Pantheism is god or divinity is in all. The Buddha doesn't stop there nor calls it that. He says the famous phrase "emptiness is form and form is emptiness". He is basically saying there is no one or the other. There is no divinity vs divinity. Full understanding of life is a blank slate. Once you
name it it is no longer a Buddhist teaching.
The Buddha taught non attachment and that means attachment to calling something divine. So, pantheism wouldn't be a good fit for Buddhism because it's labeling the source of life (divinity) where The Buddha taught there is none and there is a source at the same time. There is a source in Buddhism and that source is there is no source. It wraps around each other. Once you put ears, eyes, and noes on it, it becomes an attachment to defining something that, by its nature, isn't definable.
Reminds me when Jews say they cannot or not allow to describe or define god. Extend that a bit. It's not that a Buddhist can't describe reality or life. It's just once you start describing you defeat the point of non attachment. Describing life includes labeling the divine within it as well.
That's what I think
@buddhist means "beyond all". Though, I haven't read that sutra before and can't make out the context.