Jesus in me
Moses is drawn out as a baby, so you might consider yourself to have been part of that if you are Moses disciple. The ark is another birth from the water, so you might consider yourself born of water if you are keeping the covenant of Noah. These are guesses.
Eden is born out of water, and the temple which faces East is patterned after Eden and contains the Ark. So if you are someone who goes to the temple and take your mikvehs as prescribed then you might call yourself born of water that way. That's another guess.
There is the birth of Nathan the general from Assyria who washes 7 times in the Jordan. That another birth from water. He is cleansed of leprosy, a condition which causes a person to be isolated and unable to participate in the festivals or the temple. He is made new and can serve the L-RD now. He comes to life in a sense.
I believe most of those are rebirths so they don't qualify but what verse do you have that Eden is born out of water?