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BrisbaneMosque:Justice, Attention toward Allah, Dress of Taqwa, Moderation, Convey the Message.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.
Say, ‘My Lord has enjoined justice. And fix your attentions aright at every mosque (towards Allah) and call upon Him, making Deen pure for Him. As he brought you into being first time, similarly shall you return ( to Him after death).’ [Holy Quran, Surah Al Araf, chapter 7, verse 30]

O children of Adam! Take your adornment (dress of Taqwa) at every mosque, and eat and drink, but be not immoderate; surely, He does not love those who are immoderate. [Surah Al Araf, chapter 7, verse 32]

By the Grace of Allah the Exalted, Ahmadiyya Muslims in Brisbane, Australia are enabled to make a mosque. They had bought this place 15 years ago; a mission house and a hall were being used for offering Salaat and other spiritual activities. The mosque has brought a splendor.

By the Grace of Allah, there is a unique relation between Jama'at and Khilafat. It is due to the teaching and Pledge of Allegiance which Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) enjoined and it contains a condition about the relation of love, brotherhood and obedience with him and that continues for his Khilafat too.

Holy Khalifah (may Allah be his Helper) has been asking Jama'at worldwide to make mosques as they are means for conveying the message. In 2006, when he came here, he asked them to make a mosque and by the Grace of Allah, they are able to do so.

When, in the past, there was a simple center where Ahmadiyya Muslims were offering Salaat, there was no objection by the neighbours. However, when the permission of a mosque was sought, it was opposed by the neighbours. That is how people thought…..Eventually, after the efforts of 8 or 9 months, the local council allowed. Construction of this mosque and renovation of adjacent existing buildings in the state of Queensland started after December 2012 and is completed now in 4.5 million Australian dollars with the hearty sacrifices of Ahmadiyya Muslims; two of them offered 125, 000 and 100,000 dollars. Ladies preserved their tradition and offered their jewelry for the mosque. May Allah, bless the lives and wealth of all those who offered sacrifice.

Ahmadiyya Muslims should always remember that their sacrifices stem from love, purity and obedience with lasting passions, which are transferred to generations. These passions remain alive when members act on the commandments of Allah, they have connection with Allah, they pay rights of mosque and pay rights of Pledge of Allegiance made with the ardent devotee of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) i.e with the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace).


MY LORD HAS ENJOINED THE JUSTICE: from 7:30…..Justice is unit, starts from home and reaches to international matters. World peace depends on justice. When right of justice is not paid, discord starts.

= JUSTICE WITH COMMANDMENTS OF ALLAH…. To do justice with the commandments of Allah is required which benefits human. Believers should offer 5 obligatory Salaat with positive changes in self and with paying dues to creation of Allah.

= JUSTICE WITH FAMILY….Husband is enjoined to pay rights of wife; take care of her needs; be kind to her; pay heed to her blood relations; respect her parents, brothers and sisters and relatives; have no greed for her wealth; train the children by self-example so that they remain connected with Din….[Observations: Boys of 13 / 14 years are affected by the model of father’s indulgence in protection of Din, worships, Salaat, recitation of Holy Quran….Usually it is ladies who request Holy Khalifah (a.t.) to pray for their children’s faith. ].-------Wife should take care the responsibilities of the home; respect husband and his relatives; watch the children.------- In this environment, parents need to pay special attention to children’s spiritual training. Both of them have to be good Ahmadiyya Muslim first and then teach the children about it. First, the parents should offer Salaat then tell the children to do so. Then parents would be able to teach the children why they are different from others. Giving good training to children is justice with them.

= SOCIETAL JUSTICE….All men and women who consider themselves momin / believers should pay mutual rights. There should be justice in business and other matters. Allah has declared the Jama'at of believers as one body. To achieve that standard, they have to feel each other’s pains and pay rights of that. Promised Messiah has enjoined about that. We tell the world about justice, we have to show models for this. Lack of fine understanding to do justice with rights of others leaves worships useless. If such understanding exists, each act become worship. Offering Salaat make true believers to pay rights of creation of Allah. Ahmadiyya Muslims know this fact well because they have accepted and made Bai'at with the Imam of the age – the Promised Messiah (a.s.) so that they can collect blessings of Allah by paying right of worship of Allah which is the purpose of life. The Promised Messiah (a.s.) says that to show kindness and sympathy with creation of Allah is great worship. It is a great way to get pleasure of Allah.

This beautiful teaching fulfils rights of justice, brings person closer to Allah. A person who pays rights of creation and goes to mosque for Prayer comes into the lap of Allah.

AND FIX YOUR ATTENTION ARIGHT AT EVERY MOSQUE (TOWARDS ALLAH) AND CALL UPON HIM: from 7:30….This is the way to gather blessings of Allah. At each effort of ours, a blessing of Allah descends. If that blessing does not accompany us, we cannot do any virtue and cannot have great results of the virtues. The true virtue is the one which fixes our attention toward Allah.

