Everyone? Please excuse, but I don't understand your reference here. If you can't or won't explain, that's ok, I understand, and perhaps that will curtail our conversation. So I hope you will explain what you mean by everyone in reference to Newton, etc. and angels, but if not, ok. Thanks.
The reference was about angels termed "elohim" in the bible and also referred to as God's children, which includes everyone. Newton, Plato, etc. were teachers whose works were found worthy to keep a record of. They've since passed from this earth, meaning they have lived and died, already. Thankfully, we still have their works to reflect upon as people. Many of us will likewise have our contributions documented and preserved.
Sometimes our contributions are small and left to family security. Other times they are larger, more profound, and because of the impact they have had on society, become wider spread and distributed among us. They are documented and preserved also. They are our contributions to the world we live in as Gods children, or rather humans, angels - "elohim".
This application of the term would not be contrary to even those in the secular communities. If you like, I could resist using old terms like angels, demons, elohim, etc and simply call everyone what the modern world calls us, humans. Do we truly need to connect the dots from then to now in effort to convey an applicable understanding to our pasts on earth?
Why not just use modern language?