is the words of Jesus. Hence, why Christians call the Bible the Word of God. I am not saying JacobEzra's reasoning is rational or cogent. However, in his mind it makes perfect sense to quote another part of the Bible to explain Jesus' words, thoughts, beliefs. To your Taoist (more logical) mind it makes no sense, and I agree with you. I was merely trying to explain why JacobEzra saw it the way he did.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
My point was that to the Christian mind all of the Bible is the words of Jesus. Hence, why Christians call the Bible the Word of God. I am not saying JacobEzra's reasoning is rational or cogent. However, in his mind it makes perfect sense to quote another part of the Bible to explain Jesus' words, thoughts, beliefs. To your Taoist (more logical) mind it makes no sense, and I agree with you. I was merely trying to explain why JacobEzra saw it the way he did.
I've never met a Christian who couldn't tell the difference between Paul and Christ. :areyoucra


Dr. Greenthumb
ah, i asked if jesus ever said same sex marriages was a sin? not paul

one wonders why paul trumps jesus...

Again, St. Paul was given authority to direct and guide people in the faith. Only an idiot would take that to mean Paul is equal to Jesus.

No Christian can disregard what an Apostles has to say, since their authority comes from Jesus.

Jesus didn't say anything, so I quoted one who has authority from Christ. If you do not like what the Apostles taught, then why are you christian? The faith is built upon Christ and his appointed


Veteran Member
Again, St. Paul was given authority to direct and guide people in the faith. Only an idiot would take that to mean Paul is equal to Jesus.

No Christian can disregard what an Apostles has to say, since their authority comes from Jesus.

Jesus didn't say anything, so I quoted one who has authority from Christ. If you do not like what the Apostles taught, then why are you christian? The faith is built upon Christ and his appointed

one wonders why the things that were supposedly taught by jesus in luke 6 is over looked when applying how believers are to interact with non believers or people who do not agree with your POV.
seems to me you are using the bible to justify your bigotry.
what makes me wonder is, if god gave us free will...an inalienable right... meaning something that is not transferable. why are you imposing your religious beliefs on others that do not adhere to the same belief?
seems like this tactic is stemming from the fear of not being in control of others actions...