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Bounties\Comments by Jalsa-Guests\Message Reached to Millions via Jalsa, New Mosques & Events.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you….The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: Remember that man should seek prayers all the time and in every situation and should practice: “… for the bounty of your Lord do relateit to others.' [Holy Quran ch93:from v 12]………

He said: The bounties granted by God the Exalted should be mentioned. This increases love of God and enhances passion to be obedient and loyal to God. By it, love of God the Exalted increases, and an excitement is developed to do His obedience and to bear His directives.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) said: We see the sights of blessings of Allah the Exalted daily. By these, our attentions should be drawn to His blessings and bounties, His love should increased. When I am on journey, His blessings are manifold. Allah the Exalted put blessing, by His grace, in pragrames, and Tabligh and true Message of Islam reaches to people in great abundance, and it leaves impression on people.

Huzur (a.t.) said that the in his recent visit to Germany, the real purpose was to attend the Jalsa Salana Germany. Along with it, God the Exalted give opportunity that through certain programs Islam’s true message is reached to people. As Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that human should seek prayer in every condition; surely without it is not possible to take even one step. Prayer to God the Exalted should be done with purity. He enables to do so….. As Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said if, due to prayer or due to manifestation of His attributes, He is granting more than our prayer and effort, then it is essential to remember and mention His blessings more than ever…..This thing develops love of Allah the Exalted in the hearts of believers, an excitement is developed in hearts for His obedience and bearing His commandments, so that His blessings and bounties should increase.

Thus in Germany’s Jalsa and in other programs, blessings of Allah the Exalted descended, and the way the true message of Islam reached to and spread in vast area of Germany, it draw our attention that bounties of Allah the Exalted should be mentioned. Especially Jama'at Germany should be thankful to Allah the Exalted and bow more to Him to have more blessings from Him.

It is impossible to reach someone’s heart without blessings of Allah the Exalted. No human can reach to the heart of other if Allah the Exalted do not want to, and no message works. Sometimes speeches of very excited speakers do not make impression, but words said in simple and understandable-by-common-people make effect. We saw its scenes at Jalsa… Huzur (a.t.) presented the remarks by Guests.

By the grace of Allah the Exalted, many people had come in Germany Jalsa from eastern Europe and neighboring countries. Many of them are from outside Jama'at and non-Muslims, who have connections with Ahmadis and come to know the reality, then they get such effect that they join the servants of Imam of era, and do Bai'at.

This year too, to attend Jalsa Germany, delegations came from Macedonia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Albania, Latvia, Russia, Hungry, Lithuania, Croatia and Slovenia……….. Likewise new-Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis guests came from Belgium, Holland, France, Sweden, Spain, Italy………..Now living in Germany, a large number of dears; Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis from Russian countries and Turkish Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis attended too.

Huzur (a.t.) met all of them; there were question answers. Comments from some of them [from alislam.org]

“”Sixteen guests came from Albania and two of them took Bai'at. One Ahmadi came with his wife, both are legal professionals. The wife had not taken Bai'at although her husband had done Tabligh to her. She took Bai'at at Jalsa and said that she found the experience of attending Jalsa most extraordinary. She said she knew of the beauties of Islam through her husband's Tabligh but accepted it with absolute conviction at Jalsa during meeting with Huzoor. She wept with emotion throughout in spite of her relative youth. Another guest from Albania also announced during meeting that he accepted Ahmadiyyat with full conviction.

A guest from Kosovo said he had attended last year's Jalsa as well but found this year the organisation and arrangements to be distinctively better.

