See, earlier you framed it like this:
Godless – evolution (it happened we just have to figure out how)
Faithful – creation
Theist/Catholic/Christian – evolution (just trust science)
And while I think this is a little oversimplified, I would say that it's a fairly accurate representation of the sides an individual may take on the issue, in that it covers that creation is a strictly theistic, faith-based position; while evolution can be a position held by both atheists and theists that is based on scientific inquiry rather than faith.
However, in this post, you're basically saying that the first and third groups are approaching it with bias, whereas the "faithful" group can "see clearly" that evolution "didn't happen".
It's a shame. For a moment there, I thought you were actually showing some objectivity. Turns out it's just you saying "I know what I believe is true and that makes me completely unbiased". I find it very difficult not to laugh when people say things like "I communicate directly with God and I know he exists and his word is the Bible, and this means I know X, Y or Z are false". It's basically like saying "I am extremely biased and have a mindset that is entirely dependent on X, Y and Z being false because I've decided that's what I want to believe, and this means I know X, Y and Z are false." If you want to come across as unbiased, it's best not to explain your bias first.