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Blaspheming The Holy Spirit!


New Member
You blasphemed when you ascribed to devil what or the glory that belongs to God,it is still the same rule that says you shall not have any other God beside,God is a jealous God.so,still thesame rule.whatever you do to Holy Spirit is to God,you cant seperate God from His Spirit.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
It's not about his ego, it's about the person doing the blaspheming. God is simply disgusted by bloated egos.

Then wouldn't God have to be disgusted with himself, then?

I mean, what's more egotistical than sending people to eternal torment for not properly worshiping one's self?


Then wouldn't God have to be disgusted with himself, then?

I mean, what's more egotistical than sending people to eternal torment for not properly worshiping one's self?

God does not want man to worship Him for his own ego, He wants them to worship Him to subdue THEIR egos. Why would anyone refuse to bow down and show a physical sign of allegiance to the Grand Overlord and Overseer of Cosmic Justice?

Now as to why he would punish them for worshiping false gods (which I believe may not be the case for the gentiles who are under the authority of the "Sons of god" outlined in Deuteronomy 32:8, which would beget an entirely tangental cosmological discussion), that's because they were, typically, engaging in sorcery and witchcraft and trading their service for favors that basically "Cheat" the system. And for things like Aaron's sons offering the wrong fire, that would be like being punished for gravely messing up an important ceremonial ritual at an Army parade, or perhaps it was even them rebelling, we don't know, I'd have to check the Talmudic interpretation.


You blasphemed when you ascribed to devil what or the glory that belongs to God,it is still the same rule that says you shall not have any other God beside,God is a jealous God.so,still thesame rule.whatever you do to Holy Spirit is to God,you cant seperate God from His Spirit.

So how does that work with the fact that he says any blasphemy against the Father or the Son will be forgiven?


Do you 'know' or believe?
Even if I accept your answers to God’s questions, you are not here to tell me that science has even scratched the surface to the most difficult questions about life, creation and the universe are you?
We found the answers to the questions specified and it was supposedly God who set those goal posts - so if you move them prepared to be called out.

Attempting to discuss the rest of your post point by point produced an obscenely lengthy comment, therefore in order to address the points raised in a concise and logically flowing manner I will discuss the rest of your post in general.

One or more gods may exist but the existence of any god let alone the god you allege is NOT evident.

That someone does not believe in a god does not mean they are any more selfish, lustful or lazy than believers; most who are non theistic (like most theists) do their best to lead good lives and your accusation is unfounded.

Learning is not a sin - your babel analogy notwithstanding. Ignorance is common throughout humanity, I am ignorant of many things, one of the things you are ignorant about is science (including where matter comes from), a nice and simple remedy to this is to learn more about science and there are some wonderful websites that will allow you to do this from the comfort of your own home, I suggest you do so. Overcoming our ignorance by learning improves our lot in life by providing us with opportunities and the capacity to mitigate threats.

Were one to (even temporarily) accept the premise of an alleged god and indeed to assert claims about that alleged god, it is entirely possible to establish the priorities of that alleged god by looking at the adherents claims about that alleged god. The alleged god you proffer (your own version of the christian god whom holds the undefined but undetectable outcomes of blasphemy to be more important than the outcomes of genocide) has a set of priorities used in judgement that would seek to manifest psychosis in those that are to be judged (by favoring non-detectable outcomes as opposed to detectable outcomes) and expecting those that will be judged to have done likewise. This is a significant divergence from reality that the alleged god's priorities would desire to reinforce in adherents; i.e. psychosis.

Exorcisms; now those do have REAL consequences - torturing (even murdering) people for absolutely no reason. Now this is something that demonstrates the types of negative behaviors that are engendered as a result of this sort of mentality as promoted by your position. This BS behavior is dangerously deluded - and it is completely in line with your alleged divine priorities a true manifestation of psychosis.

And to answer your question no I do not believe in a supernatural aspect to existence, I have never encountered any argument or evidence which would suggest it likely (though I would maintain possible).

Furthermore attempting to discern the characteristics of such an aspect is beyond anyone given that we can not even demonstrate its existence, let alone its precise nature. As to the 'Judeo-Christian G-d' (an interesting label BTW - because the Islamic god is more like the Jewish god than the Christian gods are) I can objectively discern that Christianity is less probable than Judaism - because Christianity is basically Judaism plus numerous, sometimes significant and on occasion incompatible (to the prior included Judaic) claims, each of which would require additional justification.

However I do not believe either is likely as I do not accept the underpinning assertion of most religions that we can reliably authenticate allegedly divine revelation; I have never encountered (nor am I aware of the existence of) sufficient argument or evidence to reliably establish our capacity to ascertain the accuracy (with regards to the alleged supernatural, though we can to an extent determine accuracy of natural claims made) or alleged divine origins (especially since we can't reliably determine there even is such a thing as a divine origin in the first place) of any claimed divine revelation be it written scripture or personal experience.
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Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
God does not want man to worship Him for his own ego, He wants them to worship Him to subdue THEIR egos. Why would anyone refuse to bow down and show a physical sign of allegiance to the Grand Overlord and Overseer of Cosmic Justice?
"You are much too proud! Come, worship me to get rid of your pride!"