Sixty two guests came from Macedonia; fourteen were Christian and thirty seven non Ahmadi Muslims. They travelled thirty six hours to get to Jalsa. The group included two journalists who recorded Jalsa on camera and said they would broadcast it on TV on their return home. One guest said he was taking great memories of Jalsa with him adding that even developed countries could not organise an event like Jalsa. Another guest said it was the first time in his life that he had met so many good people. He was most impressed by the message of Islam and said that Ahmadis put in practice all that the banners at Jalsa proclaimed. A journalist guest from Macedonia said that he had been around the world as a journalist but had found Jalsa programme to be excellent. He was impressed by the general air of tolerance and brotherhood of man he experienced at Jalsa. Another guest said it was his first time at Jalsa and he heard all the addresses. He had no idea there was such a community in Islam. He now had knowledge as well as experience of Ahmadiyyat and felt as he was part of the Jama'at. Another guest said he would reflect on whatever he had listened to during Jalsa as regards the difference between Ahmadis and other Muslims. He suggested that Jama'at should send missionaries wherever it did not have any. Another guest said he was intimately introduced to Muslims for the first time at Jalsa and he listened to the addresses informing him about Islam.

A guest from Bosnia said he did not have a very strong connection with the Jama'at but after meeting Hazrat Khalifatul Masih he had feelings of closeness and had great respect for Huzoor.

A Russian family came from Sweden with a new Ahmadi. He accepted Ahmadiyyat in 2013 but had not met Hazrat Khalifatul Masih. He was very emotional after meeting Huzoor. He had a bad leg and during his travel to Jalsa needed to stop every two hours to stretch his leg. However, he did not feel the need to stop during the return journey which was seventeen hours long and put it down to the blessings of Jalsa.

A lady guest from Croatia said she had read a book of the head of the Ahmadiyya Jama'at and had also read his addresses to Peace Symposiums 2014/2015. She had assumed he would have a severe personality but meeting him allayed this impression.

A guest from Hungary said he was very impressed how everyone, young and old greeted each other warmly at Jalsa. Although he did not understand the language people spoke their faces showed him that they were all dispensing feelings of love. He said he had seen the east and the west but had never seen what he saw at Jalsa ever before. Another guest from Hungary who is a Jew had reservations when talking to our missionary before coming to Jalsa. However, after meeting Huzoor he said that not only Ahmadis believed in Love for all hatred for none, but also practiced it. He has also offered his help and support to the Jama'at in Hungary. Another guest from Hungary who is originally from Burkina Faso came with his daughters. His wife is Hungarian and did not want the daughters to accompany the father on their own, so she sent her mother along. The maternal grandmother was very impressed by the Jalsa and borrowed a scarf to cover her head. She was very emotional during meeting with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih and said the world of Jalsa/Ahmadiyyat was a different world in a very positive sense.

A guest from Germany, originally from Central African Republic, said when he was invited to Jalsa he assumed at the most there would be hundred guests. Attending Jalsa transformed his view and he felt he was in a trance-like state all the time.

A guest from Montego said he listened to the speeches and observed the general arrangements and found them all extraordinary. Another guest from Montego said Muslims say that, God forbid, Ahmadis do not accept the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). However, what he closely observed with his own eyes at Jalsa made him realise the allegations were entirely false.

A guest from Belgium who is originally from Morocco said the spiritual ambience of Jalsa had moved his very soul. He said seeing Hazrat Khalifatul Masih his viewpoint had changed and he said may God enable him to take Bai'at.

A German guest said attending Jalsa was a first time opportunity for him to understand Ahmadiyyat. Whatever Hazrat Khalifatul Masih had said was the truth and if the people put it in practice the world would be a peaceful place.

A new Ahmadi from France who took Bai'at three weeks ago said he has always been a Muslim but had no steadfastness of faith. When he offered Salat behind Hazrat Khalifatul Masih for the first time ever he experienced tearful emotions. He said he experienced Divine signs every day since accepting Ahmadiyyat.A student guest said prior to coming to Jalsa he had very negative impression of Islam garnered through the electronic media. But coming to Jalsa he found everything to be so different and positive. He said he observed true Islam among the Ahmadis.

