Well-Known Member
You misunderstand the American system. Millions upon millions have qualified for essentially free medical care, called medicaid.Can countries respond to Coronavirus without Medical Aid for All?
Your news channel has already told you that there are already 8000 cases (yesterday). We are hearing that 40-70% of the World's population could be affected by this sickness.
Fatality rates vary from 5% (Wuhan) to about 2-3% elsewhere. The shops in N. Italy are cleared out daily for emergency supplies. In the UK it is impossible to purchase hand cleanser from retail stores. Stocks and Shares are mostly crashing apart from the Pharmaceutical Industry. A gold sovereign has risen in value from about £225 before Christmas last year to £310 today..... the price of gold is one of the best 'crisis' thermometers there is.
But folks are already asking how countries like the United States could cope with such a pandemic if many millions of its citizens are not provided for with automatic medical aid!
As people become ill or are exposed to the virus they must be quarantined AND looked after. This issue seems to be obscured by folks calling out about how this could influence politics, but the big question is:-
Are we all preparing for a Communal and United Effort to Save People in such a Pandemic?
Those who do not have a private plan, medicare, or medicaid, MUST be treated at any emergency room of any hospital regardless of ability to pay.
In a situation such as the corona virus, the government may declare that all infected be treated, or monitored, or that however many tested be tested free.
The US has the premiere Center for Disease Control, which is consulted by, and provides in country aid, to countries around the world.
We will deal with it better than most countries, perhaps all countries.,
You don't have to be concerned about us.
Why would people who have no understanding of our system in Britain be asking questions about us?
Quite interesting.
Are they asking about China, where it started and everyone has the same cookie cutter medical aid?
Seems to me that we all should be concerned about their abilities, treatment system, and the failure of their government controlled efforts, that failed.