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Blessings of Khilafat\Divine Support\Responsibilities of Members Clergies Office-Holders\Reach2World


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you……Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) delivered Friday sermon about aspects of Khilafat on May 29, 2015 in Germany. He began by explaining the Saying of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), in which he (s.a.w.) had prophesied that:

Prophethood shall remain among you as long as God shall will. God will bring about its end and follow it with Khilafat on the precepts of Prophethood [i.e. such a Khilafat will be established which will follow the way of Prophet; it will not have personal benefits; it will further the work of Prophet] for as long as God shall will and then bring about its end. [i.e. this righteous Khilafat will be ended; this bounty will be taken back]. A tyrannical monarchy will then follow [people will feel uneasiness by it] and will remain as long as God shall will and then come to an end. There will follow thereafter monarchical despotism to last as long as God shall will and come to an end upon His decree. [Mercy of Allah the Exalted will excited and ]There will then emerge Khilafat on precept of Prophethood.


We see in Islamic history that various Muslim heads of states had themselves called Khulafa. They would say that their status was that of Khalifah.

Despite that, majority of Muslims gives the status of Khulafa to first four Khulafa who came after Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Their era is called Khilafat e Rashidah (the righteous Khilafat) i.e. the era of righteousness and era of spreading of righteousness. They continued to operate their system as they had seen the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) governed the system. They continued to run the system according to teaching of Holy Quran. They did not come through dynastic kingship but Allah the Exalted made them wear the dress of Khilafat through the Jama'at of believers.

But other Khulafa after them continued to establish dynastical kingship.

This prophecy of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) came true in letters.

As the prophecy came true about initial matters in every word, it was also to come true in the last thing he (s.a.w.) said i.e. The God -- who sent Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) with the Religious Law till Qaiyammah -- when saw the earthliness and deformed condition of Muslims, His mercy was to get excited and He was to re-establish the Khilafat in the world on the precept of Prophethood.

We, Ahmdis, are sure that mercy of Allah the Exalted became excited according to the promise He made with Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and He fulfilled the words of our Master Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and established the Khilafat through Hazrat Promised Messiah Mahdi (on whom be peace) who was given the status of Prophet-within-Ummah and Khatam ul Khulafa. Now the sequence of Khilafat of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) is to go through his True Servant and Khatam ul Khulafa [The Promised Messiah Mahdi (a.s.)].

Thus we are fortunate that:

=We are among those who took share from the glad-tiding given by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) which he (s.a.w.) gave us about the establishment of Khilafat on the precept of Prophethood.

=We are among the latter-people whom Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) joined with the earlier-people, according to his explanation of verse of Surah Jumua [62:4]“wa aakhareena minhum lamma yalhaqu behim……….” i.e. ’And amongothers from among them, who have not yet joined them……’.

= We are made enable to join that Beloved of The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), about whom he (s.a.w.) said that he would bring Eman (faith) from Thuriah (Pleiades) [i.e. he would re-establish the lost faith]

= Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) commanded to convey his Salam / greeting to the Messiah – the Mahdi. Allah the Exalted enabled us to do so.

= Allah the Exalted granted the blessing to Jama'at Ahmadiyya Mubai’een [those who do Bai'at of Khilafat] that He enabled us to be in those who do Bai'at of Khilafat which began after Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)

All these blessings of Allah the Exalted demand from each Ahmadi that, by being thankful to Allah the Exalted, they should bring such changes in their conditions which are obligatory for a believer of this Messenger of Allah the Exalted. Only then they shall be able to pay right of this Bai'at.

The Promised Messiah – The Mahdi (a.s.) was to bring faith from Pleiades to the ground and was to fill the hearts of his followers with it. Each Ahmadi is witness that he (a.s.) materialized this work. The establishment of this faith was not limited to either until his life or for few decades. But when Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) remained silent after he gave glad-tidings about re-establishment of Khilafat, it meant this faith was to remain established till Qaiyamat.

And everyone who considers himself to have done Bai'at with Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), it is obligation for him that:

= he should establish this faith in his heart and stay firm at it always.

= he should spread this faith to every end of the world by joining the system of Khilafat -- which has been established after Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) – and by being the manifestation of this faith.

= he should establish the Tauheed [Unity, Oneness of Allah] in the world. It is the duty, for which, Allah the Exalted sent our Master and Leader Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and now Allah the Exalted has sent his (s.a.w.) True Servant (a.s.).

