Thank you for the story ... the first few lines I already love, they put us straight on the "path leading to truth"
Prajñānam brahma - Brahman is pure consciousness (Aitareya Upanishad 3.3 of the Rig Veda)
The Vedas clearly state that Brahman is pure consciousness.
However in the story, we can see Virochana,leader of the demons,deludedly believing Brahman is not pure consciousness and is the body and imparting his deluded knowledge to others without discretion resulting in whole-scale diffusion of ignorance.
Indra on the other hand, was more intelligent and diligent, and realized the Vedic dictum that Brahman is pure consciousness through his own investigation, study and contemplation.
This story is highlighted in Vedic philosophy as a classic study of delusion which is highly probable in the philosophy of Advaita on account of the difficulty for proper comprehension. This enables students of the philosophy to be wary of such incorrect deviations in the proper study of Advaita.
Srimad Bhagavatham, the sacred biography of Krishna also prophesizes and warns of the high probability of deluded understanding of Upanishadic philosophy in the Kali Yuga.
Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.32: Cities will be dominated by thieves, the Vedas will be contaminated by speculative interpretations of atheists, political leaders will virtually consume the citizens, and the so-called priests and intellectuals will be devotees of their bellies and genitals.
This prophecy of the sacred scripture Srimadbhagavatham is enough caution for any sincere student of Upanishadic philosophy to be on their guard so as not to fall in the clutches of Maya and end up weak and deluded.