A guest from Lithuania who is a lawyer said he was most impressed by the Jalsa. He had listened to the addresses of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih and felt he came to know about true Islam by coming to Jalsa. He said he would offer legal help and support to Jama'at back in Lithuania.

A guest from Bosnia said Hazrat Khalifatul Masih had presented a concept of a Living God. He said only Jama'at Ahmadiyya says that God is alive today as He always was.

A guest from German Belgian border said he did not take religion seriously prior coming to Jalsa. But attending Jalsa transformed him.

Another guest said he was enabled to take Bai'at owing to the English language address of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih. He said his heart was now replete with love and light.

A guest from Syria whose father is an Ahmadi and had done Tabligh to him but the son had not taken Bai'at. He had a question and answer session with our missionary but was still not convinced. He was asked to pray, he said he prayed anyhow, he was told to pray fervently. On the second day of Jalsa a meeting was held with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih after his address. The guest said to our missionary on the day to give him one proof of the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) from the Holy Qur'an which he did and also told him about prophecies of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and their fulfilment. The guest was ready to take Bai'at because he had found the sign he was looking for. He prayed most fervently that night and had a dream. In the dream he sees the words Al Ahmadiyya written in large letters on a wall. During the address of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih he felt he wanted to be close to Huzoor. Momentarily he felt as if he dozed off and found himself next to Huzoor. He felt greatly satisfied and as a result took Bai'at.

A Christian guest from Italy came to Jalsa who is the general secretary of an organisation called 'Religions for Peace'. He also has influence in the Vatican. He took a very positive impression of Jalsa and wrote an article in which said he had to acknowledge that he was impressed by what he saw. He said Ahmadis are truly Muslims. He said it was his personal observation that thousands belonging to different ethnicities came together at Jalsa which was managed by hundreds of volunteers. He said the person who drove him around told him that he had taken two weeks unpaid leave from work to volunteer his services for Jalsa. Regarding the address of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih he said it lead to the right path.

A Syrian guest said that he had never before seen such a well organised event. He said he had read Baraheen e Ahmadiyya and felt that no one wrote such a book in the nineteenth century in defence of Islam.

Usually guests do not draw attention to any deficiencies during Jalsa but two lady guests from Albania said that a lot of food was being wasted in the ladies section. Jalsa management, especially Lajna should focus on this. A lady guest from Macedonia said their accommodation was far off from Jalsa site and it was tiring to travel there and back. Management should facilitate close-by accommodation for such guests.””

Huzur(a.t.) mentioned that Officer-Jalsa Salana has noted few things. To note own shortfalls leads to improvement. These should be rectified in future.

People should be careful about waste material, and keep drawing each other’s attention for that.

Some people mentioned about langar-khana [free, organized vast kitchen run by volunteers – initiated by Hazrat Promised Messiah a.s.]. One type of food can be offered there. Some people thought about pasta etc. The real thing which Ahmadis come to eat here is the spiritual food….Ahmadis should eat the presented food. There shall be one dish.

Some volunteer workers become tense in certain matters which hurt others. To fulfill a rightful demand of a person in need, they can make exemption of rules. Workers should always behave kindly and softly.

Anyway, this year, the Jalsa Salana was managed very well overall.. Officer Jalsa Salana and his team worked very well compared to previous years…..Little shortcomings can remain unchecked in huge managements. Keep check for future improvements. Insha Allah. May Allah the Exalted reward all workers, they did hard work. Despite more than expected guests arrived, but bedding were made available; the problem took place first night but it was solved adequately next day….Last year, there was sound problem, this year it was solved too…..Huzur (a.t.) thanked all workers.

During the Germany visit, Huzur (a.t.) inaugurated some mosques. Brief mention: A mosque was inaugurated in Aachen city. A local citizen attended the ceremony, he said that 2 or 3 years ago, he heard Huzur’s address in European parliament. Today he came to see and compare whether Khalifah presents teaching of peace before important people and at big platform or he does so in other programs which are attended by people of less influence. (He wanted to see if double policy was being acted.). He said: Today I heard address of Khalifah, he presented the same teaching which he presented in European Parliament. He asked everyone to love each other, to practice approbation patience and big-heartedness, and to deal each other virtuously. All this matters have impressed me much………..Similarly, mayor of the city and others people gave their views.