MAKING DEEN PURE FOR HIM: 7:30….. Help of Allah should be requested so that we are among those who call upon Allah making deen pure for him. For them Allah says: ‘…..I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he prays to Me…..’ (2:187)……Promised Messiah (a.s.) says that it is essential for acceptance of prayers that person should bring positive changes in him………Human should not violate limits told by Allah. Holy Quran mentions all such limits in the form of commandments. By following these, person gets nearness of Allah and acceptance of prayers.

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Peace be upon you.


“All the spiritual beauty of human is to walk on the fine ways of Taqwa (righteousness). The fine ways of Taqwa are the attractive features and beautiful contours of spiritual beauty.

And it is obvious that, to be mindful of God the Exalted’s trusts and covenants of faith to the best of ability, AND

from head to feet, all faculties and limbs --- which overtly include eyes, ears, hand and feet and other limbs and covertly include heart, other faculties and morals --- they should be used at suitable occasion, according to capacity AND

to stop them from disallowed occasions AND

to stay alert from their hidden attacks AND

in addition to that, to be mindful of rights of people.

This is the way, spiritual beauty of human is attached with. And God the Exalted has called it dress of Taqwa in the Holy Quran; so ‘libas ut taqwa’ is an expression of Holy Quran. This is an indication that spiritual beauty and spiritual ornament are born from Taqwa (righteousness). And Taqwa means that human should be mindful of God’s all trusts and covenants of faith and also of all trusts of creation and covenant, to the best of ability. That is, one must act up to their very fine points, to the best of the power.” ---- [Brahin e Ahmadiyya, Part V, Ruhani Khazain]

=Thus, Ahmadiyya Muslims must have to take care of their trusts and covenants. They have to give precedence to faith over worldly matters. If is observed, their worships would bring them closer to Allah.

=The new mosque will attract people. Thus it is essential to pay right of mosque. Just raising a mosque is not sufficient. Come to mosque with ornament, which is Taqwa basically. According to Promised Messiah (a.s.) Taqwa means when rights of Allah and people are being paid.

= Raise the standards of worship.

= Take care of dignity of mosque.

= If anyone does not offer 5 obligatory Salaat and requests the Khalifah (a.t.) for prayer, it is not okay. Promised Messiah (a.s.) came for revival of Islam i.e. to make new earth and new heavens. To achieve this purpose, each man and woman, young or elder, they have to pay rights of trusts by walking on Taqwa. When a companion (r.a.) requested Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) for prayer, he (s.a.w.) said to companions (r.a.) to help him with his prayers too……One should be Wali (Friend of Allah) and do not worship Wali, as Promised Messiah (a.s.) said. It means one should have connection with Allah and remain connected with Jama'at through Khilafat.

= Populate the mosque and come with ornament of Taqwa. Pay mutual rights. Spread true message of Islam in the region. If these right are paid, then believers’ sacrifices of wealth and time in making this mosque will be accepted by Allah, and they will see scenes of Allah.

=Sayings of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) mentions that believers, who come to mosque with pure intention of worship, they will granted hospitality by Allah…..A believer who pay attention to Allah, from one Salaat to other, is like the one who guards the border………….Worship saves.

EAT AND DRINK BUT BE NOT IMMODERATE: from 7:32….A righteous person eats halal and pure with moderation. Food affects thoughts and emotions. Excessive eating makes a person lazy and dull. Those who eat too much at night find difficult to wake up for Fajr Salaat. Holy Quran says that non believers’ focus on food is like animals’. Purpose of believers is very high which is worship of Allah. Allah has made all halal and pure things for the benefit of humanity but aim should not be the world. When world is objective, one does not feel interest in worship. Allah does not like such waste. Allah has not prohibited to earn wealth and has asked believers to do their works with full attention and justice. But if earning takes one away from Salaat, it makes one loses blessings of Allah. May Allah save each of us from such wastes which may take us away from Allah. By the Grace of Allah, a great majority of Jama'at understands these responsibilities.

Jama'at understands the sense of financial sacrifice. They do not spend on the selves only. After making mosques, there is a continuous worldwide need to populate mosques…..This new mosque is beautiful with minaret and dome. New and renovated area can accommodate 1000 Salaat-offeres. Pray that may it soon become smaller; Jama'at needs to convey the message to locals. This mosque is the first step. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that mosque introduces Islam and people pay attention to it…… May local members act on it too. Wherever Ahmadiyya Muslims have built mosques in the world, the introduction to Islam increased manifold…....Many of the existing members, here, have come because they were not allowed to pray in their homeland with freedom (where persecution continues; e.g. at a place, Ahmadiyya Muslims were asked to demolish dome and minaret of their mosque and upon refusal, case was filed) …… They should feel their responsibility and teach their children about it. Be thankful to Allah by populating the mosque and conveying the message of Allah.

Reference: Based on Friday Sermon, 25 th October 2013 by Hadhrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah strengthen him with His Mighty Help), Brisbane, Australia, mta.tv and alislam.org
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