Holly -
i can relate to his impression of the more grand and baroque churches.
they are beautiful, and impressive- yet i've found that the formal liturgy itself can often damper emphasis on the personal, daily prayer so needed in Christian life. as a Lutheran kid, i went to a church service where the entire liturgy was chanted in English. beautiful service, beautifully sung, and many dear people there. yet at age twelve i had no idea what the "Lamb of God" was, and no understanding of how Jesus was any different from any other religious figure. i had no prayer life, no inkling to read the Bible, no idea what was in there, and no real, personal faith in Christ.
does he have any prefences as far as denomination go? at the risk of sounding like an anxious hen, it's vital for him to, whether he is able to go to church or not, read the Bible, talk to God personally and daily, and grow in Christ. if he's intimidated by one church or another, one can always take a half hour in the early morning to simply talk with one's Father, read His word, pray for others, and ask Him to give one the strength and Holy Spirit to get through the day, an ambassador for Christ.