In the province Hessen, mosque Bait ul Wahid was inaugurated in Hanau. District commissioner who is also member of parliament gave his views. He said that the speech of Khalifah of time has placed very good effect on us. Khalifah addressed the non-Muslim citizens directly, and drew their attention that they are from One God that is why they should take care of each other’s honour of self, and solve problems through the path of peace. He said address should be made available on internet. He requested for a script there.

A lady member of parliament of Germany said: Today I am very happy to attend the inauguration of this mosque. Before this I was present at the inauguration of mosque in Floersheim These days, there are fears about teaching of Islam, it is essential that we all should give message of peace together. Today the construction of mosque of Jama'at Ahmadiyya indicates that we all want to live with peace love and goodwill together. This mosque is clear manifestation of the matter that it is country of Ahmadis.

Among many other comments: A guest said: It was very difficult for me to make a good opinion about Islam. But today the Islam which is presented by Khalifatul Messiah, by viewing this Islam I feel Islam is religion which give teaching of peace and mercy. This concept of Islam is exactly according to thought of Quran.

An engineer who worked in the construction of mosque, he said: I fully agree with all thing what he [Huzur a.t.] said. I thought this ceremony will be like that of Church, which is mostly a show, but it was simple and very good event.

All these programs were covered through electronic media very well.

Collectively, in various newspapers, 88 news were published.

Message / news about events reached to 107 million people through 8 radios and 4 TV channels.

About Jalsa Salana Germany:

36 news were published in newspapers. Total 32 million readership.

3 popular radio stations, 4 TV channels gave news.

The largest online newspaper in Germany with 17.5 million circulation: On the last day of Jalsa, its lady journalist interviewed Huzur (a.t.). It will be published in 2 parts as film. [34 million total publishing for both parts].

Inauguration of mosques:

50 news appeared in various newspapers ---- 62 million total readership.

2 radio stations gave news about inauguration of mosque Baitul Wahid Hanau.

Famous RTL tv interviewed Huzur (a.t.) on inauguration, gave news about 2 minute 23 second in evening.

Aachen mosque: news published in 3 newspapers. 116000 readership.

Foundation stone placing of a mosque: News appeared in newspapers with 6 million readers.

Inauguration of a mosque: 4 news in newspapers. 2600,000 readership.

Die Zeit weekly newspaper [every Thursday since 1946] published interview of Hazrat Khaliful Messiah (a.t.) – 1.5 million readership – average 500,000 copies bought by people – internet edition online, 5 million viewers….Interview was taken by an Ahmadi journalist. By the grace of Allah the Exalted, now Ahmadis are coming in media, and conveying the true message of Islam by this medium. May Allah the Exalted grant blessing in their knowledge and insight.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) said:

Thus, on one hand, the Jalsa Salana becomes a means of progress in spirituality and training of our own people (about which men and ladies continue to write to Huzur a.t.) on the other hand it become a source to present the real picture of Islam to others. Due to it, Bai'at are done. Many people who were not ready to do Bai'at according to knowledge of administration became ready to do Bai'at after meeting me and asking some questions. Thus, of which blessings, human pay thank; of which bounty human pay thank which Allah the Exalted bestow on us. May Allah enable Jama'ats now to take care of these blessings, and may they infuse these new Bai'at-doers in them, and may these blessings of Jalsa continue to spread more widely. May Allah the Exalted enable all people of Jama'at too, who attended, to get permanent benefit of all blessings, and make us real thankful. [Aameen]

Reference: Based on Friday sermon (June 12, 2015, UK) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help) UK – alislam.org, mta.tv