Oh yes, a good example. As someone who was bullied as a child, who learned to live in fear, a certain seething anger becomes a part of you, and when certain situations arise, aggressive impulses come out against what you would want as an adult. You're right about the higher man being the voice of calm and reason, but a raging hurt child is not an easy bull to tame.It's the same principle on an individual level. An individual, bullied a lot, may well become the bully when the opportunity arises. Only the higher man can turn down his instinct for power at will.
It's a process between the awakening realization of higher mind, and the programmed habitual internal responses being recognized and let go of in service of higher truth. Those that don't recognize these internal "demons", are an accident waiting to happen. Shadows are something all of us have. When denied, they become demons. When seen and recognized for what they are, they become no longer feared and serve us as their kind Master.