For this duty [to spread faith to the ends of the world] to be fulfilled, Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) guided in his prophecy that Khilafat would remain till Qaiyamat / Hereafter. That is why when Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) gave the sad news of his departure from the world, he also gave the glad tiding of the continuity of Khilafat and said:

“….it is the Sunnatullah, [way of Allah] from time immemorial, that God the Exalted shows two Manifestations so that He may bring the ruin to the two false joys of the opponents. Thus it is not possible now that God the Exalted should relinquish His Sunnah of old………….…It is essential for you to witness the second Manifestation also, and its Coming is better for you because it is everlasting, the continuity of which will not end till the Day of Judgment.' (The Will, p. 7)

Thus, to establish the faith on earth, Allah the Exalted generated this second Manifestation after Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). Allah the Exalted does not want the opponents of Deen (way, religion) should become happy that Deen again finished. Allah the Exalted does not want Satan should be contended. Allah the Exalted have to perish the false joys of opponents. That is why He is establishng the faith in the world by helping the system of Khilafat after Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). Allah the Exalted has made it obligatory that who claim to be adherent of this system to establish this faith, they should become helper of Khilafat, and they should make strong determination by keeping their pledge of Bai'at before them that they have to protect their faith and have to illumine others with the light of faith.

As Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that it is the way of Allah the Exalted since old times that He shows two Manifestations. We all know well that this second Manifestation is system of Khilafat. Thus system of Khilafat has important connection with progress of Deen (way, religion), it is an important part of Islamic Shariah (religious law). The progress of Deen cannot be achieved without Khilafa. The unity of Jama'at cannot carry on without Khilafat.

By the grace of Allah the Exalted, each of us who is attached with Khilafat, knows it well that the continuity of Khilafat in Jama'at is the part of faith.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) further mentioned that those Ahmadis who rejected the air of non compliance in the time of Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah I (may Allah be pleased with him) knew these facts. Thanks God due to their strong faith, their progenies are enjoying the benefits of Khilafat. After the demise of Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah I (r.a.) these non complying people did not want Khilafat. Hazrat Mirza Bashir uddin Mahmood Ahmad (may Allah be pleased with him) offered highly sacrificial steps to save the unity of Jama'at and advised them but that opposing-to-Khilafat group did not listen and left Qadian and took all funds of Jama'at with them and also predicted early decline of Jama'at without them.

Latter Jama'at continued to flourish under Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah II (r.a.) with Divine support.

Once back in history, those who left Khilafat had left less than one Rupee in treasury of Jama'at, today only in Germany, by the grace of Allah, two auxiliaries of Germany’s Jama'at [Ansarullah (men from above 40) and Lajna Imaillah (ladies)] have purchased a five storey building for €1.7 million.

Today, by the grace of Allah the Exalted, Jama'at Ahmadiyya connected with Khilafat is progressing worldwide in terms of spiritual and physical progress.

The True Message of Islam is being conveyed to the world through Ahmadiyya Khilafat. There are other people who are not bringing any good to the name of Islam. Allah the Exalted is opening the hearts of people about the truth of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and his Khilafat……For example:

“ “Our missionary in Niger writes that a village chief arrived at a class held for imams. He was asked why he had come in place of an imam. He said he realised it was a class for imams but when he told his local imam about the class the evening before, the imam refused to attend saying Ahmadis were kafirs. The chief was astonished and saddened to hear this as in his capacity as village chief he had allowed Ahmadis to do Tabligh which, to his mind made him a worse kafir. He prayed profusely that night and had a dream which he later related on oath. In his dream the moon and stars descend down to his house but they have no light in them. A white clad person comes to his house and once he is there the moon and the stars give off astonishing light and brilliance. It enters his heart most forcefully that the person belongs to Ahmadis. When he spoke to our missionary about this dream he was shown photographs and seeing photo of Huzoor he repeatedly said he was the person who had visited his house in dream.

Ameer Sahib of Gambia writes that people were informed of the advent of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) during Tabligh and conditions of Bai'at were read out to them. The village imam and chair of development committee said the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) had foretold the coming of the Messiah and Mahdi but it was the first time he was hearing about his advent. He was impressed with Ahmadiyyat and said Ahmadis were true Muslims because they had the power of Khilafat. When he was shown Huzoor's photograph he said he daily watched Huzoor on TV. Following this many hundred took Bai'at. “ “

During the inauguration of a mosque in Germany, many local people including politicians, teachers, business people and others expressed their good views about Ahmadiyya Khalifah and Jama'at Ahmadiyya.

