That's fine, but it doesn't make my explanation go away.
Twisting the facts to blur and confuse the issue seems to be your mo. Which, by the way, I must admit you are very good at. Let me put it to you this way: I pointed out the NT verses that literally state He did not sin. You conveniently reject that part of scripture as being invalid (hmmm.. wonder why?) Then you express your interpretation of a circumstance of which "you feel" He did sin. Thus, I have written literal evidence stating He did not sin. You have circumstantial evidence saying He did. It's a no contest amigo.
I'm not simply rejecting those verses. I'm simply pointing out a contradiction. If the Gospels state that Jesus sinned, which they do, then I tend to agree with them instead of some random Epistle that was primarily included into the Bible simply because it was thought to have been written by Paul. I choose to look at all of the information, and make a decision upon that. I see no reason why any follower of Jesus would make up a story of Jesus obviously sinning. Thus, I take it for a fact that he was a sinner. And being such, there is a clear contradiction.
So I reject part of the scripture as being historically correct as a must. If the scripture says two opposite things, then logically, both can't be correct. If the scripture states that Jesus is sinless, and at the same time, points out where he sinned, then both can't be correct. Since both can't be correct, it is illogical to assume both are. Which is why I've stated repeatedly that the NT contradicts itself.
Furthermore, it is no circumstantial evidence. I don't feel that Jesus sinned. I can look at the Gospels, study them, and clearly see that he did in fact sin by disrespecting his mom. I don't feel that is a sin. I understand that it is a sin, as the Bible clearly states so.
The geneologies in the gospels differ because each gospel writer placed different emphasis on their individual geneologies to appeal to their intended ethnic audience. No contradiction exists.
So even though they clearly disagree, there is no contradiction. Even though they disagree on who Joseph's dad was, they don't contradict each other? I'm pretty sure that falls under the terms of a contradiction.
The curse of the law was completely refuted on another thread. You even gave me frubals and labeled it "good point"
First, it was never completely refuted.
Second, I guess I simply wasn't paying attention, or didn't fully read what you were saying. Because now looking over it again, there are clearly things in that post I highly disagree with. So no, there was no complete refutation.
Paul was familiar with the law. He understood, or perhaps Jesus instructed him while in the desert, that physical circumcision was a type or symbollic of the type of circumcision God really desired for Israel---circumcision of the heart. The physical act of circumcision was never meant to be an everlasting covenant to identify His people. I explain why
Paul did not get his teaching from Jesus. Jesus specifically stated that not a single letter of the law should pass. Paul taught something very different. Paul, even though he may have been familiar with the law, simply rejected it even though Jesus taught otherwise.