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Bush and his cronies told 935 lies to lead us to war


Done here.
The Associated Press: Study: False Statements Preceded War

The Center for Public Integrity and the Fund for Independence in Journalism have completed a study documenting 935 lies told by George W. Bush and members of his administration during the two years preceding our invasion of Iraq as "part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war under decidedly false pretenses."

The study documented lies told by Bush and his cronies as follows:
George W. Bush lied 260 times.
Colin Powell lied 254 times.
Donald Rumsfeld lied 109 times.
Ari Fleischer lied 109 times.
Paul Wolfowitz lied 85 times.
Condoleeza Rice lied 56 times.
Dick Cheney lied 48 times.
Scott McClellan lied 14 times.
Obviously, this is not the total number of lies told by these officials; these are just the lies the created a pretext for invading Iraq.

Read the report here: Iraq: The War Card - The Center for Public Integrity


Veteran Member
If any question why we died
Tell them, because our fathers lied- R. Kipling
What a waste of fine young lives.


Done here.
i wasnt going to bother to respond but hey what the heck , the whole wprld and his dog thought saddam had wmds ,saddam led everyone to beleive he had wmds, the only lies that caused the Iraq war were Saddams.
Saddam's web: the network he used to fool a corrupt UN - Scotsman.com News
Fraser Nelson cites the Iraq Survey Report, but fails to note that it concluded that Saddam had suspended all his WMD programs in 1991 and had made no effort to re-start them. It also concluded that Iraq was in no position to manufacture WMDs.

Also, Saddam said he didn't have any weapons of mass destruction, and allowed UN inspectors to return to Iraq in November 2002 to verify that fact.

Furthermore, George Tenet informed Bush in September 2002 that Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction. This fact was known Bush and his administration, and we know now that they knew. Unfortunately, the administration deliberately concealed that information from Congress and from the American people. Whether Saddam lied about it or not is totally irrelevant. If Saddam did lie, Bush knew that he was lying.

The Bush administration based its case for Iraqi WMDs in part on forged documents that it knew to be unreliable -- because the CIA informed the administration that the documents were unreliable.

On the other hand, neocons in the Bush cabinet had advocated an invasion of Iraq for years, and the Cabinet had actually agreed on an invasion even before the 9/11 attacks.

Fraser Nelson quotes Tariq Aziz as saying that Saddam could have been two years away from building an atomic bomb. If Tariq Azis actually said that, he was lying -- and Bush administration officials knew it.

In short, there was no failure of intelligence. There was a deliberate campaign of disinformation calculated to deceive the United Nations, the Congress of the United States, and the American people.


then tell the world ,tell the news papers get them arrested ,find a lawyer have bush indicted , and add tariq aziz to you list of liars .


Done here.
then tell the world ,tell the news papers get them arrested ,find a lawyer have bush indicted , and add tariq aziz to you list of liars .
To hold Bush accountable, he'd have to be impeached, and Nancy Pelosi and John Conyers have deliberately blocked any attempt to impeach Bush or Cheney.


Done here.
Hummm, maybe Scott McClellan should be the next president he doesn't lie too much.
Well, we're only talking about one particular kind of lie, and Scott only became White House spokesman after the war had already started. He lied plenty later, and about other things.


Well-Known Member
Well, we're only talking about one particular kind of lie, and Scott only became White House spokesman after the war had already started. He lied plenty later, and about other things.

I see, I kind of have become very detached living over seas and I think if I ever return to the US to visit it will have culture shock, on the other hand I kind of doubt I ever will return as the embassy can not take the time to file the birth of my child to spite the fact they charge $250 for a birth certificate.


Done here.
I see, I kind of have become very detached living over seas and I think if I ever return to the US to visit it will have culture shock, on the other hand I kind of doubt I ever will return as the embassy can not take the time to file the birth of my child to spite the fact they charge $250 for a birth certificate.
Holy fright. That's pretty good pay for two minutes of work.


Well-Known Member
To hold Bush accountable, he'd have to be impeached, and Nancy Pelosi and John Conyers have deliberately blocked any attempt to impeach Bush or Cheney.

If Pelosi loves Cheney so much, maybe McCain will pick him to be VP for another 8 years. Of course, Dick will probably be wearing a mobile iron lung like Darth Vader by the end of his fourth term as VP, but at least he will keep the profits rolling in Iraq for his buddies.

Dr. Nosophoros

Active Member
I honestly don't know when I stopped counting but it shows how easy it is for perceived powerful people in perceived important places (all taught) can sway the general public enough to affect change according to their own plans, this goes for everything. The golden rule to me is, if you play by someone else's rules, at least expect to get F***D- that's the short and skinny as far as I am concerned.
All things considered, election year is a great time to put things like this out and draw attention to them for the same reasons but for different purposes. The general publics mind is the playground and they seem to generally be affected by all the methods of the day, my advice, wise up.


Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
False statement <> lie... I'll admit I didn't read the whole thing, but it is pretty hard, unless you have recordings of someone admitting they know differently, to prove a lie...


Well-Known Member
What's the definition of "lie" that the report uses? Your post #4 ignores the other side of the debate. I'm not a Bush supporter, but I call it as I see it and this is blatant propaganda without any useful purpose.


Done here.
What's the definition of "lie" that the report uses? Your post #4 ignores the other side of the debate.
I linked to the report; it would have been a simple matter to take a look at it. However, lies is my word. The report says false statements.

I'm not a Bush supporter, but I call it as I see it and this is blatant propaganda without any useful purpose.
If you don't see any purpose in the voters having any idea what the politicians are up to, I guess you'd see it that way.

This doesn't prove anything. There were two sides to the debate and Bush picked the wrong side. That doesn't necessarily make one a liar.
Do you ever read these things before you comment on them?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
i wasnt going to bother to respond but hey what the heck , the whole world and his dog thought saddam had wmds ,saddam led everyone to beleive he had wmds, the only lies that caused the Iraq war were Saddams.
Saddam's web: the network he used to fool a corrupt UN - Scotsman.com News

I knew he didn't have WMDs! Anyone who read or listened to serious analysis of the situation, especially from the "alternative" press, was well aware that taffy was being distributed.