I find it disturbing that some anti-Brexit people seem actually to hope for the UK to collapse into strife rather than accept the will of the people.
I don't hope the UK collapses into strife. I hope the UK dissolves and fades into the history books where it belongs. What I see though is a government voted in by England preparing to impose martial law on the UK in the event of a no-deal Brexit. I don't doubt for a minute that they'll such an opportunity to close down our Parliament and arrest our MSPs as soon as they can.
If they do I would want to fight and I hope my countrymen wouldn't take such a thing lying down.
The Remoaners started picking fights on the majority of their country as soon as they lost the democratic vote.
Only a self-entitled Leaver would consider a result won through cheating to be democratic. Screw the rest of us. So long as you get the result you want, and regardless of how the vote was rigged, what you want is democratic like it or not.
The Scots would be ill advised to leave their English benefactor and hitch their wagon to the dwindling EU star.
You've given us no reason to assume the EU is dwindling beyond your desire for that to happen. Quite the opposite, it is the UK which is at very real risk of fracturing. The mindless pursuit of a hard English Brexit is alienating the populations of Scotland & Northern Ireland to the point where independence for the former, and reunification for the latter, look more appealing than maintaining the British Union. This approach is also jeopardising the Good Friday Agreement
And the shine is quickly fading from this 'England subsidises Scotland' myth. It doesn't add up; why would the Conservatives choose to keep control of a population who consistently vote against them and are an economic drain? Look at how they treat the poor, the disabled and the vulnerable. It's despicable. Now try and square that with the fact the Tories want Scotland to stay in the UK.
Why do they want us around? Our ****ing charm? No. The truth is because Scotland is an asset to the UK; in fact it's more than likely we who subsidise England. Or, more specifically, Westminster. It's Scotland's oil, not yours.
There may be some projection operating here as well. I wonder how Scottish and Irish feel about the idea of England being its benefactor, given the often bloody story of their relationships with that land.
It doesn't stand up to scrutiny. For all that they moan about us being scroungers and a liability, the English-dominated Unionist parties are strangely desperate for us to keep the UK together. The only reason I can think of is we're not as big of a liability as they want us to think we are.
And this condescending 'we English are very generous to the Scots' superiority complex is a bit grating, if I'm being honest.
I used to love my country and I am doing my best to continue to do so while others around seem to want to drag its name through the mud.
This doesn't match up to the fact you're actively supporting a political decision you know was gained illegally and will result in completely avoidable massive economic damage for your country, and which could result in its dissolution.
The Scots would do well not to look a gift horse in the mouth. The EU would not treat them so generously.
The same gift horse that is grabbing powers back from our parliament without our consent; is reducing our budget in real terms by transferring increased responsibility for expenditure without the commensurate responsibility for revenue to match; and whose politicians have consistently squandered our resources for their own selfish gains?
I think not. The UK should be dissolved. If England wants to be an isolationist rump state then it is not our responsibility to try and persuade you otherwise. Go on and seal yourselves off from the world. Continue to live in your deluded bubble of glorious Empire. We shall move on without you and be all the better off for it.