Much of what scriptures (I am much more familiar with Abrahamic texts, and non-Abrahamic texts, west of ancient Sumer/Babylonia, so that would include texts from Egypt, Ugarit, Greece, Rome, Celtic British Isles, Scandinavia; I am less familiar with Persia and east of Persian, eg Vedic/Hindu, China and Japan) say about nature, are wrong, especially their creation stories.
The point is the Abrahamic texts - Tanakh, Bible & Quran - have include passages that clearly are “not natural”, especially when it write about god, angels, demons, jinns, miracles, resurrection and afterlife, heaven and hell.
These scriptures, when describing nature are also often scientifically flawed, inaccurate, or outright incorrect. The authors and editors of these scriptures demonstrated just how little they understand nature and the mechanisms of natural phenomena.
If the descriptions are inaccurate or incorrect, then how can you possibly say that your deity set up the rules of nature, when the authors themselves have no understanding how nature really work?
So no, you are not “right”.