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Calvinism or Arminianism?


Oldest Heretic
I would tend to Arminianism and believe Calvin to be in total error.
The following link give a very clear view of the two positions, which are diametrically opposed on faith and salvation.

Comparison of Calvinism and Arminianism

my view are closer to the Remonstrants or closer still to The Non Subscribing Presbyterians.
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Active Member
which one do you believe in and why?
Neither. The word 'Arminian' was invented by Calvinists to hide the fact of their own heresy, which had been condemned by the RCC long before Calvin. Just because Catholicism is wrong on the matter of justification does not mean that it is wrong on everything. What Arminius taught was no different from what had been taught since the early church; it's just that he was a Protestant. Calvinism was a means of presenting rich people as morally acceptable, after the medieval means of doing that (Catholicism) had become disreputable.
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Neither. The word 'Arminian' was invented by Calvinists to hide the fact of their own heresy, which had been condemned by the RCC long before Calvin. Just because Catholicism is wrong on the matter of justification does not mean that it is wrong on everything. What Arminius taught was no different from what had been taught since the early church; it's just that he was a Protestant. Calvinism was a means of presenting rich people as morally acceptable, after the medieval means of doing that (Catholicism) had become disreputable.

VERY INTERESTING, tell me more!

I reject all 5 points of Calvinism, to be sure. The last to go was eternal security, which not able to fault the logic, I decided was asking an improper question. I would point to Romans 10 and say that is not a proper thing for a Christian, not living by faith, to even ask who is saved and who is damned let alone usurp the position of God to make any judgements on the matter. It is all part and parcel of the manipulative legalistic approach to religion to seek assurances as if you could bind God to your will with contracts and promises.
I don't want to believe in predestination but I think that the New Testament is clear that it exists making numerous references. The old testament like Genesis provides context clues that suggest to me that there isn't predestination, like God asking Cain about Abel's whereabouts (why ask if you are God? why play little games with people in eden? Didn't God predestine Cain's murder of his brother? ) or God saying I will go down and look at Babel and observe what the humans are doing, why check if you know beforehand? but the context clues are only as confusing to me as God's reference to himself in the plural in Genesis as US, Elohim, so it is still clear that the New Testament says, predestination. To me, if one event in the universe is predestined than all events that touch that event in time and space must also be predestined, and all the events/objects/atoms connected to that, etc., therefore all events would have to be predestined.