Can I just ask does one who is fully God whilst being fully man become superior to angels and inherit a name superior to theirs? How can God become lower than angels to begin with? And how can he be given a name that is superior to what he already has? How can an immortal God die?
Those are good questions.
I think first we need to remember that God is God and He can do anything He wants.
Second, we don't have a good concept or definition of what death really is. Death isn't when we stop breathing but rather death is a separation from the God of life. When Adam sinned He was separated from God.
I AM is not a name but rather a descriptive title. I AM RAPHA, I AM NISSI, I AM SHALOM etc simply describe God in His position. The eternally existing one who reveals Himself as Healer, Victor (banner), Peace, Righteousness, etc.
When The Word filled flesh, He became the second Adam. He was above all the angels and above death. The only time death has a claim is when one sins thus no one could take His life, He gave it. Jesus was sinless. When He became sin (II Cor 5:21), when He was made our sin He became a little lower than the angels who have no sin. He didn't cease to exist (although his body did die) but there was a brief moment of separation from the Godhead. However, the Holy Spirit resurrected Jesus, because there was no legal right for Death to have a hold on Him for He Himself had never sinned, His name became the name above every name that at His name every knee would bow and confess.
In a very simplistic way of looking at it... when you die, you are separated from your body, but your body will be resurrected. It didn't mean you don't exist.
Jesus is no mere angel. He is a spirit being, the only one to be brought into existence by God's own hand.
I disagree. Hebrews specifically says he wasn't an angel. God's Holy Spirit also proceeds from the Father but He is no less part of God. No different than your soul is part of your spirit and your body is part of you.
He is "only begotten" in the sense that no other being was a direct creation of the Father. All other creation came into existence "through" the Word who existed "in the beginning" with God. (John 1:2)
I would disagree. In that The Word, which existed before the body was created as God, was made flesh. In that He was made flesh, He was the Only Begotten.
This makes the Word a creation who was the "beginning" of everything. The eternal Father had no beginning. Whereas Jesus is said to be "the beginning of the creation of/by God." (Rev 3:14)
That can also be understood that he was the author of the beginning of the creation.
Where does it say that the Word was seated back into the godhead? I must have missed that part of scripture.....
John 17:
5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was
Rev 7:
10 And cried with a loud voice, saying , Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
He was indeed seated at God's right hand......but can you show me one scripture that has the Holy Spirit on his left? No threesome = no trinity.
Nice try but no cigar.
John 14:
26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance , whatsoever I have said unto you.
The Holy Spirit is the part of God you are communicating with, is around you and everywhere. He is the one who is trying to teach you, give you the things that the Father has given the Son and show you things to come.
Perhaps it is the Bride of Christ that will sit on the left?
Or maybe it is just your theology that says there has to be a seat on the left?