I think if your answer to subduing pride is to have people worship you, there must be quite a big bit of ego going on. I mean, who demands that people worship them? Who is so egotistical to believe that the act of worshiping them will make people more virtuous?

"I am so great! How can you not worship me?"

There are multiple ways to produce humbleness. Sure, being made to feel puny and insignificant by the Creator of the Universe is one way, but it's pretty hard to swallow that it has nothing to do with said Creator's ego. At the very least, it's a bad example to set, if the sin of pride is what he's trying to get rid of.

Now as to why he would punish them for worshiping false gods (which I believe may not be the case for the gentiles who are under the authority of the "Sons of god" outlined in Deuteronomy 32:8, which would beget an entirely tangental cosmological discussion), that's because they were, typically, engaging in sorcery and witchcraft and trading their service for favors that basically "Cheat" the system. And for things like Aaron's sons offering the wrong fire, that would be like being punished for gravely messing up an important ceremonial ritual at an Army parade, or perhaps it was even them rebelling, we don't know, I'd have to check the Talmudic interpretation.
I'm pretty sure the average atheist, Muslim, or Buddhist isn't engaging in witchcraft, or doing other evil things (at least, not in a greater proportion than Yahweh worshipers.)


New Member
So how does that work with the fact that he says any blasphemy against the Father or the Son will be forgiven?

...30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. 31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. 32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. 33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. .. please read verse 32..whoever speaks against Son of man: Jesus is both Son of man and Son of God,for Son of God became Son of man so that sons of men can become sons of God.Jesus Christ is 100% God,100% man so, blaspheming Son of man is blaspheming Jesus the son of capenter not the divine essense in Him.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
I thought this question deserved a deeper look.
Why would anyone refuse to bow down and show a physical sign of allegiance to the Grand Overlord and Overseer of Cosmic Justice?

1. They don't believe that the GOOCJ exists.
2. They believe that the GOOCJ is some other dude.
3. They believe that the GOOCJ is not worthy of worship due to crimes against humanity.
4. They don't believe that the real GOOCJ would demand worship.
5. They believe that the GOOCJ cares more about other things.
6. They believe that the GOOCJ prefers a different form of worship (such as, just being kind).
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I didn't know that deities went through adolescent stages just like mortals. Interesting.

Is it an adolescent stage for a husband to be "jealous" of a wife's lover or if his son likes another man better as a father figure because he gives him nice gifts?

The word "jealous" does not only pertain to adolescent, immature social concepts of covetousness, but deep, reasonable emotions based on betrayal and infidelity.


...30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. 31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. 32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. 33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. .. please read verse 32..whoever speaks against Son of man: Jesus is both Son of man and Son of God,for Son of God became Son of man so that sons of men can become sons of God.Jesus Christ is 100% God,100% man so, blaspheming Son of man is blaspheming Jesus the son of capenter not the divine essense in Him.

Is that supposed to be a reply to my question?


1. They don't believe that the GOOCJ exists.

One from this standpoint can argue that this is based on rebelliousness and "foolish" unwillingness to examine the evidence in a way which overwhelmingly agrees with the idea of a Creator and Judge. Whether you agree or not, that's the idea.

2. They believe that the GOOCJ is some other dude.

Wouldn't really matter as long as they believe in THE "god of the gods', no matter what name or characteristics they bestow.

3. They believe that the GOOCJ is not worthy of worship due to crimes against humanity.

This could be seen as undue arrogance and lack of humility in wanting to impose and ascribe their own limited scope of understanding of events to what they call "Crimes against Humanity". I.e. Leaping before they look, not wanting to examine all sides to the story, not exploring theological ideas like reincarnation and karma, etc.

4. They don't believe that the real GOOCJ would demand worship.

This could be seen as a sin of haughtiness for believing it's not necessary to show a physical sign of submission. But to be fair, perhaps the idea of showing a physical sign of loyalty has been lost in recent times, as egos have ballooned to proportions never heard of before.

5. They believe that the GOOCJ cares more about other things.

That's kind of related to #4.

6. They believe that the GOOCJ prefers a different form of worship (such as, just being kind)

But that would be beyond the scope of what "worship" means in question here.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Is this true? If a person were to talk sh-t about the holy ghost, God will never forgive them ever?

Let's blaspheme the holy spirit together!
It's quite simple actually. The Spirit lives within all. To disdain that, is to disdain yourself. Who can save such a one that hates his very own self?


It's quite simple actually. The Spirit lives within all. To disdain that, is to disdain yourself. Who can save such a one that hates his very own self?

Not necessarily, "The Spirit" and "One's Spirit" are two different ideas. Blasphemers and defiled souls do not have THE Spirit. Why do you think David says "Do not take your Spirit from me"?