Huzur (a.t.) pointed out that we observe Divine support for Ahmadiyya Khilafat, as it is second Manifestation established by Allah the Exalted. Allah has promised to change fear to peace through Khilafat. It is for those who pay rights of Allah; including in these is observing Salaat and not making associates with Him. Using falsehood in pursuance of materialism is also like making associate with Allah.

Ahmadis also have to check their weaknesses too so that they and those who observe them do not go away from faith. Their deeds should not bring bad repute to Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.).

Office-holders and workers should remember that Allah have enabled them to serve due to connection with Khilafat. Good results are not because of their wisdom, intellect and hard work; the service done at the name of Deen / religion is not blessed at all by separation from Khilafat. Those who were separate from Khilafat they saw the result, they are decreasing day by day, they are losing centrality, their system is becoming support less.

It is love and obedience to Khilafat which absorb blessings of Allah the Exalted and better results are coming as it is the system established by Allah the Exalted. Now He has connected all efforts for the progress of Deen with Khilafat. If ever, there comes ‘I’ or self-importance to any office-holder he should do Istighfar.

Thus it is grace of Allah and connection with Khilafat (as Allah the Exalted has promised) which bring good results to knowledge of scholars, wisdom of wise and worldly knowledge and expertise of one…..In worldly matters knowledge, wisdom and expertise work but for those who are in Jama'at, in their matters - especially in works related to Jama'at, they have to follow the directives of Khilafat anyway.

Religious scholars and office holders should make effort for new comers and youngsters to tell them about true connection with Khilafat. There are some office-holders who get elected but has no knowledge of Deen. They consider their rank in office like worldly rank. They must realize that their rank is a ‘service’. They must increase their religious knowledge, loyalty, faithfulness, righteousness and connection with Khilafat. Some offices-holders feel importance about their own rank but, for Khilafat, they think it is enough to convene one Khalfat-Day in a year.

More attention should be paid to educate Jama'at for the connection with Khilafat….It is needed to make full impression on members that they should listen and practice the guidance of Khalifah of time, increase connection with Khilafat. Those understand these things they fell extraordinary changes in their conditions.

Few days ago, more that 100 Khuddam (Ahmadiyya Muslim men from 15-40) from Canada and more than 200 Khuddam of various ages from America came to meet Huzur (a.t.) in London. New Bai'at doers were among them. They stayed for three days; their views totally changed. They were showing amazing sincerity and loyalty. After they returned they mentioned their conditions and pledged that they shall be regular in offering Salaat and connection with Jama'at and increase their connection with Khilafat. Before that neither they were told much about Khilafat nor they had experience. Though personal meeting creates two way connection and love, but if scholars and office-holders occasionally highlight importance of Khilafat before Jama'at by mentioning various narratives that will make faith strong and illumine it. There are office-holders (men, women) who highlight their own importance but they have not put the matter of connection with Khilafat in the minds of members as it should have been. If these office-holders will make effort to strengthen relation of members with Khilafat, their own importance will automatically increase. It is responsibility of Murabbiyan / clergies, office-holders or possessors of knowledge of Deen / religion that members should become hand and arm of Khalifah of time, they should make their action subordinate to Khalifah of time and advise others too. It is wrong concept that once advised and it is enough, this advice and mention of connection should be said repeatedly.

Once Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) gave very important advice to Murabbiyan and office-holders in this regard. He said: Each momin, who care for Deen and sincerity for Movement, who want that Movement Of God the Exalted remain established in the world with good name, and Islam should again get that prestige which was gained in the time of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and the efforts of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) for this work do not go useless and wasted then it is his obligation that he should get busy in that work by cooperating with Khalifah day and night so that reform of thoughts of Jama'at too is done. It is compulsory for such people that as on occasion of marriage people spread their cloth sheets / pouches so that dried-dates fall in these [a custom at some places] similarly when Khalifah say something for the reform of Jama'at then it should be received and repeated before the members of Jama'at and repeated and repeated till the mind-wise weakest person too understand it and get path for proper practice of Deen.

May Allah the Exalted enable members of Jama'at and office-holders that, not only they should hear words of Khilafat but they should practice accordingly too. They should not think that duty is done by only mention of loyalty on Khilafat-Day or by sending message of congratulation. May Allah do so that we should be able to save the bounty of Khilafat. [Aameen]


Reference : Based on Friday sermon (May 29 , 2015, Germany) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help) – alislam.org, mta.tv

[Jalsa Salana / Annual Moral and Spiritual Gathering - Germany 5-7 June 2015]
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